Guys... Pseudonym is a champ
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
I could not be more proud of our friend and fellow Icrontian, Brian "Pseudonym" Novak. He is once again an SCCA national champion!
You RULE, dude!
I already congratulated you but it is worth a second round. CONGRATS Mr Novak!!!!!!!!!
Right, but his first was in a different discipline. I just read through the article - his first was F500
(not that he ever would, or that I have ever been in his car when so, just saying)
grats dood
Next stop: WRC?
You are correct sir. I was joking about my known and stated bias for rally.
Besides, what's there not to love about romping around in the dirt? Pavement is boring.
Indy or ALMS next if I could! Needs moar $$$$$!!
Its also online if anyone wants to watch! Starts at 124:00 at this link. All the races of Sunday are there too, and I believe they have Saturday and Friday up there also if you are so inclined. 24 races in all I believe, all under the SCCA section. Unfortunately they don't have it split up for all the classes yet, give em a month to edit it all.
Awesome win, Novak!
Hahaha, I literally repeated to myself several times during the race "Senna in a Toleman. Senna in a Toleman. Senna in a Toleman."
I frigging love motorsport. That was a fun race to watch.
Actually, I would call that one a racing incident. Lucian was close enough to not need to give the corner to Glen, and then at the exit he held his line. Glen just pushed out into him. Glen is a real good friend of mine but he probably should have let Lucian take that corner. He was fast enough to get him later.
So how fast can those F1000s get on the straightaways? It looks like you carry some decent speed into those turns after the straights.
Indeed. I would imagine that tensions get high when you're racing hard for the gold and the track is frigging soaked. Looked like a mental nightmare.
When it is dry out, 145-150mph.
^^^ Reason I like road, but not so much F1000.
To put this in perspective: that ain't that much slower than much out there short of F1. Le Mans (the one in France) has an average course speed of 120MPH. Rally sees top speeds of around 130-140MPH, and not often, either. Means Pseudonym's reaction times are on average <0.25s without the benefit of power steering. In a 'smack the button first' contest, none of us would stand a chance.