Ok, have I been lulled into a false sense of security here? I haven't suffered a single attack in over a week. I haven't even been scouted. I mean, could it just be because my population is over 300, or maybe the alliance tag? My crannies can only hold 3k while my resources float around 3k-8k all day and I just don't feel threatened. I don't even care about being undefended while I sleep or anything.
I'm just taking care of some stuff before I start building a small army, but most of my buildings are taking at least an hour to upgrade while my resources are stacking. Am I just being paranoid or is it normal for a relatively small village like mine to go unnoticed?
Ok, have I been lulled into a false sense of security here? I haven't suffered a single attack in over a week. I haven't even been scouted. I mean, could it just be because my population is over 300, or maybe the alliance tag? My crannies can only hold 3k while my resources float around 3k-8k all day and I just don't feel threatened. I don't even care about being undefended while I sleep or anything.
I'm just taking care of some stuff before I start building a small army, but most of my buildings are taking at least an hour to upgrade while my resources are stacking. Am I just being paranoid or is it normal for a relatively small village like mine to go unnoticed?
Same here- Got attacked once on the first day, since then It's been me thats been attacking, and even then only with like 10 Phalanxs :P Other than that, totally quiet.
Ok, have I been lulled into a false sense of security here? I haven't suffered a single attack in over a week. I haven't even been scouted. I mean, could it just be because my population is over 300, or maybe the alliance tag? My crannies can only hold 3k while my resources float around 3k-8k all day and I just don't feel threatened. I don't even care about being undefended while I sleep or anything.
I'm just taking care of some stuff before I start building a small army, but most of my buildings are taking at least an hour to upgrade while my resources are stacking. Am I just being paranoid or is it normal for a relatively small village like mine to go unnoticed?
Don't get complacent. I got attacked for the first time yesterday and I felt the same as you do now. Mind you I was pretty prepared so losses were minimal but it did finally happen.
Don't get complacent. I got attacked for the first time yesterday and I felt the same as you do now. Mind you I was pretty prepared so losses were minimal but it did finally happen.
True. I don't bother farming people from Beachhead until they have a population approaching a hundred...
//edit: SPEAKING of which, I just scored [strike]two[/strike] [strike]three[/strike] FOUR more farms My scouts are harbingers of pillage and ruin, haha.
//edit2: And I'm going to commence raiding from the powerbase [strike]tomorrow[/strike] right now, weeee!
If the village is very small, what is the advantage of sending 10 over sending just 1? (10 have a better chance of at least 1 surviving and sending home information than if you sent just 1 and he were slaughtered?)
If the village is very small, what is the advantage of sending 10 over sending just 1? (10 have a better chance of at least 1 surviving and sending home information than if you sent just 1 and he were slaughtered?)
Yeah, exactly. It's more assurance I get the info I want. I make sure I have plenty of scouts on hand and try not to skimp on them so I don't give away my hand without getting my info
Technocrat got attacked by myth. do we need to reinforce?
I'm good. I'm right next to a Myth powerbase, but I have a lvl10 wall and 7 lvl10 crannies - it's so expensive for them to attack that they generally do it once and then not again.
I'm just getting to..
Main Building level 3
Warehouse level 1
Granary level 1
City Wall level 1
And resources..
Production:Wood: 60 per hour/ Clay: 72 per hour/ Iron: 60 per hour/ Wheat: 67 per hour
No troops yet. Only 35 population.
Just had a guy take over 28K (and that's after spending a ton once I saw he scouted and sending away 9K to a neighbor) in resources and he doesn't seem willing to stop. I might need help. He would have blown away my army had I not sent them away. Fortunately he only killed 3 army men, one being my hero (experience, I guess).
His name is more and the village he had attack me was nr.4
I'm just taking care of some stuff before I start building a small army, but most of my buildings are taking at least an hour to upgrade while my resources are stacking. Am I just being paranoid or is it normal for a relatively small village like mine to go unnoticed?
Same here- Got attacked once on the first day, since then It's been me thats been attacking, and even then only with like 10 Phalanxs :P Other than that, totally quiet.
Don't get complacent. I got attacked for the first time yesterday and I felt the same as you do now. Mind you I was pretty prepared so losses were minimal but it did finally happen.
//edit: SPEAKING of which, I just scored [strike]two[/strike] [strike]three[/strike] FOUR more farms
//edit2: And I'm going to commence raiding from the powerbase [strike]tomorrow[/strike] right now, weeee!
I'm good. I'm right next to a Myth powerbase, but I have a lvl10 wall and 7 lvl10 crannies - it's so expensive for them to attack that they generally do it once and then not again.
I'm just getting to..
Main Building level 3
Warehouse level 1
Granary level 1
City Wall level 1
And resources..
Production:Wood: 60 per hour/ Clay: 72 per hour/ Iron: 60 per hour/ Wheat: 67 per hour
No troops yet. Only 35 population.
His name is more and the village he had attack me was nr.4
I'm recalling my Praetorian from my oases to prepare for departure. You want company?
EDIT: Never properly appreciated how good the LOTR soundtrack is, love it