Why you should always put fan grills on blowholes...
Well, I cut a couple of 120mm blowholes in my Antec SLK3700AMB case a week or so ago, but I didn't have any finger guards that would fit. So, I stuck a couple of high speed (~2500rpm, which for a 120mm fan is a lot) Delta 120x25mm fans on them without fan grills. While futzing with the mobile 2600 yesterday, I forgot about the blowholes.
The finger nearest my little finger on my right hand had a head-on collision with the side of one of those deltas' blades... the delta won.
It cut a good way into my nail, and it gave me a nice cut under the nail, too. If it hadn't been on my right hand, I would've taken a pic
but it bled a ton for such a small cut- blood running down my finger and all.
And now I just have a huge bruise under my nail that hurts like hell if I touch it.
Moral of the story: Large, high RPM fans should probably have fan guards...
On the up side, it's folding stably at 2.68GHz
The finger nearest my little finger on my right hand had a head-on collision with the side of one of those deltas' blades... the delta won.

It cut a good way into my nail, and it gave me a nice cut under the nail, too. If it hadn't been on my right hand, I would've taken a pic

And now I just have a huge bruise under my nail that hurts like hell if I touch it.

Moral of the story: Large, high RPM fans should probably have fan guards...

On the up side, it's folding stably at 2.68GHz

I can see the next SM head line: "Man decapitated by his DVD Drive"
You're turing computering into a hadzards duty job... :grin
Quick delete this thread before OSHA sees it....
Try using a small nail and a candle. hold the nail with pliers, heat it in the candle, and you will actually be able to melt a hole through your nail.
I'll bet that you remember those fans from now on.
"Probably"? There you go Geeky. Now every greedy lawyer will be sending out thousands of "have you been injured by a computer cooling fan..." letters, looking for a multi-million dollar class action lawsuit. Next thing, there will be warnings plastered all over little fans. That won't be enough, as litigation will force manufacturers to sell no 12vDC fans with capabilities of revolutions per minute over 500. And the lawsuit industry still won't be happy. Before you know it, manufacturers will quit selling computer fans through retail outlets. Overclocking and enthusiast computing will die. Without us extreme performance nuts, AMD and Intel will no longer be inspired to produce top-performing CPUs...
Can you see where all of this is heading! And it will all lie at your feet, YOUR feet Geeky. Thanks a lot!
Geeky, I am obsessive about details for just that reason, have had my share of accidents, but the one that taught me most was a Boy Scout knife, my first, and my right thumb which got 10 stitches and bled like a stuck pig after it SOMEHOW got sliced to the bone-- that one stuck in brain for about 3.6 decades, then somehow got forgotten.
Then the second incident happened, as a doofus decided to slice through a cable sheath with a razor blade. Holding carefully did not work too well, so doofus proceeded to drive razor blade clear to bone of right forefinger by pushing down on sharp edge of upside down razor blade. That one took 12 stitches and I drove myself to doctor 5 miles away with a towel wrapped around right hand-- a PITA shifting a stick that way, thank god it was an automatic tranny and I only had to stick it in reverse, then drive, then neutral. Since those two incidents, over three decades apart, I am hyper-aware of exactly which part of blade and what kinds of blades are sharp and aware of how easy it is to morph fingers into interesting looking carvings.
Irony-- should have learned two years before first such accident (self-stupidity I guess), when brother Mark stepped on the edge of a coffee can-- problem was the safety lip on that can was missing at time. He got 25 stiches in two layers, and had foot bandaged for two months, but now climbs\rappels on buildings, so it healed fine.
We ALL learn by not redoing dumb things TOO many times, twice per each was enough for me, but had to do it to myself also. UM, if you are going to keep on doing this, get some butcher's protective gloves, ok??? They have metal and kevlar threads in them. They give you just enough time to get finger back out intact if using a slicer at high revs for thick slices of meat on end of a chunk of meat.... Saved many a butcher....
Yeah, about a month to two and the blood-bruise will mostly vaporize. Part of my thumbnail was still yellowed about 3 years after I managed to crush a nail totally on LEFT thumb with a rock hammer.... No, am not gonna go into more details on that one, except to note that duct tape over a strip of handkerchief ripped off handkerchief and wrapped four-five times around thumb does not transfer too many glue toxics into wound and does hold things together while hiking to car through swamp and then driving to nearest doctor. Yes, tiny emergency\survival kit has DUCT TAPE in it.
Live and learn, BOTH of us, I guess....
John D.
Believe me i have smashed many of my finger tips before
but never with a 120mm delta!
ICE pack (ice in ziplock bag, wrapped in towel or washcloth) will numb finger\thumb\toe also.... For a while.... It also slows bleeding, though some small amount of that is good to wash out junk, dust, etc from wound. I was a scout leader when I discovered that neat trick-- and the nearest cottage hospital that had capability to mostly reattach a kid's thumb that had been somehow chopped by him using a hatchet was 25+ miles from the camp. His thumb was numbed most of trip there, and had been wrapped with a whole 5 foot roller gauze, hand well covered in saran wrap, and then thumb held down in a small pot full of ice all the way in car. Thumb worked afterwards.
John D.
As for pics, there's nothing to see any more. Just a tiny scab in front of my nail from the cut...
By the way, the power supply thing was last year. Someone revived the thread...
Good, you got lucky....
John D.
:bigggrin: :
Not the Delta version, it's little brother actually.
I reckon it was a 5000 RPM fan. (the 60mm Delta's are 7000 RPM right?)
It cut into my fingertip and I was bleeding quite a lot as well
/me faints imagining the damage a Delta would have caused *again*
Sounds like a pretty successfull OC tho.
Y the heck do you think god gave you 10 digits... so you could loose a few...
Its just a flesh wound..
On another note... Its good to see you wearing a saftey helmut... You only got 1 head... assuming you are from earth...
120mm fans have a helluva (highly technical term) lot of inertia!