6.2.03 - 6.2.07

Four years after opening our digital doors, is pleased to announce that a major change is imminent: Next week, the name of the site will be changed.
<a href='/may24'>Watch the Flash video announcement</a> (with sound, 480KB, under 2 min.) or <a href='/may24/may24.exe'>download the exe</a> (Windows Projector, 2.8 MB).
The full announcement will follow in the next post.
<a href='/may24'>Watch the Flash video announcement</a> (with sound, 480KB, under 2 min.) or <a href='/may24/may24.exe'>download the exe</a> (Windows Projector, 2.8 MB).
The full announcement will follow in the next post.
If you never knew Icrontic, you're not in the minority, so a history of the sites <strike>will soon be</strike> is now online to explain their connection.
Let's talk particulars.
First, forum accounts will be merged by e-mail address. If you have accounts on both sites, PLEASE take the time to make sure your e-mail address is the same for both before June 1. Your Short-Media username, password, and profile settings will take precedence, so act accordingly. We're happy to alter names as necessary. If you get to this late, we can also manually merge accounts afterward, but please help us out by checking beforehand.
Second, the four active Icrontic staff members (Aranyic, LIN, Zuntar, and yagga) will be joining us in our virtual Conference Room to offer their perspectives and ideas as we move forward. We're glad to have them on board!
Third, threads from the current Icrontic forums will likely be reassigned ID numbers. That means bookmarks to current IC threads will stop working. Sorry, nothing I can do about that. All current links on Short-Media (including articles and news) will continue to work and will be forwarded appropriately. We expect this move will have zero effect on search engine rankings and such.
Fourth, both forums will be down for up to an hour on Saturday, June 2 while we merge the databases and confirm the results. The time it begins will depend on several things (mostly my sleeping schedule).
Why are we doing this?
Our primary reason was branding. The Short-Media name has weaknesses that I won't spell out, but there are several. If ever there was an obvious first choice for a strong alternative name, Icrontic is clearly that. Of course there's a nostalgia factor, but we won't be dwelling on the past. We are years past when the name "Icrontic" alone would provide us strength and momentum. We're going to be relying on our own works and deeds to move us forward.
The third reason for me, personally, is a fresh start. It represents both the goal I've been working toward for the last month (in a development and planning mindset) and a new set of goals for the future (in a content-production mindset). The last two years have seen this site plateau and begin to decline. That's the hard truth. Now, it's time to halt and reverse that trend. I'm ready, and the name change provides an impetus to begin that reversal.
Icrontic is a part of our past, and now it is our future as well. Whether you were there when it fell in 2003, joined during the last four years, or only signed up last week, we hope you'll be a part of that future.
It's looking bright.
I feel like Icrontic is finally home and I could not be happier with the future for it. I have zero doubt that it and short-media will flourish and grow again and look forward to being around for it. For anyone who is worried, don't
A lot of you won't remember me at all, but I think I am back home now. I'll be around for a long while.
-Phil 'Aranyic' Douglas
Aranyic: Did Apu's Hardware turn into Icrontic?
SM is #93, IC is #33693
Will #33693 be abandoned? Will Stanford allow the points to be merged?
Conversation for another thread
Correct. He didn't want any legal issues with "Apus" so him and Celcho came up with Icrontic, which really means nothing :P
The key to a successful site is frontend news/reviews/articles, plain and simple. Icrontic and Short-Media were never higher in Alexia or popularity or hits or internet reputation than when fresh, new, interesting articles were published! End of story. Believe it or not but thats what has determined the sucess during the history of IC/SM. Think of the times when when Keith or MM would create a glorious article such as breaking into the Xbox.....the key lies with the matter what its called.
Merge forces or w/e but sometimes change is bad.
ahh the memories :P
What like
Joining doesnt fix/change this.
You make Icrontic good (great) Keebler; I'll keep spreading your gospel. Lay SMF to rest with honours.
It's gonna feel wierd, I must say. I was not around in the old Apu/Icrontic days, but did join S-M very shortly after launch and have watched it evolve from a (mainly) hardware review site, to the best-bar-none...
It's gonna feel wierd, I must say. I was not around in the old Apu/Icrontic days, but did join S-M very shortly after launch and have watched it evolve from a (mainly) hardware review site, to the best-bar-none spyware killin crew, through changes in management and ownership and direction. I'll be lurking around but know that I wish y'all nothing but the best with the new changes.
For what my two pence is worth - I agree with mmonnin, about the content. I've found this a little lacking in recent times.
My mind keeps thinking about Mortin...
Congratulations people, lets hope Icrontic and Short-media re-united as one, regain the former glorious crown of being the best Technology site there is.
Fortunately my username is the same in both.:)
oh, and remember matthew.......................breathe.;D
Change is not something to be feared but rather to be embraced and in life it is inevitable. A new coat of paint is always nice for a while, but sometimes moving to a new "home" is what is necessary for a new start. This is a good thing!!
Every decision of this magnitude is fraught with the possibility of failure and success... Sitting back and letting Icrontic die off is just as big of a decision as merging. The key here is that the decision was made after careful consideration by the owners. The staff from both sites are in support of this.... We just need your support and patients while this is all worked out.
The truth of the matter... Icrontic has not died when, by all rights, it probably should have if not for a group of dedicated members, staff, and owners. Short-Media probably should be a success and be in the position to purchase Icrontic if it weren't for great members, staff, and owners. The new Icrontic will have a great staff and owners... all we need is your support. With that, we will bring the Icrontic name back and make it mean something!!!
Glad I've still got my Spudz case badge from years ago, now it can reside back in it's rightful place on my main rig next to my SM Anniversary badge.
Here's to the future and best of luck guys!
This is gonna rock! I can't wait to see what happens now.
Now, what about the merchandising? Icrontic reunion t-shirts, case badges, plushes...
The name change is disapointing, and the SM brand will be missed.
However, I understand the need to move forward, and I certainly understand the desire to move away from a business name that no longer feels relevant or marketable (Nexlia had to do this once, as well, coming to rest, similarly, on a name that essentially means nothing at all, and when I was a teenager, my mother bought a store that had someone elses name on it, which she always resented, but never had the courage to change).
So despite my lack of personal connection to the Icrontic name, I put my support behind this change, and I will do my best to help make the new entity more succesful as a business and (possibaly more importantly) just as succsesful as a community of friends.