Over? It ain't over till we SAY it's over.... Top 10 comeback thread

primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
edited January 2006 in Folding@Home
We're mere days away from being bumped out of the top 10 folding teams in the world :(

Congrats to the SA Goons and their mighty folding team :thumbsup:

One day, maybe we'll be able to get our production back up to epic levels :rarr:


  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited November 2004
    It was good while it lasted.
  • comfortablecomfortable Sugarland, TX
    edited November 2004
    I never realised that we were even in the top 10, until Prime just mentioned it <- That just goes to show how attentive I am. :eeek:

    I took a look at the team summary provided by E.O's stats page, and I noticed Team SM's points dropped quite a bit some time ago. Was this due to a general drought of points, or did somebody crucial drop out of the game? If it's the latter, don't worry about mentioning any names.

    Still, I'm quite impressed by 93's score. I noticed the # of members vs the # of points, and the productivity ratio is pretty sweet. Kudos to everyone that made that possible.
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    Yes, I think Terry lost a good deal of his production (and very nearly his job) recently. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    Well you guys got me to fold again, too bad I don't have multiple PC's to run it on though.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    Yeah, we were always "the little team that could" - far fewer folders than the other top 10 teams, but somehow we always hung in there. Of course it helped too that we had a huge head start - look at our team number :D
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    Several of of Members had the opertunity to add F@H on to Computer Labs thus creating folding Farms... after they left, the farms died and haven't been replaced. I'm sure we'll be back in the top 10. We just need more computer lab people to take the time to push F@H.
  • EMTEMT Seattle, WA Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    By next semester I hope to get quite a few computers/people folding here at the university... It's sad to be dropped out of 10 (actually I missed when we lost 9th) but I think we will be back if we work for it.
  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited November 2004
    we're being well overproduced by big name sites. however, our new influx of saved spyware people has to help the cause at least a little
  • gtghmgtghm New
    edited November 2004
    Definately a bummer for the team, but, so great for the program :thumbsup:

    We all fight for the cure :) It's awsome to see the participation.

  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited November 2004
    It really is awesome to see so many dedicated folders here at SM. It's a shame that we're dropping out of the top ten, but I think that the fact we held that position so long really speaks for itself.


    Who knows, things could change :D
  • PirateNinjaPirateNinja Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    I just don't see why anyone would want to fold for anyonelse :scratch:
  • ClutchClutch North Carolina New
    edited November 2004
    It will be a sad day when we do get out of the top 10, but hey we put up one damn good fight. In the end, we all fold for the same cause so the more big teams that come the better. We all do our best to make sure every Mhz we can get our hands on fold for the team, and that is all that really counts. Sure we all have our competitive side, and that is what has made our little team put a big dent in the folding world. We will be back, we just need some time.
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited November 2004
    It is a shame to be dropping out of the top 10, though i saying that, we can still be very proud. The dedication of this team has made it one of THE best. No one can take that away.

    w00t for team #93 :thumbsup:
    Fold on.
  • tcithtcith Sydney, Australia Member
    edited November 2004
    Right - that does it - now the gloves are off - I want the team still to be in the top 10 - (starts scrounging more parts to add to this folding farm) - hmm I don;t think I have touched my families computers yet - guess it's time to have a hallmark moment with the family, show them my love and ask "do you mind if I load a little something on your machine"


    O.k I have 44 Machines now in the farm - "fly my pretties, fly ....."
  • PirateNinjaPirateNinja Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    i have a 250w power supply i can donate to a machine, but nothing else =/ let me know if it could be used
  • edited November 2004
    so what would it take to get back in the top ten?
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    About 60,000 extra points per day :eek3:
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited November 2004
    Yeah a lot is needed to stay. But we are gaining on another team in front of us.

    Friday I am going to finally get a chance to install FAH on the UVJVS_Lab computers again. Asked for Friday off, didnt get it but I am still not going. I worked over tonight to get my hours in tho. That should add several thousand points/week I hope.
  • maximusbadmaximusbad The Burg
    edited November 2004
    so how can i do this folding? please let me know i would love to help you guys out
  • gtghmgtghm New
    edited November 2004
    maximusbad wrote:
    so how can i do this folding? please let me know i would love to help you guys out

  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    Help "you guys out". You guys. :scratch: Just signup, get started, then you are part of the team just as much as the top producer. Then you can proudly say "us". :thumbsup:
    I noticed the # of members vs the # of points, and the productivity ratio is pretty sweet.
    Of course, it is fun and prestigious being in the top ten; but what you pointed out in your post is a source of great satisfaction for the team. I'll take satisfaction over 'fun' any day.
  • TBonZTBonZ Ottawa, ON Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    It was a great run. :)

    [Today's History Lesson] 3.some years ago when we were the Icrontic Folding Team we held a spot in the Top 10. As the project gained popularity with lots of Teams entering the fray, our Team slid steadily back to #19. As we fell back, we got mad, literally, we were a Team of rabid folders who recruited people every chance we got and we grew by leaps and bounds. We turned things around and started climbing our way back to our rightful place. I do believe it only took 3 or 4 months to recrack the illustrious Top 10, where by we climbed as high as #5. We have, very, very slowly slipped back down to where we are now but for over 3 years we held Top 10.[/History Lesson]

    The morale of this story....it sucks being taken out, but believe me, it's more than satisfying to reclaim glory by taking back our rightful spot on the Folding@Home Top 10. These are the moments when the Team gets stronger and pushes forward, this setback gives us a chance to focus on a specific goal, recruiting wherever possible and coming back bigger and stronger. We know what we need to do, so let's do it. :fold:
  • edited November 2004
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    Hang in there guys and don't be too discouraged!

    I don't have much time to comment but let me just say this.
    I've been in the top 20 of the stanford stats myself. Over time I've trickled down to the 30 spot and now I'm somwhere around 32. Over the past few weeks I've lost a few spots ...not because of slacking stats (which I have been) but because of the overall popularity of folding as a whole lately.

    Since we our team is small size that we are with the huge production that we put out we can all but realize that more and more ppl are folding on more and more machines. In some instances whole teams are centered around one name and in many cases there are large labs that fold (larger than mine).

    So ...think keep on folding and realize that more and more is going to the cause ...and that the end result should come sooner that if we remained within the top 10.

    csimon :fold:
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    I just added about 2 GHz.

    This shall be my rallying cry!
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    maximus, go to http://folding.stanford.edu/ and look at the download link on left side, and click it, then I would probably say to get the graphical Windows client if you ahve XP or 2000 on your computer, or the Linux client if Linux.

    Also, at the top of the list fo threads in the folding team area here, there is a thread called "all about folding" that will explain a whole heck of a lot, and General Keebler's posts have links to info in his signature also.

    To the team as a whole: Trick with long term things like folding is long term commitment, not nessecarily ALL your resources, but at least some all the time for a long time. BTW, our average daily team points as of today (this morning) is around 66K, and every six hours our team cranks out about 17-17.5 K worth of work if last 24 hours shown on Statsman and EOC are accurate. We are exceeding Team Rage3D's WEEKLY production by a littel over 28,000 points (I rounded to thousands) and are behind Maxiumum PC by 32,000 (rounded to thousands) for the week. By no means is all lost, and the new folders ARE helping. Look, for instance, at Deicist, who has not been folding more than year for Team 93 right now and is a smoking-grade producer right now.

    One more thing-- have you noticed that this site, and points, pick up when schooltime comes, almost every year??? That is not a coincidence, we are gaming less and working more with our boxes, and working at school boxes for more time than in summer.

    We do need to press more, but in my case the team is getting about 266 points a day (overall week-to-week daily average, stripped of daily and hourly floats) that it was NOT getting until October 15 because I was doing some stats and other things for Folding @ Home as Team Johndanielsonii.com and now the boxes are sticking up points about right for Team 93 again.

    So, my prod is a drop in the bucket compared to the team total. If we had 31.8 percent of the nominal members showing ACTIVE like the tech report, let's just say our points prod would be one heck of a lot closer to The Tech Report's figures and over other team's prod that are now above us-- I calc it this way:

    Current active % of total team members is 19.7, and we are doing about 66K a day.

    31.8/19.7 calcs to a factor of 1.614:1, so 66KX1.614 = 106,524 points DAILY. We need more of the nominal members folding, as an overall percentage of the whole bunch of IDs, or we need more members, or some of each, or we need a few more very large farms or a dozen more decent sized farms of 4-6 high-powered computers.

    I know, for instance, that Thrax can do more points also, he did while resisting the jihad I called on him, with an ace up my sleeve when I did so (second box, not then folding)-- but I'm gonna have to push a tib more, Thrax. Mid to late January, I pass you. Period. Unless you get your average to 217 PPD again, then it will be 6-7 months. Take your prod, day-in, day-out, to over 270 PPD forever, I will not be passing you for a year or so, but then I will be massively upgrading things here. Now's a good time for the Team to have more points, so what say you, Thrax???

    Let's get the Jihad's and team prod up while some of us are in school and the machines can fold without being loaded with gaming during the day while that is going on. I think it is blitz time, team style.... As ONLY Short-Medians TOGETHER HAVE and CAN do this blitzing with MANY more points per active ID than almost all the other teams that Fold.

    Worst case, we should be able to hold onto Team Position 10 or regain it in next two-three months, of over 36,000 teams-- if we hang in there and all pitch in as we CAN and have proven we can because WE DID.
  • DanGDanG I AM CANADIAN Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    I just added another prescott 2.8 yesterday, and checking my stats, it hasn't finished it's first WU yet, but that should be good for another couple hundred points a day. I've got permission from my boss to load it on the employee's machines, but I need to get their permission too, which isn't a problem. I'm just running out of time being at this new arena all the time.
  • tychotycho Santa Barbara, California!
    edited November 2004
    Howdy folks,
    while i have been non-existent here for a while (i'm in grad school now) I thought i'd let you know that i've resumed folding on my main rig and hopefully i will be able to secure some machines at UCSB in the near future to build a new farm. Unfortunatly all my old machines are gonners or not under my control anymore so I'll have to start from scratch... but don't worry I'm back, doing my part even in a limited capacity.

    Fold on Team 93 :thumbsup:

    //edit: i resumed folding about a week ago, before i knew that we were to be passed, just fyi
  • entropyentropy Yah-Der-Hey (Wisconsin)
    edited November 2004
    I'm beginning to wonder if this thread wasn't just made for a guilt-trip :wtf::(

    I'll get back in. Again x 2. Last time my initiative disappeared with the sunset. I'll try adding more machines. Maybe get a few at my mom's work to fold... we'll see. Mine will fold during the day, only no RAM-heavy ones. I hate those more than you know. And I'll get my parents' computer to fold, too. :)
  • TBonZTBonZ Ottawa, ON Icrontian
    edited November 2004
    entropy wrote:
    I'm beginning to wonder if this thread wasn't just made for a guilt-trip :wtf::(

    Guilt-trip? Being knocked out of the top 10 is big news man. A call to arms is what it is, not a pity party. Nice to see you intend on setting up for the cause Entropy. :)
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