MTG Draft League: EPIC (Sign Up Inside)

This is the Official signup thread for Draft League: Epic.
Currently Signed Up:
1. SpencerForHire
2. QCH
3. mertsen
5. BobbyDigi
Previous Event Results:
12:00pm-4:00pm Friday, June 24th
Total Costs:
New To League: $22.00
Returning Players: $9.00
The Setup:
Like all other League events, previous members need only pay for the packs to be drafted which will be added to their previous pool. New League members will need to buy in (3 SoM packs for individual use) and purchase the two packs to be drafted.
The event will be somewhere around 3-4 rounds swiss play. At the end of rounds a tiebreaker will be run if necessary to determine the winner. Everyone will be able to play each round!
As with previous events, League decks will carry over to all future 2011 events. Scores are totaled between events and the highest scorers will get bragging rights at years end.
Winner: 3 Points + 1 Booster Pack (To be added to their card pool for future 2011 events)
Maximum 1 Loss: 3 Points
Maximum 2 Losses: 2 Points
Participation: 1 Point
Any tickets allocated to this tournament shall be distributed amongst all participants (with EPIC tickets) with the highest scoring EPIC ticket holder receiving a larger amount*.
*Depending on ticket availability if any.
Current Leaderboard:

All interested people please sign up below. I will be buying product ahead of time and need to know exactly how much to buy.
Any questions may also be posted below (and do not automatically sign up the question-giver without the aforementioned "I'm in.")
Currently Signed Up:
1. SpencerForHire
2. QCH
3. mertsen
5. BobbyDigi
Previous Event Results:
12:00pm-4:00pm Friday, June 24th
Total Costs:
New To League: $22.00
Returning Players: $9.00
The Setup:
Like all other League events, previous members need only pay for the packs to be drafted which will be added to their previous pool. New League members will need to buy in (3 SoM packs for individual use) and purchase the two packs to be drafted.
The event will be somewhere around 3-4 rounds swiss play. At the end of rounds a tiebreaker will be run if necessary to determine the winner. Everyone will be able to play each round!
As with previous events, League decks will carry over to all future 2011 events. Scores are totaled between events and the highest scorers will get bragging rights at years end.
Winner: 3 Points + 1 Booster Pack (To be added to their card pool for future 2011 events)
Maximum 1 Loss: 3 Points
Maximum 2 Losses: 2 Points
Participation: 1 Point
Any tickets allocated to this tournament shall be distributed amongst all participants (with EPIC tickets) with the highest scoring EPIC ticket holder receiving a larger amount*.
*Depending on ticket availability if any.
Current Leaderboard:

All interested people please sign up below. I will be buying product ahead of time and need to know exactly how much to buy.
Any questions may also be posted below (and do not automatically sign up the question-giver without the aforementioned "I'm in.")
1. SpencerForHire
2. QCH
3. mertsen
5. BobbyDigi
6. Lincoln
The intent was not to mess up his normal work, this is by no means a regular format and is continually being tweaked to create a balanced environment...
On that note:
The highest scoring NEW player will receive 1 additional point towards the leader board. This will be the case at any and all events with at least 2 new sign-ups.
That said, if there is sufficient interest in a separate draft, I am willing to organize one. I did have an alternate idea though, something I thought I would throw out there; Would there be any interest in having a Commander\EDH tournament instead? I know some people have expressed interest in the past regarding that format as well. Anyways, let me know and I'll go from there. Thanks!
Glad you are going to be there Ben
Currently Signed Up:
1. SpencerForHire
2. QCH
3. mertsen
5. BobbyDigi
6. Lincoln
7. Cannonfodder
Registration deadline is going to be: 6/17. At that time I'll be picking up product.
Please be sure to sign up on my thread if you are interested (even if you already posted interest here). Thanks!
Currently Signed Up:
1. SpencerForHire
2. QCH
3. mertsen
5. BobbyDigi
6. Lincoln
7. Cannonfodder
8. Colgere
To confirm, I will be purchasing 2 packs of New Phyrexia per participant and a sealed pool for Colgere, BobbyDigi, and Mertsen... People not mentioned for a fresh sealed pool make sure you bring your existing cards!