presents a grand opening door prize
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
Well, it's been 2 months since we've opened our doors, so we figured its time to thank all of you who have made this such a great place to hang out.
As such, we are going to be offering a grand opening door prize to our charter members. We will randomly select a winner from the ranks of the membership as of today, excluding those who are staff members or members who have experienced a temporary (or permenant) ban. So if you're signing up today, thanks and welcome aboard, but unfortunately you won't qualify for the prize
Now to the bit you care about: What's the prize?
A bundle that includes:
Abit NF7-S v2.0 motherboard
AMD XP 2500+ "Barton"
256mb PC2700 DDR SDRAM
The drawing will be held on August 1st, 2003 to celebrate the 2 month anniversary of
Best of luck!
As such, we are going to be offering a grand opening door prize to our charter members. We will randomly select a winner from the ranks of the membership as of today, excluding those who are staff members or members who have experienced a temporary (or permenant) ban. So if you're signing up today, thanks and welcome aboard, but unfortunately you won't qualify for the prize
Now to the bit you care about: What's the prize?
A bundle that includes:
Abit NF7-S v2.0 motherboard
AMD XP 2500+ "Barton"
256mb PC2700 DDR SDRAM
The drawing will be held on August 1st, 2003 to celebrate the 2 month anniversary of
Best of luck!
Not before I do
If you do this like the NBA draft lottery, and give people with the worst gear a better chance, I ought to have it made!:p
(KT7A-Raid, T-Bird 1200@1333, 512MB PC-133, etc. - I hear the Smithsonian is interested in my current rig for their new exhibit on primitive computers)
I'm right behind you.
Nice gesture guys, what a cool thing to do!
/me crosses his fingers and hopes
/me Crosses fingers
:banghead: DOH!
Good old a2jfreak, always thinking of others.
(Good luck, a2j )
/me crosses his fingers and hopes for the best
Ha, not even close Prof. My home computer is a 4 year old E-machines Celeron 400 Mhz with 96 MB RAM running Windows 98 (not enough RAM to bother upgrading it, you know?)
My 12 yr old son was banging his head last night doing 60 MB+ scans of Yugioh cards and Photoshopping them with his own artwork. He had to reboot every 20 mins or so to flush the RAM.
So, a vote for me is a vote to encourage my kid's creativity
Anyways, I guess i wont enter to give you all a good chance, seeing as i have all the sweet gear you speak of.
You too! I can only think of 1 person I'd rather win it--me!
In that case, I hope you win.
But if I win, I'm still keeping the cool loot.:p
(Altruistic in theory, but not in practice...)
Well, wishing someone else luck isn't going to alter the odds of me winning. And now, win or lose, Dexter thinks I'm a swell guy.
I view it as a Win/Win thing.:thumbup
Ha i got that beat, my machine is a 7yr old custom build 200mhz 96MB ram - the Smithsonian can have my machine if they're interested, i'll even pay shipping
LIES! What you forgot to mention was the p3 laptop you have. Shame on you dawn, shame shame shame.
kinda ironic too cause i'm postin from the laptop too
kinda ironic too cause i'm postin from the laptop too
Good luck to all who qualify. Just dont forget to pick me
Actually, the board would find a home inside my soon to be built gaming rig, and my current machine could be dedicated to the folding effort!
Again, just to reiterate...PICK ME!!!!!
Very cool Prime and S-M staff, very very cool.