DISASTER! Travian is blocked at school I've not got long to get those resources to me, I might send them t one of you guys with storage space to hold for me while I upgrade my warehouse >.<
DISASTER! Travian is blocked at school I've not got long to get those resources to me, I might send them t one of you guys with storage space to hold for me while I upgrade my warehouse >.<
I've been using them for 5 years, and each one has been systematically blocked Plus if I use one, EVERYONE will use one, and everyone else is a spacially unaware retard that can't tell if a teacher is watching or not. Plus you get your internet banned, so I don't want to risk not being able to get to Icrontic.com at school
I've been using them for 5 years, and each one has been systematically blocked Plus if I use one, EVERYONE will use one, and everyone else is a spacially unaware retard that can't tell if a teacher is watching or not. Plus you get your internet banned, so I don't want to risk not being able to get to Icrontic.com at school
Assign a sitter... A sitter can spend your resources and, I think, trade for you.
QCH, Have you got enough room for 3k wood clay and iron? I've got some on Seldia but I can't fit it on Harudath- can you look after it for me? I have about 20 hours to get it to someone
I guess he's bribing you or maybe trying to instill a sense of advance guilt on ya in case you decided to raid him.
Yeah... but he's over an hour away with my fastest troops... I haven't started to look that far out for raids... I wonder if he's getting trounced and just wants to ditch resources to avoid them getting raided... I really don't know. I PM'd him and no response...
Keebler... can you spare some for Q-Core2? It needs a boost and I don't want to spend the 4 hrs to send myself resources. 1k of each or whatever you can spare. Thanks.
Same here, just building up my warehouse so I can hook it up with some larger shipments
EDIT: Just a side note - So you all know, I've been a bit lax in my expansion recently - but I'm back full time now Just had other commitments that "got in the way"
Q & Broady - resources will be there... probably by the time you read this. Q, I loaded up my merchants with 1500 while I was at it. B, I sent 1K because I wasn't sure of your capacity.
Harudath, what/how much do you actually want? You're so bent on exact trades but I'll just send whatever you need, silly.
lol well I sent 2500 to TT to look after for me, who said you'd give it to me for him lol I probably need more, but I can't actually hold any more than that :bigggrin: So I'll be exact for now xD
At any point that is reasonable, can somebody help out Potsy? He's being farmed now regularly by Ludo of the Zero X Alliance with 150 Imperians so fighting & provoking him is not a good idea at this point I figure (he has 7 villages). Resources will be where it's at.
I had him stop upgrading resources and to start building up his cranny and instructed him to also upgrade his warehouse & granary. The only way he'll grow at a decent rate now is to be able to start raiding. So basically he'll need military infrastructure to build now. Worst still is he has no gold, so he's lost his production bonus on resources. I may just buy some for him.
I'll find out what his capacities are to atm.
Wood 1155/4000
Clay 688/4000
Iron 984/4000
Wheat 1132/2300 - Upgrading now, will be 3000 in approx. 15 min.
I got a friend to join, and whenever she tries to log on it tells her that her name doesn't exist, she's on the right server, she's typed her name right and she's got her password right xD she's also activated it because she played for a bit after creating it any ideas?
Use a proxy server.
I've been using them for 5 years, and each one has been systematically blocked
added to map
my merchants are busy sending the resources from my old village.
Can I get an invite to the IC alliance..
Invite sent to Markaroon III
edit: my bad, 8 hours 48 minutes
"i meen no harm plz do not attack me"
If someone can hook me up with about 1k of the first three resources that would be fantastic
Wow, wish that would happen to me!
I guess he's bribing you or maybe trying to instill a sense of advance guilt on ya in case you decided to raid him.
Yeah... but he's over an hour away with my fastest troops... I haven't started to look that far out for raids... I wonder if he's getting trounced and just wants to ditch resources to avoid them getting raided... I really don't know. I PM'd him and no response...
Is he sending you much? What's the frequency Kenneth?
EDIT: Just a side note - So you all know, I've been a bit lax in my expansion recently - but I'm back full time now
Harudath, what/how much do you actually want?
Crap, sorry
Thanks for the resources
I had him stop upgrading resources and to start building up his cranny and instructed him to also upgrade his warehouse & granary. The only way he'll grow at a decent rate now is to be able to start raiding. So basically he'll need military infrastructure to build now. Worst still is he has no gold, so he's lost his production bonus on resources. I may just buy some for him.
I'll find out what his capacities are to atm.
Wood 1155/4000
Clay 688/4000
Iron 984/4000
Wheat 1132/2300 - Upgrading now, will be 3000 in approx. 15 min.