New i7 920 Rig : Great 24/7 OC, with RAM under clocked...



  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited September 2009
    it took 3.2v to be stable for 20 complete long LinX runs.

    Temp goes MAX 75C at this voltage. 38C Idle.

    Overclock : DONE :D

  • TrumandrummerTrumandrummer Taylor Michigan Icrontian
    edited September 2009
    So you hit 4ghz stable then?
    Awesome stuff... :rockon:
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited September 2009
    Well done, GooD :cool:
  • edited September 2009
    4GHz!!! Now I am even more envious, no jealous. :D

    Thrax, I have never seen such guidance on another forum before. :respect: I have bookmarked this thread.
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited September 2009
    My only fear is next summer temps in the house will get higher and so my temp inside the case :P

    I think i'll be 3.8Ghz during summer, 4.0Ghz the rest of the time if i see a problem with temp :)

    But anyway, getting the clock lower is never a problem :)

    After i think about it i realy think that what helped the most is the higher voltage on the uncore, never been that high on my "own", and never had much luck with 200 Blck overlock.

    I can't even drop the voltage on the uncore now atm or the computer will freeze before windows lol.

    Maybe the 1.88v CPU PLL voltage helped too, never played with that :)
  • edited September 2009
    You could get a better heatsink until next summer, like this
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited September 2009
    mirage wrote:
    Thrax, I have never seen such guidance on another forum before. :respect: I have bookmarked this thread.

    So true, i can't see a topic on this forum that he cant have a good advice lol

    Thraxipedia FTW ! :p
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited September 2009
    mirage wrote:
    You could get a better heatsink until next summer, like this

    Nahh, the difference in temp between the Noctua and the Mega is not enough to justify the switch, even if it become very available (cuz at the moment in canada its unavailable)
  • edited September 2009
    GooD wrote:
    Nahh, the difference in temp between the Noctua and the Mega is not enough to justify the switch, even if it become very available (cuz at the moment in canada its unavailable)

    Right, how about this then?
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited September 2009
    OMG, this is huge lol

    Its new ? Never seen this heatsink before :p
  • edited September 2009
    GooD wrote:
    OMG, this is huge lol

    Its new ? Never seen this heatsink before :p
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited September 2009
    Nice review :)

    It's a better heatsink than mine, cant deny it ;)
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited October 2009
    Hey, i just noticed something weird, im sure its not related to any overclock, but since i already a thread with a lot of questions i'll add another one here lol

    I just got Call of Juarez 1 on sale for 5$ and when i start the game, there's a weird noise coming from the casing, like a distortion noise or something... When i load a saved game, the noise because very less noticable, but when i hit escape to go to the menu, or in any video, its quite loud, enough to hear it from a meter away, does the video card could do such a noise ? Dunno if this noise mean something that could do harm, thats my main worry about it.

    its definitely not a fan noise its more "electronical".

    Any other game i've played don't produce that kind of sound.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    Imbalanced CD?
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    Without a recording of the sound, I cannot possibly think of what it is.
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited October 2009
    Can't be the CD, its a Direct2drive game so no cd required.

    I'll try to record it with my headset microphone and post it here soon.

  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited October 2009

    here it is, i put the microphone on x30 boost to make it clearly hearable, directly at the beginning of the record im starting the game, and going into the menu, then closing it so you can compare with the 'normal' sound of my computer idle at the end.

    Any idea ? Or put in another way, do you think this is a sound i should be worry about ? I don't think its harmful for the computer since nothing is frozing and i don't see any concequence of this sound on anything... but what do i know about weird sound :P

    I have yet to reproduce that sound with anything else, another game, another application... Seems like there's something special with Call of juarez :P
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    Wow, that is god damn weird. Does that sound like capacitor whine to anyone else?
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited October 2009
    I tried to turn down my 'little' (100mhz) video card clock overlock, doesnt change anything. I don't know what makes me thing its the video card, well yes i know its because its doing this out loud mostly only when video are playing in the game hah
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited October 2009
    Thrax wrote:
    Wow, that is god damn weird. Does that sound like capacitor whine to anyone else?

    Ouch... that quote doesnt sound too good :/
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    It's actually pretty harmless. :) Annoying, but harmless. I'm just looking to see if it sounds the same to other people.
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited October 2009
    FYI : The other games i've tried : Im playing NFS Undercover, Crysis and Champions online on high settings without any weird sound. The computer goes a bit louder but not with that electrical feeling.

    EDIT : when i say feeling, i should say screaming :P
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited October 2009
    If its pretty harmless and only annoying, i play with an headset most of the time so for that game being that wont be a problem. It will if it begin to do it on regular basis, like on every game or worst on idle lol :P

    Have fun trying to find what is going crazy with that game i'm pretty curious too :P
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    No, that's not capacitor whine. I don't know what it is.
  • SerpSerp Texas Member
    edited October 2009
    Kind of sounds like capacitor whine but not sure:confused2
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited October 2009
    i'll just end this game as fast as i can and hope to never hear that sound again... =/
  • RyderRyder Kalamazoo, Mi Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    It is the PSU or the Video card making the noise.
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited October 2009
    I'm pretty sure its the video card, the sound doesnt come from the bottom of the case that's for sure.

    I only hope its only annoying and not damaging :p i'll try to reduce this sound at the maximum for the time it will take to finish the game.

    It could be a capacitator on the video card, i realy dont know...
  • SerpSerp Texas Member
    edited October 2009
    My GTX280 has capacitor whine while it's folding and I've left it on for weeks at a time with no problems so I think it'll be ok ;)
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    So I have been playing with my OC for a few days now with my i7 920.. here is the cpu-z screen... I can;t seem to get the system to be super stable... it runs certain benchmarks just fine but others crash or lock the system up.

    I have a CPU cooler on order for the system & hope to get some guidance on how to push this babdy further up the charts in OC'ing. Currently my top is 3.4Ghz stock cooling but it only runs 3DMark Vantage... locks up on everything else.
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