Some of IC MidWest Meets Some of IC West

A battle for the ages. Good vs evil. Awesome vs mediocre. Steak vs Seafood.
Team IC Midwest: @cannonfodder, marie, me
Team IC West: all of you fuckers (and because I want to make sure most of you find this: @myrmidon @teramona @pigflipper @nights @ohmygodhowmanyofyouarethere @bobbydigi @cherplunka @upslynx @IProbablyMissedSome )
All the things
LAX, LA, San Francisco
February 11 - February 19
Because we fucking can.

If it's the weekend, I shouldn't have any trouble. If it's a weeknight, I'm very doubtful. Depending on what area you visit in LA, it's upwards of 3.5hours with traffic.
@nights the best bet would probably be the 11/12th as far as weekends go.
Edit: also, we need to decide how long/which days we'd like to go to SF @UPSLynx, last I heard we can cover most of the things you mentioned in 2 days, but @myrmidon would like to spend 3 days there so that he can do some investigation work while there.
You've already seen the pacific ocean, so that doesn't have the kind of novelty I'd want it to... but a drive up PCH through malibu and to Neptune's Net takes about an afternoon, and you get to see a bit of pretty area.
We can hit the Getty, which is a famous art museum; the boys will enjoy Griffith Park Observatory (a science museum in the hills), and we can see the Hollywood sign from there. If you feel like hiking, that is also in Griffith park. I understand there is an abandoned zoo worth seeing...
I'm taking you guys to Hollywood, period. Even if you say no. And we're going to a shitty Hollywood bar (but not for that long, promise). A drive-around in that area is worth doing, just because skyscrapers are new to you. :P
I have a bunch of restaurants planned; not the least of which is a korean BBQ place. I assume none of you have tasted KBBQ, but it's delightful. On the way, we can see how the other half lives - Playboy mansion, etc.
We shall be seeing @teramona, and she insists we go to tea. And if she doesn't insist, I do. Because it's great. You're welcome to see the area I work in; there are very fine bars down there.
I have other ideas, but this is becoming a long post.
@PirateNinja Didn't realize you are only about 20 minutes from me. I am at 405 and La Tijera Blvd, literally, I can see the 405 from where I am sitting.
Quick rundown of things we can do up here:
-hike the mountains/redwoods. This will definitely be happening. Seeing the California redwoods is something I do with every visitor up here now. It's an incredible sight. We can be out there in 30 minutes. We can easily spend half a day out there walking around and exploring, and driving the winding roads in search of overlooks.
-San Francisco. Obviously. 40-ish minute drive in, or a cheap train ride to get to the city. Walking around is pretty easy, and transit is decent if we decide to take the train. We'll probably hit Japan Town (Jimmeh knows). We can see whatever you guys want to. Golden Gate, Alcatraz, Fisherman's wharf, the piers, Coit tower, whatever. I recommend an entire day to mosey around. I know lots of good stops for drinks and food, any specific touristy places you wish to see is all your call.
-Silicon Valley. Plenty to do around where I live. Microbreweries, food of any kind you could ever imagine, copious arcades (complete with fighting games and asian players that WILL kick your butt), computer history museum, and such. If it interests you, we can swing by and see some companies like Google, Pixar, Apple, whatever. Or heck, we can just hang out at my place, drink, and play board games.
There is also beach-type stuff, but you'll get a better fill of that down in SoCal. Nicer weather and all.
And expect on about five hours to make the drive from LA to Sunnyvale.
Same for Lynx's beach suggestion. Save that for the Malibu trip, where you can head to Pacific Palisades or Santa Monica pier and dick around on Zuma beach (or free Zuma, for rougher surf).
@pigflipper you are really close .. I thought you were up in the valley. I got a ticket for dodging in to the carpool lane off the exit where you live years ago, it would have cost $680 but I fought it and won on defense that a pigeon hit my windshield causing me to swerve in to the carpool lane. Cool story, self
Also would be totally down for getting some drinks whenever you can, need help investigating the dive/sports bars in the Westchester/LAX/El Segundo/Playa Vista area.
Depending on what days of the week you are here, I also recommend the Culver City Farmers Market and the entirety of downtown Culver City as an excellent place to get food, drinks, shop, and meet some really cool people since downtown is bordered on one side by Sony Studios.