I was attacked today by Lady Dory from Zero. She scouted me with 50 troops. MISTAKE. I have 140 scouts at home for Spring Break. None of her scouts returned. I quickly scribed the following letter to her...
Lord Dory,
My constable reported that a small contingent of your fine scouts came into town this morning. They are some of the finest men, outside of ours of course, we seen in these parts in quite some time. Our troops offered to buy them drinks, which they declined stating they were on some "secret mission".
After talking for several hours, they decided that they WERE thirsty from their long journey. No offense, but Romans are not as suited to drinking games as our fine Teutons. I believe we last saw them heading out of town towards Dover's Rampart (a well know tourist spot know for it's picturesque cliffs). I hope they stayed away from the edge.
I fear, however, they may have fallen to their death... this saddens me greatly that such fine men died. I'd like to reassure you that my men had nothing to do with their apparent accidental deaths. Please send my sympathies to their wives and children.
- Lord Seneschal Q
Her reply...
Lord Seneschal Q
My sincere thanks for your letter regarding my missing scouts however I'm sorry to say it came too late to recall the troops I had sent to your town to discover their whereabouts
Of course I will pass on your condolences to their grieving widows and children. I would also like to add my own condolences to the families of the 140 scouts lost during interrogation by my men to ascertain my own scouts whereabouts.
However I would also recommend you discipline your constable severely as I suspect he was drinking on the job and unable to differentiate between the genders, and I therefore hope in future communications you will address me using the correct terminology.
Yours sincerely
Lady H Dory
Lady Dory,
Oh, I must beg for your forgiveness. I meant no insult or harm by assuming your gender. I should have realized that troops as fine as yours had more class and showed more grace than any lead by a simple man. Your troops should be proud that they are lead by one of the finest Ladies in this land. And you, my fare Lady, should be proud that they represent themselves as gentlemen.
As for my "former" constable was found missing his head just a few moments ago. He lost it while running into a sharp object that happened to fall on his neck... sad really. He was my Brother-in-law. Too bad... never liked him anyway.
I hope the small homage we sent with your troops will help the families of your departed scouts. If mean a lot to me and my villagers to know that they will have something. I would have sent more but my alliance is fighting an evil overlord, GoDsenD, from the Myth|C alliance. All my resources and troops are fighting to keep peace and harmony alive in this world.
Your Friend,
- Lord Q
Lord Q
I am pleased that you recognise that the fairer sex can be just as adept (if not more so) at warmongering as the men. I am also pleased that you took swift action over your previous constable and hope that his replacement provides you with better intel than his predecessor.
I see also that you list amongst your personal allies a certain Lord Mark of Fourstar, this pleases me greatly as he is also an ally of mine.
Please know that whilst sadly I cannot get involved in your current struggle against the evil overlord GoDsenD, if you require my assistance in the future (either in an offensive or defensive capacity) I would be happy to lend the services of my men (alliance permitting of course)
Your faithfully
Lady D
So, that makes three VERY heavy hitters from Zero that have offered to lend a hand if needed. If I can lay a few more inroads to other Zero members, we might be able to put pressure on Myth to tell godsend to backoff. Again, maybe we can turn a defeat into a success by entering into an alliance with Zero. Maybe.... If we live that long.
By the bye, I have a pending alliance request in with SUAL [E] that I expect to be accepted soon (this is the main branch of SUAL). That will open us to achieving alliances with its wings. SUAL lost a few of its wings recently, but its still quite strong in its main branches. I had an "in" with Thott, the founder, so I went with it.
Thott also recommended talking to "boxter" nicely about the rampant Myth incursions. Thoughts, Q?
There are multiple reasons to play this game and multiple types of people that play. I like to pretend I am some farmer that became the Village mayor, then a Lord. I spawned a few other villages. I make this game revolve around that fantasy world. All my correspondences with outsiders is just like what you read above. If the people that reads it is a mature, they play along. Jerks will not play along. They are probably jerks outside the game.
Its a game but there has to be more than just building buildings, resources, and armies. The alliance thing, the in-game messaging, and such, are all separate things that are just as important. godsend is the only guy(s) that didn't play along. He's a jerk.
Fourstar, Draggs, and Dory all understand and they respect the way I'm playing. That builds friendships and no one want to attack a friend.
I am sorry for having to stoop to such a cowardly level, but i must beg for your assistance. The alliance of the Icronticians, {IC} in laymans terms, requires assistance of any who may help. The overlord Godsend, from Myth, has been pillaging all of our villages and we have no way to defend ourselves due to the killed troops and destroyed resources. Our wives weep, our children cry. Please, consider letting the North West Massive form an alliance with us. You shall be revered as a hero should this come to pass.
By the bye, I have a pending alliance request in with SUAL [E] that I expect to be accepted soon (this is the main branch of SUAL). That will open us to achieving alliances with its wings. SUAL lost a few of its wings recently, but its still quite strong in its main branches. I had an "in" with Thott, the founder, so I went with it.
Thott also recommended talking to "boxter" nicely about the rampant Myth incursions. Thoughts, Q?
Nice work, if it plays out as planned, with SUAL.
As for Myth... I'd slow play it with Boxter. Work the SUAL connection and avoid talking about godsend. Work the fact that we're all new at this game and yet we're already closing in on the 150th most powerful alliance spot. Work the fact we're mature and intelegent players in it for the long haul. If we can work it that we can gain an alliance with the main Myth, then we can work backwards. It's like going about godsend, and his alliances leader, directly to the main guy. godsend maybe a big guy but he's a small fry compared to many of the other Myth guys.
If we start whining about godsend right away, they'll egnore us or at least think we're weak by runnig to godsend's momma.
a SUAL alliance will benefit the outpost, one of their members is trying to grow nearby...
and also, its one less alliance breathing down our necks.
well, my own diplomatic success was 2 minutes ago. inspired by this thread.
InvisibleMuffin wrote:
Greetings Sir Michael,
I'm offering you a payment. I know the rules and this cannot be indefinite or over the hourly limit for each resource.
How does 2400 of each resource each day for 3 weeks sound?
It's all I'm allowed to send.
In return, I ask for you to not raid me, so that I may live in peace, and your troops can spend their time raiding elsewhere.
I hope this is a generous enough offer.
The Muffin Man's long lost cousin.
Michael_zlx wrote:
InvisibleMuffin wrote:
Glad to do business with you
Once my merchants are home (about 2 hours) I'll send the first of 21 payments.
it's not that much really, he stole over 20,000 of each resource this morning, and just sent another attack that i narrowly avoided...
plus i'm a successful farmer.
its the output of one good raid a day really
I am sorry for having to stoop to such a cowardly level, but i must beg for your assistance. The alliance of the Icronticians, {IC} in laymans terms, requires assistance of any who may help. The overlord Godsend, from Myth, has been pillaging all of our villages and we have no way to defend ourselves due to the killed troops and destroyed resources. Our wives weep, our children cry. Please, consider letting the North West Massive form an alliance with us. You shall be revered as a hero should this come to pass.
Merchant Sidekicksol
Have you sent that yet? Hold off... the leaders need to talk it over. It's a bit too forward... it sounds like we're weak and need momma and daddy to help solve our problems.
BTW, no you really have a strong relationship with this guy?
Have you sent that yet? Hold off... the leaders need to talk it over. It's a bit too forward... it sounds like we're weak and need momma and daddy to help solve our problems.
BTW, no you really have a strong relationship with this guy?
Thats what I was worried about when I read it. We can't make it seem like we are defenseless and at the mercy of this godsend guy or else no one will help us.
Mention we are carefully planning a resistance, gathering weapons, men (or women ) and resources in a call to arms etc. The time to strike is soon, but assistance from the famed honour and courage your warriors possess would surely turn the tables in our favour, etc
Just as I start to get my resources back up again...
Dear Lord Ludo,
Hail to thee, lord Ludo- My scouts have reported that an armed force under your banner is nearing our horizon, and I am humbly writing to request you to lift the siege! There are many lives at stake! The townsfolk are unarmed and unarmoured, being the peaceful civillians that they are they fear your mulitary prowess and pray for forgiveness for any sin, or any wrong they may have done to cause such an event. However I am sure that we could come to an agreement, afterall, trade would be mutually beneficial.
I look forward to your reply,
*sigh* I sent 2250 wood, 4500 clay and iron to Q-cetus for evacuation as well as some troops, which I will recall once I've had a reply from Ludo >.<
2 minutes :S
EDIT: effing hell..
4241 imperians...
1200 wood, 9300 clay, 6100 iron 5400 wheat
Don't assume to represent the alliance like that. There really is no reason to discuss this with other alliances, because no other alliance can step into the path of the Myth/Zero alliances. Either we help ourselves, or we talk to an official Myth rep kindly. You're not really in a position to do either yet, and it's something more people should be included in.
The solution to the Godsend dilemma for most of you is to simply not expand beyond 4 villages until the alliance is strong enough. BH, Broady, Q, and myself are the likely major targets anyway, not you.
In any case, Godsend cannot expand forever - culture points limit it. I'm actually surprised he had enough points racked up to take 3 that quickly. I'm taking the positive angle: it freed up so many culture points for me that I can sprinkle the outpost with villages very quickly. Long term, we could turn this to our favor.
Forget about reasoning with Ludo, he has hit quite a few of us already. Potsy was a daily target for the last two weeks. As I sit the account for Potsy, I can tell you that he actually hasn't got much from Potsville. He would strike everyday between 6:10 & 6:30am. I made sure I got up a few minutes early for work, spend as much as possible on upgrades and send out the rest until resources were under the cranny limit. My diligence has worked I think, because today was the very first time he didn't attack as I made it completely unprofitable for him and wasted his time.
heh, I'm a bit out of touch with my silver-tongued side.. It's been about 3 years since I last did it regularly A friend at school (he's left now) was always in trouble, I was the brains, he was the brawn (he was a martial arts guy) and another friend who was the mix, I was the one that'd always gettum out of trouble xD I even persuaded a teacher to believe that my male cat had kittens on my homework :bigggrin: and no she wasn't stupid she was one of those tough teachers that would sooner chop your toe off were it to go out of line than tell you off
Don't assume to represent the alliance like that. There really is no reason to discuss this with other alliances, because no other alliance can step into the path of the Myth/Zero alliances. Either we help ourselves, or we talk to an official Myth rep kindly. You're not really in a position to do either yet, and it's something more people should be included in.
The solution to the Godsend dilemma for most of you is to simply not expand beyond 4 villages until the alliance is strong enough. BH, Broady, Q, and myself are the likely major targets anyway, not you.
In any case, Godsend cannot expand forever - culture points limit it. I'm actually surprised he had enough points racked up to take 3 that quickly. I'm taking the positive angle: it freed up so many culture points for me that I can sprinkle the outpost with villages very quickly. Long term, we could turn this to our favor.
Im sorry. Just trying to get us some help and extra troops.
the whole 3 week of planning plan looks like what we'll be doing.
anyway, thats not really diplomacy.
and i say that violent outbursts should be limited as a last case scenario against someone that huge.
diplomatic approach can pay off better for everyone.
Unless we're missing something, we're preparing for a last case scenario
We've tried diplomacy: Failed
We're trying fighting dirty: No reply, won't be for a while
We're preparing for an otherwise inevitable war: If we get enough support, it'll work for reclaiming Keebler's villages
EDIT: I wonder if I can claim insurance under the plunder, pillage and rape prevention act. There's got to be a war clause under damages :S
I was attacked today by Lady Dory from Zero. She scouted me with 50 troops. MISTAKE. I have 140 scouts at home for Spring Break. None of her scouts returned. I quickly scribed the following letter to her...
Her reply...
So, that makes three VERY heavy hitters from Zero that have offered to lend a hand if needed. If I can lay a few more inroads to other Zero members, we might be able to put pressure on Myth to tell godsend to backoff. Again, maybe we can turn a defeat into a success by entering into an alliance with Zero. Maybe.... If we live that long.
you know, get someone that big to stay away???
you deserve a round of applause...
Thott also recommended talking to "boxter" nicely about the rampant Myth incursions. Thoughts, Q?
Its a game but there has to be more than just building buildings, resources, and armies. The alliance thing, the in-game messaging, and such, are all separate things that are just as important. godsend is the only guy(s) that didn't play along. He's a jerk.
Fourstar, Draggs, and Dory all understand and they respect the way I'm playing. That builds friendships and no one want to attack a friend.
I am sorry for having to stoop to such a cowardly level, but i must beg for your assistance. The alliance of the Icronticians, {IC} in laymans terms, requires assistance of any who may help. The overlord Godsend, from Myth, has been pillaging all of our villages and we have no way to defend ourselves due to the killed troops and destroyed resources. Our wives weep, our children cry. Please, consider letting the North West Massive form an alliance with us. You shall be revered as a hero should this come to pass.
Merchant Sidekicksol
As for Myth... I'd slow play it with Boxter. Work the SUAL connection and avoid talking about godsend. Work the fact that we're all new at this game and yet we're already closing in on the 150th most powerful alliance spot. Work the fact we're mature and intelegent players in it for the long haul. If we can work it that we can gain an alliance with the main Myth, then we can work backwards. It's like going about godsend, and his alliances leader, directly to the main guy. godsend maybe a big guy but he's a small fry compared to many of the other Myth guys.
If we start whining about godsend right away, they'll egnore us or at least think we're weak by runnig to godsend's momma.
and also, its one less alliance breathing down our necks.
well, my own diplomatic success was 2 minutes ago. inspired by this thread.
InvisibleMuffin wrote:
Greetings Sir Michael,
I'm offering you a payment. I know the rules and this cannot be indefinite or over the hourly limit for each resource.
How does 2400 of each resource each day for 3 weeks sound?
It's all I'm allowed to send.
In return, I ask for you to not raid me, so that I may live in peace, and your troops can spend their time raiding elsewhere.
I hope this is a generous enough offer.
The Muffin Man's long lost cousin.
Michael_zlx wrote:
InvisibleMuffin wrote:
Glad to do business with you
Once my merchants are home (about 2 hours) I'll send the first of 21 payments.
it's not that much really, he stole over 20,000 of each resource this morning, and just sent another attack that i narrowly avoided...
plus i'm a successful farmer.
its the output of one good raid a day really
BTW, no you really have a strong relationship with this guy?
Thats what I was worried about when I read it. We can't make it seem like we are defenseless and at the mercy of this godsend guy or else no one will help us.
*sigh* I sent 2250 wood, 4500 clay and iron to Q-cetus for evacuation as well as some troops, which I will recall once I've had a reply from Ludo >.<
2 minutes :S
EDIT: effing hell..
4241 imperians...
1200 wood, 9300 clay, 6100 iron 5400 wheat
The solution to the Godsend dilemma for most of you is to simply not expand beyond 4 villages until the alliance is strong enough. BH, Broady, Q, and myself are the likely major targets anyway, not you.
In any case, Godsend cannot expand forever - culture points limit it. I'm actually surprised he had enough points racked up to take 3 that quickly. I'm taking the positive angle: it freed up so many culture points for me that I can sprinkle the outpost with villages very quickly. Long term, we could turn this to our favor.
Forget about reasoning with Ludo, he has hit quite a few of us already. Potsy was a daily target for the last two weeks. As I sit the account for Potsy, I can tell you that he actually hasn't got much from Potsville. He would strike everyday between 6:10 & 6:30am. I made sure I got up a few minutes early for work, spend as much as possible on upgrades and send out the rest until resources were under the cranny limit. My diligence has worked I think, because today was the very first time he didn't attack as I made it completely unprofitable for him and wasted his time.
all i can manage is to get bigger alliances to offer an alliance pact...
that's good enough for me really.
anyway, thats not really diplomacy.
and i say that violent outbursts should be limited as a last case scenario against someone that huge.
diplomatic approach can pay off better for everyone.
We've tried diplomacy: Failed
We're trying fighting dirty: No reply, won't be for a while
We're preparing for an otherwise inevitable war: If we get enough support, it'll work for reclaiming Keebler's villages