Expo Icrontic 2018 RED CARPET

Imagine, if you will, a footrace with a giant bag of cash at the end.
Imagine, in this footrace, all the racers lined up at the gate. They are desperate. They are broke. They are hungry.
In their frenzy to be first out of the gate, some stumble. Some trip. Some jump the gun. Some cheat.
One among them waits patiently for the starting gun to fire.
The gun fires, and this racer, following all the rules, begins her race.
That first racer is @SNEAKYPURPLES, and her gazelle-like stride leads her to gracefully step around the pile of people who have tripped over themselves to be first.
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Those who stumbled begin to rise and run. The first one to get his footing underneath him is @RYDER
The cheaters begin to rise and see if anyone noticed. They begin their run, and here comes @THRAX
One pulled a beard, the other tied his opponents' shoelaces together, but they figure it out eventually, disentangle themselves, and here comes @BOBBYDIGI
Regardless of her father's cheating, we are super excited to welcome back @DIGIKID
The cheering section roars as @MALIA begins her run
All is normal and well in Icrontic-land when @MERTESN arrives
Here comes one of our resident marathon runners, with @MASSALINIE joining the fray
In a hail of fart-noises, belches, and raucous laughter, @KAINTENANCE has arrived
If you get in her way, she MIGHT Karate-Chop you: watch out for @SAZBEAN
The Dungeon Master has arrived: here comes @SAZBOOM
Rolling her eyes at her parents... here's @SAZKID
At least we see him once a year when he logs on to the site and shows up at Expo: Here's @GHOOSDUM
He may move all over the country but he always winds up in Detroit at least once a year. Here comes @GARGOYLE
From the far reaches of outer space comes our rocket-daddy @DRASNOR
Here comes dat @SODA boi
The sass is built in to her name. @SASSCHAN has arrived
Doc Guac has arrived. Here comes @HUMERUSMEG
The master of the boards has arrived. Here comes the mighty @CB
After all these years, people still ask what his forum name is. It's still just... @J
What would expo be without @SONOROUS? No expo worth going to, that's what.
OONTZ OONTZ OONTZ @DJMEPH airhorn airhorn airhorn
Every event needs a @RYANFODDER, and this one is no exception
The head wino has arrived: here comes @TUSHON
Oh, oh, oh it's @MAGIC...
The rumor is that @KWITKO is coming. Could it be?
The next generation of Icrontians is getting the lay of the land so that inevitably when we all get too old to function, they will perform a coup, perhaps led by @JOETHESHMOE
Some people run the race, but some people build the track and set up the gate... and that's our @QCH
The triumphant return of @COLGERE is happening!
She finally remembered to register in time. Expo has acquired a @LERSHEE