Wow, I'm starting to feel lonely out here. The ONE person who was attacking me has agreed to stop and so I haven't seen any attacks since the 28th. I'm not even worried about my wheat when I go to sleep (I have more than twice as much as my crannies will hold). So, I've just been stacking resources and upgrading my buildings trying to get some basic mounted troops for attacking.
I inquire of thee... One of the Lords of the G B Alliance (a2jfreak), the sister alliance to the {IC} Alliance, has requested that we mediate between your village and his.
We uphold our coalitions standards of protection of each other. While I see that you have not taken to an alliance, it would be ashamed if GB and {IC} were to fall upon you for a simple squabble between you and a2jfreak.
When your army arrives, they will be met and turned back... take that as a very small show of force. Further invasions will set into motion a series of unavoidable incursions into your village.
Kurt Angle sent 340 Imperians, 55 Equites Imperatoris, 30 Equites Caesaris, and a hero. THAT is what happened. He DID lose 77, 12, 7. That's almost 65,000 total resources worth of troops. Keeblers, you lost 67,000 though... almost a draw. Maybe enough so that he leaves Joe alone. I'll message him to kindly refrain from attacking again, if you'd like Joe.
I reckon I'll be at the stage I was at when I quit my old account tonight, although I have to wait 10 hours for the crap I sent myself to arrive, and before that I have to upgrade me storehouse like 3 times If anyone can spare anything to my current village, I'll be able to send the resources from my old village a couple hours before it's deleted to pay you back
This is frustrating... I'm always short on wood and clay, even though they are my two fastest produced resources. And my wheat is at my max holding capacity despite being my slowest produced resource. My iron is at a pretty good level but none of my buildings need much of it, if at all, and my iron production isn't far behind my clay and wood.
village name: Icrontia
Edit - Told him to dump as much resources as he has (which is a lot), unfortunately, he's out of wheat.
I am getting into military mode as I'm sure I'll be a target soon enough.