Google Email - Who's gonna get theirs?
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
Who's gonna sign up for google email? they are going to offer 1gig of space for free.
Google is starting to look more and more like THE DEVIL
Google is starting to look more and more like THE DEVIL
Not ready yet.
Screw e-mail, I want their servers. All of them. And their internet connection.
Thats an evil one.
Oh no, you found out about my secret fantasy. Don't tell anyone.
Actually, hotmail has two things currently:
I web pick up hotmail, in browser. It does have an adaptable antispam on the web, in fact, you can set it so it allows only folks on a white list to email to you. Set it up on the server interface, with a browser. OE does not have client end stuff, so with hotmail you end up having to web-pickup in a browser to get the benefit of hotmail antispam stuff.
Second, hotmail is virus scanned, and they started doing so before Yahoo did for virus-scanning. They have been scanning for AV on hotmail accounts for about 4 years plus-- just do not advertise it...
The folks at Hotmail actually redid the whole interface, it now has spam-mark buttons in the interface, that part is new, but I have had my hotmail account set to pretty much exclusive for over two years now. BTW, I have free hotmail account, use it for things I do not need to remote pickup-- have had it for six years.
Folks over in the EU pretty much forced Microsoft to redo the hotmail interface a while back-- like 4-5 months ago the interface work started showing up bit by bit, you do NOT need to login with IE anymore either (and this last thing is what the EU went after Microsoft to get). Hotmail does not give you headers saying that viruses have been killed, virused email is just deleted. The Hotmail antispam is trainable also, by account, like a Spam Assassin enabled server(I do not think they use that per se, but do use something LIKE it).
John D.
My junk mail has dropped way down in the past couple months. I used to get lots of it, now maybe only 1-2 every couple days.
Eh? Maybe I'm being naive here, but I assumed if you open an e-mail account with Google, you got a Gig of free space you could do what you liked with. Like storing stuff, hosting a site, linking to pix and everything else you'd do with space.
Not so? have I got this wrong?
The way they word it makes it sound like space for anything. Lets hope they allow remote linking...
I'm pretty sure it's not a gig of free webspace - it's a gig of space for your email box.. You can't link to anything or store stuff, or host a site.
I could be wrong about this, but that's the impression that I've gotten so far.
Oh. In which case, I'll have to agree with Tim
A Gig's worth of e-mails? Strewth
Not sure there I got the other idea from, I'm sure I read something about being able to access images and such.... but it isn't on there, so I must be seeing things.
A friend of mine just got invited to open an account He got the most absurdly cool name... I won't post it so he doesn't get hit with spam but it is a damn cool one, and none of that numbers-on-the-end crap.
I've been promised the top spot on his list when he is able to invite another person :bigggrin:
Apparently, it took the person who invited him about a month before he was allowed to invite another person. I have no idea if it is contingent on amount of usage or time. Damn ingenious strategy for rolling out an e-mail service so a couple creeps don't steal all the good ones though, isn't it?
Thats what I am hoping for...
But does anybody remember the whole I-Drive fiasco? They started iimposing mad restrictions. Like you could only download 100 megs a day per account, then everyone had like 25 accounts each to store/download with.
What a nightmare.
It will be quite interesting to see how this whole thing unfolds, pop3 and imapi services would be cool. are they going to allow that?
edit: I guess hotmail doesn't particularly have explicit support for POP3 ... but you CAN access it via Outlook / OE, and that's what matters. When google says they won't have support for it, I just assumed you couldn't use an application to get mail, though I may be wrong...depends how they implement things.
My friend just redirected everything he had to that account.
I'm staring at the sign up page, thinking of a name.
Oooh nooess@