I got a completely bewildering thing in the mail today, and I cannot be sure that it is related to secret santa.
This is either a part of a gift that arrived first, a complete warehouse screw-up, or a weird practical joke that I don't get. Is this IC sekrit santa related halp?
They are a 25 sheet package of Avery 8164 3 1/3" x 4" shipping labels?
I *had* to do something homemade. Note that the template matches the Avery # you received.
Posting the editable template here so the community can make labels for the IcrontiBeer as well.
edit: oh damn the font I used is unique to Office 2007, apparently. Well, hopefully you have a cool one. I used a 'Studio 76' 70's style one for the 'IcrontiBeer' header.
Oh, and you're going to need to find someone who can do something with http://icrontic.com/beer for you. I'm sure you'll figure something out.
I got a completely bewildering thing in the mail today, and I cannot be sure that it is related to secret santa.
This is either a part of a gift that arrived first, a complete warehouse screw-up, or a weird practical joke that I don't get. Is this IC sekrit santa related halp?
I finally got back online today. I got the second half of my gifts yesterday which included a container of delicious cookies (gluten free of course) and a sweet Oregon Trail T-Shirt where I die of Dysentery (doesn't everyone?)
My sekrit santa was awesome enough to also gift me Fallout 3 while I was still hooked up to high speed internet at school so I could download it and enjoy it over the break. I'll probably go back to playing it after I kick my little brother off of Crysis Warhead
I'm about 95% sure I should thank the ever amazing and awesome Shwaip for the gifts and "supplieses". Thanks a lot! The cookies held up well, very few become crumbified during the journey.
Ryder sent my a trio of festively papered items. For a moment, I considered sticking them under the tree, and opening them on Christmas eve, since it's so close, but then I forgot, and tore them open.
Inside, I found items which I have been wanting/needing for some time.
I received a new vise grip which is also not a vise grip; a wallet card multi-tool, which I need now that I don't wear cargo pants to work anymore, and thusly have no place to put a normal multi-tool; and a Donkey Kong themed Jenga set, in which players compete to get their Mario up to the top of a girdered tower.
A nice handwritten card (awww)
Cookies (yum, and intact)
zombie dice (not as tasty, but should be fun)
Win Lose or Banana (Banana!)
A t-shirt with lots of people i don't recognize (:))
Buckyballs! Time to add more to my collection ^^
This is either a part of a gift that arrived first, a complete warehouse screw-up, or a weird practical joke that I don't get. Is this IC sekrit santa related halp?
They are a 25 sheet package of Avery 8164 3 1/3" x 4" shipping labels?
It came from Amazon.com.
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="545" height="349" id="viddler_fc3e3fd"><param name="movie" value="http://www.viddler.com/player/fc3e3fd/" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed src="http://www.viddler.com/player/fc3e3fd/" width="545" height="349" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" name="viddler_fc3e3fd"></embed></object>
I *had* to do something homemade. Note that the template matches the Avery # you received.
Posting the editable template here so the community can make labels for the IcrontiBeer as well.
edit: oh damn the font I used is unique to Office 2007, apparently. Well, hopefully you have a cool one. I used a 'Studio 76' 70's style one for the 'IcrontiBeer' header.
Oh, and you're going to need to find someone who can do something with http://icrontic.com/beer for you. I'm sure you'll figure something out.
Lulz. Hilarity.
Also: http://icrontic.com/forum/showpost.php?p=771979&postcount=87
I also packaged up and shipped my gift off today. According to the tracking it should arrive on the 23rd.
PDF copy attached for those without Office 2007.
Also not pictured was a hilarious Christmas Card.
I <4 it! Thank You Paolo!
then today I gotz a package
woot. disney beer stein, borderlands, good times.
mucho gracious sir Crazy Joe
PS. I squeed a little on the super nerdtastic tea names!!
My sekrit santa was awesome enough to also gift me Fallout 3 while I was still hooked up to high speed internet at school so I could download it and enjoy it over the break. I'll probably go back to playing it after I kick my little brother off of Crysis Warhead
I'm about 95% sure I should thank the ever amazing and awesome Shwaip for the gifts and "supplieses". Thanks a lot! The cookies held up well, very few become crumbified during the journey.
(also stupid FO3 went on sale the day after I bought it for you :P)
Inside, I found items which I have been wanting/needing for some time.
I received a new vise grip which is also not a vise grip; a wallet card multi-tool, which I need now that I don't wear cargo pants to work anymore, and thusly have no place to put a normal multi-tool; and a Donkey Kong themed Jenga set, in which players compete to get their Mario up to the top of a girdered tower.
Thanks, Ryder!
A nice handwritten card (awww)
Cookies (yum, and intact)
zombie dice (not as tasty, but should be fun)
Win Lose or Banana (Banana!)
A t-shirt with lots of people i don't recognize (:))
Buckyballs! Time to add more to my collection ^^
Will have to let you know. Put it into action today and enjoyed some delicious earl grey this morning.
I received a nice handwritten note from a young lady named Laura, something about boobs, cops, and donuts.
In the picture are some "Ghost Chile" salted caramel from Theo chocolate in Seattle, 3 gift cards to Sweetwaters donuts and the Pièce de résistance: A CD with Laura singing Auld Lang Syne and a video of her telling "'Twas the night before Christmas" with me as the main character.
Thank you Marushka!