SM Team AMD vs Intel

Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
edited April 2006 in Folding@Home
I have started a new contest within SM. This contest is not to get AMD Fans, Intel fans, & PowerPC fans to go head to head, but it is to combine Folders within SM who only have 1 to 3 CPU's to compete for one of the top 10 folding spots within Short Media, and give those guys with huge render farms a run for their money. So in this I have created team AMD....

SM_Team_AMD "type this exactly how you see it"

SM_TEAM_INTEL "type this exactly how you see it"

SM_Team_PowerPC "type this exactly how you see it"

Now remember you are still folding under team #93 but just under a different name. This is just a new idea to gets you guys excited about getting to the top 10! If you are intrested post under this forum which team you are going to fold under and how many CPU's you have.... and lets get to the top guys.


  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    Sledgehammer70 reporting 2 Procs for SM_Team_AMD

    Go SM Team AMD :):D
  • tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
    edited October 2005
    wait a sec, im confused. I have an AMD 64 3200+, so i guess im qualified for team AMD. does this mean that, like your idea, i could change my name to SM_Team_AMD TMH88 and then it would go towards the AMD team or what. im confused :scratch:
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    No you just change your name to SM_Team_AMD

    I will keep a list of everyone who tells me what team they are folding for "Intel or AMD". It is a group effort type of thing :)
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2005
    I think Sledgehammer70 made it pretty clear, but just to emphasize the point:

    You will still be entering 93 as the Team#; the only thing different would be the username.

    Just to anticipate any possible questions on this subject, I would like to let you know that Sledge brought this idea to the attention of the Team 93 Staff before going public with it. While we do not actively encourage sub-teams, any members who decide to unite under a common username will be welcomed as much as any other teammates. We only ask that each individual who makes the decision to join a sub-team keep in mind that we are all members of Team 93, and that any rivalries arising from their private associations with other members be maintained in the friendly spirit which has made our team so strong since its inception.

    On a personal note, if you have held off from joining our F@H effort because you feel that your one or two computers wouldn't make a difference, I'd like to ask you to reconsider your position. While there are many reasons to Fold, if the competiton aspect is what appeals to you most, this is a chance to be a part of an effort to put a little heat on some of Team 93's heavyweight Folders.

    Most importantly, please Fold, no matter about the details. Of secondary importance is your team affiliation, though obviously we'd like that to be good old 93. :D The username you choose is up to you. :)
  • edited October 2005
    As far as competitions go, you can also do what the team did recently, but it takes input from someone that is good with coding. They had a contest between 2 different teams, but everyone still stayed folding under their present usernames. The team members were broken down into 2 different teams and the individual usernames on each team were then added together for each team of the contest. That way, nobody had to switch their folding username but they were still able to have a real good, tight contest (the team I was on squeaked the win out on the last day :D ). All you would need to do it to break the people down who want to participate in the contest into the respective teams, then have someone with 1337 coding skilz to build a webpage that combines the separate usernames of each team into a discrete number and graph.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    Thats a good idea, But not where I want to go for this one. This is more of an Idea that will go on forever. But will stay competitve also :)
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited October 2005
    Well lets would take about 2 people with Intel labs to absolutely crush the AMD team. Not competitive.
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    mmonnin wrote:
    Well lets would take about 2 people with Intel labs to absolutely crush the AMD team. Not competitive.
    I think the entire point behind this is for people who don't have labs at their command to contribute to a username with higher point output and feel more competitive. There's nothing stopping someone with a lab from signing up, but that isn't what Sledge is trying to encourage here.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited October 2005
    And my point is someone with an Intel lab would totally wipe 10-15 AMD users making it totally Uncompetitive and everyone else would go to back to their own username. It only takes 2 good CPUs to get to the top 100 or so. I dont see how that is not competitive for the small user still. I dont like subteams at all.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2005
    Well, I guess someone with an AMD lab would totally wipe 10-15 Intel users, assuming the definition of "lab" means any group of computers capable of "totally wiping" 10-15 other computers.
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    I'm not exactly seeing what you're getting at, Marc - are you saying that somebody is likely to bring a whole school computer lab online to pull for one of the teams? If so, that's pretty much against the spirit of what Sledge was proposing - I would hope nobody would do something that unsportsmanlike.

    Besides, if someone had an entire lab at their disposal, why wouldn't they just fold it under its own username, or their own username?
  • drasnordrasnor Starship Operator Hawthorne, CA Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    My IBM PC300GL (233MHz Pentium MMX) folds for SM_Team_Intel! It's going to take a bit to make it's presence felt, though :D.

    -drasnor :fold:
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    Thats the way to do it drasnor!..... and Like i said this sin't to compare Intel vs AMD, I just choose those names as it is what everyone runs, a AMD person can fold for Intel and vise versa :)
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    hmm, I wouldn't have picked those names as they now look like two more SMX project machnes...

    Not really seeing the point behind all this though... if anyone had anything with any muscle it would likely be folding under their own username anyway...
  • Mt_GoatMt_Goat Head Cheezy Knob Pflugerville (north of Austin) Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    Enverex wrote:
    hmm, I wouldn't have picked those names as they now look like two more SMX project machnes...

    Not really seeing the point behind all this though... if anyone had anything with any muscle it would likely be folding under their own username anyway...
    I think his plan is to encourage those who don't fold because they may feel left out competitively. And to help encourage those borderline on quitting to continue to fold as team points are points. I recall prof a long time ago stating that even if someone didn't want to fold for team 93 they could just fold under no team designation as it all helps the effort in general. So with that I can see where Sledge's idea hods water and could encourage others to fold who have been holding off bcause of feeling insignificant. As he stated; "..... and Like i said this sin't to compare Intel vs AMD, I just choose those names as it is what everyone runs, a AMD person can fold for Intel and vise versa."

    Points are points are points!!! :):cool::thumbsup:


  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    Well I have yet to see a SM_Team_Intel make the new folder list, so with that said, all you Intel buffs out there, If you think you can catch the AMD team cause your Procs are so much better, lets see what you got :) as SM_Team_AMD is pulling away hold ing a strong lead :)
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    So where is this SM_Team_Intel? From the rants Team_Intel should be wiping the floor with Team_AMD... I haven't seen proof :) Yet! TEAM AMD leads by a 1000 Points :)
  • GobblesGobbles Ventura California
    edited October 2005
    1000 point lead is nothing. If the company had not raped my farm, I did that a day by myself.
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    Gobbles wrote:
    1000 point lead is nothing. If the company had not raped my farm, I did that a day by myself.
    True. But I think we've beaten the "using a farm" question to death in this thread by now.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    lol this isn't about having a farm! have you even read what this whole thing is for?
  • GobblesGobbles Ventura California
    edited October 2005
    I have read it and all I said is I can crank out 1000 points a day by myself
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    Absolutely, you could. But we're...
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    Gargoyle wrote:
    Absolutely, you could. But we're...

    That face looks more like a deer or a llama than a horse...
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2005
    GHoosdum wrote:
    That face looks more like a deer or a llama than a horse...
    It's an Orca. :cool:
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    Maybe a fat horse with llama ears and a kangaroo tail?
    profdlp wrote:
    It's an Orca. :cool:
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    lol! you killing me smalls... your just killing me here.

    I think we should call him Homechuck!
  • CryptoCrypto W.Sussex UK Member
    edited October 2005
    Sledgehammer has come in to team 93 like a whirlwind and s/he's got some new ideas.

    That's just great, we want people breaking down the walls with new ideas.....harness that energy :D

    Every view counts and in my book enthusiasm has a double count.

    Bring it on Sledgehammer, Team 93 has room for everybody :)


    Crypto :D
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    "He" :)
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2005
    Well now that we have both teams folding away, Lets see what standings we have so far:

    3 Processors
    Point total: 1819
    Rank: 565

    1 Proceessor
    Point total: 95
    Rank: 972
  • GobblesGobbles Ventura California
    edited October 2005
    Well now that we have both teams folding away, Lets see what standings we have so far:

    3 Processors
    Point total: 1819
    Rank: 565

    1 Proceessor
    Point total: 95
    Rank: 972

    wait till the end of the week... :D
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