I just read through the history of Icrontic. I have done so before, and probably will in the future. I joined in March 2007, I think, and I've pretty much stayed ever since. Icrontic is my home away from home. Icrontic has made me happy, and sad. However, it is not Icrontic that makes me stay. It is the members. It has been said before, but a good thing can't be repeated enough; the members of this site are not just a username on a screen. You are my friends, and I regard some of you as close to a family as possible without sharing a last name. I especially wanna personally thank Brian, Matt, Lynx, Shorty, Thrax, Seth, Nick and everyone else who have contributed to making Icrontic what it is today.
I love you all. Thank you.
I just read through the history of Icrontic. I have done so before, and probably will in the future. I joined in March 2007, I think, and I've pretty much stayed ever since. Icrontic is my home away from home. Icrontic has made me happy, and sad. However, it is not Icrontic that makes me stay. It is the members. It has been said before, but a good thing can't be repeated enough; the members of this site are not just a username on a screen. You are my friends, and I regard some of you as close to a family as possible without sharing a last name. I especially wanna personally thank Brian, Matt, Lynx, Shorty, Thrax, Seth, Nick and everyone else who have contributed to making Icrontic what it is today.
I love you all. Thank you.
You guys are the best. Best community on the web, period. No contest.
I agree completely, @Jokke. I haven't been active on the forums for very long, but I jumped into IRC back when I roomed with @Drasnor. Back then it was just a fun internet community...I'd been with a good number of those. Now, though, that I live on my own in a fairly remote place where I don't know many people, and don't have much in common with most of the 200k, I've seen what the big deal is. I used to sit around the apartment all depressed and shit (this place eats your soul...), but now I hang out with people I can actually be myself around (I can't do that around /anyone/ within 400 miles) almost every night (and don't even have to put on pants!), and I have real, meaningful relationships with a lot of you.
This isn't something that can happen without effort, but everyone here takes the initiative to make (and keep) it a decent place with decent people who really support and encourage each-other. I haven't even known a lot of you for very long, yet you make me feel so welcome and appreciated as an individual that it feels like it's been many many years. This is a very good, constructive, thing here, and I'm proud to be a part of it. I can't wait for EPIC so hard right now...
I unabashedly and uncompromisingly adore each and every one of you.
Banter is one thing, but out and out flame-warring is a good way to get banned here-- and that is how it should be. Thanks to all who keep this place running for that.
I do not drive-- and the library is 2 miles away. So, I get on the internet-- this is my home on the
Internet. I think I have been here for about 8 years now-- at Short-Media and Icrontic combined. I am more a reader and thinker than poster, so I tend to not often add a lot of content here. But thanks to all who make Icrontic work.
Here's how I feel bout dat...
That along with Rexxar The Red Team Spy Crab are two of my greatest achievements here at IC. If there was ever a performance based event at expo, I would preform those two
I love Icrontic and I am proud to say I've been here since before it was Icrontic and actively helped build Icrontic for over 10 years, even if only in a small way.
(joined original icrontic in 2000)
Happy anniversary, Icrontic. May I never forget all you've done for me, and the incredible influence your members have had on my life.
Jesus H. Christ was that an understatement.
From Day 1 at Apu's Hardware, we had a blast. Ghetto Hardware, flame wars with the Hard boys, threats of lawsuits from the vast numbers of people that we pissed off just by being kids with no limitations and no real goals. Scratch that, the site always had a goal, Keith wanted it to be the best goddamn website on the web. Period. The rest of us were just along for a ride that we thought would soon end. HA!
As high school ended and we drifted apart to college and other things, the site kind of fell off everybody's immediate radar. I stopped contributing and even visiting for a few years as other priorities came into play. When things finally fell apart, leading to Short Media, BBF, and the revised IC, I lost contact with a bunch of y'all. I had joined the crowd that went to BBF (BitBender Forums) and didn't talk much to Keith until shortly before his death. One of my biggest regrets, and something that took me a very long time to get over, was not answering his call that night; I was wasted in Savannah, Georgia, for my 21st birthday and never heard the phone ring. Y'all know the rest.
When I came back, finally, for good, after several years away, it was just as SM and IC became one again; I think it was Celcho who brought me back into the fold. I think it was a bit of therapy for both of us, at least it was for me, to come back to our first virtual home and see the new memories and personalities being built around what our best friend had created.
Now I have a bunch of memories with members new and old. From gamers, to hardware geeks, to the people who just like the site, friends they all are. From doing Irish Car Bombs with Sharky until we could hardly stand, to Chinese Rape Drink, to epic matches of TF2 (at the LAN and on the server). Driving all the way from Florida with DogDragon, non-stop with a highly illegal load of alcohol products in the trunk. Midnight runs to White Castle.
Thank You, Icrontic, for keeping the old memories alive, creating new ones, and for giving us all a place to call home. I don't know where I would be in life right now without y'all, but I do that my life would've been a lot more dull and meaningless without this site.
Thank You.