Seth got away with his name change as he orchestrated it during that crucial time when our forum didn't exist. The rest of you sinners will repent by changing ya damn names back.
'Trekky8472.' The string of numbers is relevant. Who knows why? :tongue2:
Species 8472 encountered the USS Voyager amidst their time in the Delta Quadrant. It was the first species discovered to be from fluidic space, and the first species to strike "Fear" into the Borg. :tongue2:
Attn Thrax & Cyclonite: your geekiness has depleted Short-Media's geek quota. Now I have to turn off our internets until I can get more from the Torvalds/Berners-Lee/Screech cabal.
Attn Thrax & Cyclonite: your geekiness has depleted Short-Media's geek quota. Now I have to turn off our internets until I can get more from the Torvalds/Berners-Lee/Screech cabal.
I hope you're happy.
What if I divert power from the dilithium crystals? Will that keep the internets going?
in alot of cases i would rather be just isiea than isiea268. i wasn't aware that we are able to make a name change. the reason why sometimes i use isiea268 is because in many cases the registration site needs your name to be at least 6 characters or i make it so.
if i do ever find a way for my short media id to be changed, i'll just call myself isiea.
in the past i may have gone by enlivena1611 (deviantart), fire_inside268(used this one until i got spammed), jetblaze1412(xbitlabs when i first built my "1st" system), banditx(first geek alias) just to name a few. however i like isiea, its short and original, i like it.
barring cyclonite - which I still can't get used to after like two years - name another sm member who has successfully changed their username.....
Steven, you must understand that PILOTWINGS WILL BE BACK
we need a master thread that contains every name change.... because I still haven't gotten all of them figured out :o
Well... Scar/VlP has managed to hold his own so far..... Many others have tried and failed
I think I was RangerLoki back in Icrontic... don't know if that counts
Battlestar Fan? I notice I say frack now instead of f*ck as well :tongue2:
'Trekky8472.' The string of numbers is relevant. Who knows why? :tongue2:
Species 8472 encountered the USS Voyager amidst their time in the Delta Quadrant. It was the first species discovered to be from fluidic space, and the first species to strike "Fear" into the Borg. :tongue2:
Thrax = teh wiennar
Prime, you were close... or something...
(Short-Media's obscure cultural reference)
Oh, yeah - Change it back, P-Wang.
Fo' rizzy.
I hope you're happy.
What if I divert power from the dilithium crystals? Will that keep the internets going?
if i do ever find a way for my short media id to be changed, i'll just call myself isiea.
in the past i may have gone by enlivena1611 (deviantart), fire_inside268(used this one until i got spammed), jetblaze1412(xbitlabs when i first built my "1st" system), banditx(first geek alias) just to name a few. however i like isiea, its short and original, i like it.
Oh noes. Star Trek out the earballs!