ICYBOX IB350 USB2.0/SATA External Hard Drive Enclosure
Manchester, UK Icrontian
The ICY BOX is an external hard drive enclosure designed to be driverless, portable and provide fast connectivity. External hard drives are very convenient but aren't as fast as the same hard drive that is connected internally and directly to a PATA or SATA header, The ICY BOX may just change that by bringing SATA connectivity to the table.
Read it here
Read it here
Both will have stocks shortly
I take it back. My Speeze enclosure crapped out. Doesn't work anymore. :banghead:
oh... and mesh sides for cooling?! mine has lights, hence reflective panels that cover up the mesh sides on the inside... :\
Really gets on my tits..
I have problems with both of my HDD using these Icy Box enclosures (model IB-350_IL USB2 + FW400). They seem to run good until all of my backups dissapear from the HDD. I experienced this phenomenon on Win XP as well as on Linux with kernel 2.6.8.
All the datas are simply whiped out when using FW400 or USB ports.
I've seen that the drivers are from Prolific (!?!?!?!) and had some problems with a Prolific driver for a USB to serial adaptor.
I will not recommand buying these Prolific bullshit to anyone! You get less than you pay for...
I have had no problems with the ICYBOX at all, under multiple XP machines and in 2 different linux distros (RH and FC3)
I have even accidentally pulled the power out and the data was fine.
I therefore recommend the IcyBox (USB) !
Would you Please anybody give me any alternative product, which is working perfect.
If anyone can help me to get my disk to work or offer any advice I would be more than grateful.
Look on the rear of the drive, near the power connection:
You should see a series of jumpers labeled Master, Slave, and Cable-select Like this:
: : :
You should move the jumper tab to the ones labeled M, if it isn't already:
-M S C
[:]: :
Welcome to Icrontic legweak.
EDIT:// In case you didn't figure out already, it's talking about the hard disk itself, not the actual enclosure.