_K's krazy krash kourse of KATastrophe



  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited November 2023

    Orbital Racer(1.72 hours): Won a few races and picked up a few sponsors but not going to play it to much since it is a bit annoying/cheap. Flying around makes me think they simply ripped their environments from Shattered Horizon because the Venus space station and Asteroid race field looks A LOT like several things from that game and it is super weird to catch a shape and immediately think of Shattered Horizon. The game itself is a checkpoint space flying game with dmg and weapons. Using mouse and keyboard you can just point the ship and press W, Pyros dream. Since it does take into account energy you have sharp turns and some curving you need to do to be efficient but by the 7th race I was going against hard CPUs and the only thing screwing me over were EMP missiles. This is the real reason I am not going to try all of the courses, the freaking EMP mines and missiles. Mines you can fly around but for missiles you have to launch flares and the flares have a 25% success rate. You can either wait for an incoming missile message or just hold down the flare button and fly the entire race. The issue is when you are racing and close to each other missiles will have a 100% hit chance so flares are not very useful. Just getting out in front and laying on the speed is the only thing that seems to be very useful in the game. Visuals are pretty good for a small release as you get particle effects, light changes, reflections, and some interesting HUD and course markers. If you bought the Ukraine pack you should have a key for this and I think it is worth 45 minutes of play just to see what it looks like. Wish there was LAN or multiplayer built in because it would be a fun party style game for an hour with friends as you play bumper cars on a track.

    Games Completed: 180
    Time: 12 weeks 78.42 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Raft(17.5 hours): Calling this done as we have completed all of the story line. Pretty fun adventure, crafting survival game. You make a raft from trash you find floating in the open ocean and things you find on the occasional island you run across. There is an aggressive shark that continual attacks your boat ever X minutes. The story is very lose because it amounts to something horrible happened in the world where everything flooded and you are one of the couple of survivors. You need to build and research tools to navigate the ocean and find out what happened.

    Games Completed: 181
    Time: 12 weeks 95.92 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    bitburner(1778.6 hours) - text based idle hacking game that uses js. Beat about 1/3 of all of the nodes but really just getting bored since the mechanics never really change. Kind of interesting game to understand how it works and find the better scripts for auto playing plus the strats to make your time between resets less futile.
    Games Completed: 182
    Time: 12 weeks 100 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Maneater(10.6 hours) - 100% on this game for the base version. Game looked fun when I heard about it but I didn't buy it on launch and then within a month it was free on Epic...sweeeeeet. Started playing the game right before and during EXPO which was fun and I did enjoy it though it felt hard to play more than an hour or two straight since you are a shark doing missions and there is very little variance; go here kill these or swim around and find POIs.
    The game is a mocumentary style TV show following a shark hunter and shark as they battle it out in the swap lands. Everything is over the top but it really adds to the feel of the game since there are times you have to hop around on land to eat people and munch on a sign post. There are different classes of missions to perform in each region of the map and completing things helps unlock other missions which eventually give you enough resources to evolve/upgrade or unlock new mutations for the shark.
    Since you are a shark and the game is not a pure skill based game as you go through you can modify or upgrade the mods on your shark either making you really tough, drop poison around you, or electrocute things. Do enough and you can unlock the entire set for an added bonus. This is useful and also a by-product if you normally work on completing all the missions and this is really needed to complete the final boss fight along with some of the toughest animals like a mad orca or a white sperm whale. The map for sure understands its meta needs and plays to it but a narrator talks the entire time and quickly runs out of lines to cover the very generic actions you do.
    The game was a lot of fun expect for the initial grinding needed to get up to lvl 10, max lvl 30. You do get free play after beating the boss and they do a short lead into their DLC for a new side campaign but it didn't feel very compelling plus it raises the lvl cap to 40 so eh for a free game.

    Games Completed: 183
    Time: 12 weeks 110.6 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Orcs Must Die 3(32.2hours): Been waiting to play this game. @Massalinie and I plowed through the campaign together because since OMD2 it seemed like several maps are designed for two people, unless you play the silly meta. The game feels the same with just two new characters and new maps, which is good. There are new WAR maps where you get access to some large scale traps like a squad of archers or massive spring/freeze pads. The normal difficulty is a bit easy for most of the maps until they decide to throw a dozen runners at you or some other BS designed to kill a perfect run. However, the hard difficulty is so freaking over the top I hate it. Passed a couple maps but then quickly it became apparent the traps are pointless you have to play the DPS meta to actually clear levels on that difficulty which I hate. I want a tower defense game not a hack and slash that requires only min/max metas.

    Still had a lot of fun playing it through campaign, endless, and the scramble mode. Going back for perfects on levels and learning how to screw up the enemy AI routing is fun.

    Games Completed: 184
    Time: 12 weeks 142.8 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited November 2022

    Cyberpunk 2077 (78.7 hours): I need more stuff to do. Just buy the game and do all the things. There are still a good number of bugs and issues but so much polish in random places when you get lost and take a random turn it is mind blowing. Judy.

    Games Completed: 185
    Time: 13 weeks 53.5 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Borderlands 3 (38.75 hours): The story felt slightly disjointed because you are planet hoping while doing your shooting and looting. Separate planets does help the plot change its tone drastically. There were a lot of shocks and turns but nothing felt like a "this is point". Free game from Epic and well worth the play time.
    Games Completed: 186
    Time: 13 weeks 92.25 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited December 2022

    The Banner Saga 2(10.1 hours): They wrote this to be a middle game. The sequel game is of course a continuation of the story from the first game. You can import your save so your choices carry through the game play. Battles seemed a little tougher than I remembered them from the first game which resulted in a few fights being very frustrating since I was having issues cracking them. There aren't as many story lines happening in this one but it does really fill in the plot story. New battle features were introduced which is kind of nice but they also seemed to be easy to cheese stuff with since they are more advanced attacks or character builds.

    Games Completed:187
    Time: 13 weeks 102.35 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Grouned(60 hours): Played with @Massalinie and EmpireRoman through most of the game and Shaun dropped in for the last few weeks. This was all part of our normal Wednesday night gaming we do as a group. Grounded is honestly a fun exploration game because the map is sooo big that you can play the entire game while skipping or not finding whole areas of the backyard. Also the same strat doesn't carry through in all areas of the map because you have to deal with infected insects, underwater parts, burning hot areas, high DPS aggressive bugs, and the list keeps going on. The only draw back we really decided on was that the building mechanic was a little rough when compared to RAFT. Having to collect so many resources and transport them long distances is a massive time sink especially when some areas you have to build something specific to access it which requires chopping huge amounts of grass and then transporting it. Still a great fun game to play with others while slowly becoming the most dangerous life form in the backyard.

    Games Completed: 188
    Time: 13 weeks 162.35 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Banner Saga 3(7.8 hours): Man the final game is brutal with what it makes you go through. On Normal so many of the battles felt like cliff hangers no matter how I played them. There is an interesting change up on how to manage your parties in the majority of the game and again it was just brutal because you know how hard of an impact one parties decisions affect the others. Everything was extremely captivating in the final hours of the game but sitting hear it makes you realize a lot of your choices were entirely pointless.

    Games Completed: 189
    Time: 14 weeks 2.15 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Stolen Realm (27 hours): This is a procedural turn based dungeon crawler. DnD with polygons. The game is pretty fun especially with friends as you can run a 6 person party. You pick missions to complete and each map is random plus providing you choices as you move into each area. Stuff goes start a mission, make a choice between rest/shop/treasure/encounter/battle, then finally a boss battle. Town is basically a hub of some specific vendors as all missions are a full encounter you warp to. There is a story but it isn't very compelling. Several bugs happen which might require you to replay some parts but other bugs are hilarious like dead bodies jittering across the map or slowly flying off into the nether.

    Games Completed: 190
    Time: 14 weeks 29.15 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Go Home Dinosaurs (11 hours): Oh tower defense why do you do this to me. Can't upgrade towers, limited towers to use, have to use power cards, don't get currency to place towers by killing enemies. Its just not the same but I still enjoyed trying to figure my way through the puzzles. You are a goofer having a BBQ with steaks that Dinosaurs are trying to steal and you have to collect coconuts to build your towers. BTW you only get a max of 9 towers+powers to use per map once you unlock all of the slots so learn the combos. There is a veggie mode where you are grilling carrots in case you don't like meat. 3/4th of the maps you can just free form them once you understand some basic combos but the rest always have some little trick or tight timing to be able to make it. Relatively easy game to 100% but with so little variation between maps and enemy types you would need to grind for a few extra hours after finishing to get there.

    Games Completed: 191
    Time: 14 weeks 40.15 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited May 2023

    MCC Halo CE(10.4 hours): Never have I ever played so many maps in reverse. The flood or just BS enemies with melee range and randomly baking off spare grenades.....the freaking library. One down and more to go. The remastered textures sure do make doors hard to find and in half the levels I did appreciate the original textures where stuff looked more like rocks and ledges so things got a bit more definition instead of a lot of ramps or mounded textures. Jumping segments were so terrible honestly how did MC never learn to jump in basic. Cortana I got u grl.

    Games Completed: 191
    Time: 14 weeks 50.55 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    MCC HALO 2(7 hours): The story is sooo good. Really sucked me in during the explanations of the covenant and the politicking going on between the races. I did turn it down from Legendary because I had gotten so frustrated from being one shoted turning corners in HALO CE, still a decent amount of the same but at least it was telegraphed a bit better. Most annoying part of the game design is honestly the model hit boxes as I watch grenades clip through or grenade rounds slip past. Half the levels are just me saying "excuse me, pardon me" as I run through the level avoiding the warring factions.

    Games Completed: 192
    Time: 14 weeks 57.55 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    MCC HALO 3(4.6 hours): Wow that was a lot shorter it seemed like the level of detail dropped off a good bit, the cut scenes were worse than what I remember for 2. Master Chief's day just keeps getting worse, more of the same thing as yesterday with shoot shoot and blow up a HALO. The fact the level design never gets better by the 3rd game is kind of lame, lots of back tracking because why make more of a level when you can force people to walk it twice. Oh well half way through the collection.

    Games Completed: 193
    Time: 14 weeks 62.15 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Valheim (32.1 hours): Didn't complete as the game kept crashing my entire computer for some unknown reason. Kind of fun but rather annoying as the resource gathering for gear is so intensive everything at all levels is a grind. Sailing was kind of fun but it also made me realize there are no positive forces in the game world only negative as the wind seemed to 75% of the time be against the direction the boat was pointing and so many environmental things that are meant to make the game harder at just a basic level.

    Games Completed: 194
    Time: 14 weeks 94.25 hours

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    @_k I love reading your reviews. When you post one, maybe post a link in the gaming channel on discord to get more people to see your reviews, because they are genuinely helpful!

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Bloons TD6 (58.50 hours+): Some how I have almost 60 hours in this game and I honestly would say it was only 20ish. But that Bloons life just keeps sucking me back in just when I thought I got out! Free on Epic because I grew up playing Bloons flash and you aren't gonna make me pay for a flash game, totally not a flash game any more. There is a bunch of meta stuff going on now in the game which gives it a lot of confusing aspects when you just want to play a TD game that is silly and over the top. Between all the different map levels, variations, top level skill tree, and monkey XP unlocks there is so much to do in the game. I haven't even gotten into the intermediate levels really as I am still plugging away on the Baby stuff. Pretty sure they will make an Escape from Detroit movie before I finish this game and all its content, not touching anything online because I know whats out there.

    Games Completed: 195
    Time: 14 weeks 152.75 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Bloons Adventure Time TD(5.9 hours): I rage quit on this one. Basically got no where and the game either expects you to grind old levels or pay a bunch of money because tower leveling isn't XP based but crate drop based. Then in the beginning there is NO WAY to clear some levels without using powers and powers have limited charges but don't worry you can buy more charges for 100 coin but clearing a level doesn't yield 100 coin so you MUST grind the easiest maps to get coins so you can grind medium levels to get drops for characters. Its all a grab screw that.
    Games Completed: 196
    Time: 14 weeks 158.65 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    PlateUp!(10.4 hours): Saying this is done as we have reached "the end" with 2 restaurants at least plus there doesn't seem to be much more content wise besides just variations on restaurant design and food to serve. This is just Overcooked where you take a single restaurant from Day 1 to Day 15 and then franchise it. You can move counters, tables, stoves and stuff around to get a better layout in your floor plan. Then each day you get new stuff to buy and build and place or cards that modify the experience with more/less customers and changes in the food. Plus other fun things like customers make more mess for you to clean and some times they will eat extra meals or ask for deserts. It kind of keeps the game fresh but only in an iterative sense. One of the really silly things is that when playing multiplayer only the host can unlock achievements which is a mind blowing over sight given this is a co-op/couch game. Maybe it isn't really like Overcooked just in the sense that you run a restaurant and it is intense. BTW if a customer doesn't get their order in time or has to wait for a table too long even just once your restaurant closes and you lose, getting to 15 days really takes at least an hour its crazy.

    Games Completed: 197
    Time: 14 weeks 169.05

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    DRIFT.WAV(1.5 hours): Free steam game with a couple of achievements. Two game modes where you drive down a straight highway doing a UAE drift or drive down a slightly twisty road which an occasional y intersection. There are some jumps(why) and red/green blocks you can nail to get money or lose some. Money is used to unlock other cars and the paint option for the vehicles. For some reason your car can jump and the AI drivers are hell bent on murder.

    Games Completed: 198
    Time: 15 weeks 2.55 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Satisfactory (87.9 hours): Claiming victory on this even though I have not completed phase 4 of the space elevator, all the machines are running and now I would just have to idle out for like 40 hours to let them finish or spend about the same amount of time building all new lines to feed one or two machines to save 5 hours. My SP game took 69 hours to get to that point but I am also doing a MP game with @Massalinie @EmpireRoman @Dimitri at the same time, but who knows how far we will take that. Update 8 landed on us and oh boy is MP screwy now with hypertubes and some other floating bugs but SP for sure isn't really hit by it at all. They jacked stuff up bad honestly. Game is a decent amount of fun but don't know if I would replay from scratch solo again or just build bases in new biospheres to see how easy or hard certain machine lines are to build out effectively; original base was bottom right. Having played the Foundry Demo really shows how Satisfactory should improve their zoop feature and allow the player to auto construct items on themselves, I get forcing you to build machines or use the bench means a hard push into doing machines but at the same time when the game takes almost 100 hours to complete it feels like a player penalty later on instead of a mechanic that grows with you. Just allow a research task for mobile crafting bench. Looks beautiful and honestly if it was released in the same state it was prior to update 8 push that would be fine. MP server is a bloated bad design, 8GB+ just to allow one person to connect or it dumps the MP map and you get a socket error client side and crashes regularly when given a chonky server come on.

    Games Completed: 199
    Time: 15 weeks 90.25 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Stray (5.4 hours): Alright I got outside but I want to go back in. Probably about a 3/7 for me, expecting a bit more. Very basic platforming since its on rails plus you just run around every where looking for stuff. The only hard parts are finding everything since some memories or soda machines are stuck sort of not where you would expect but the fact you can just spam X/A in a lot of places to see where you can go doesn't make it that difficult. Also the plot seems a bit weird for getting the cat out of the city when it was living with its family in the city like did I play a game where a cat got caught up in a political revolution and it is one of the unintended causalities?

    Games Completed: 200
    Time: 15 weeks 95.4 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Art of Rally(15.66 hours): Got it free on epic and I would say it is worth $20 if you liked absolute drift and other arcade/sim racing games. This is a poly 3rd person tilt racing game. There is something wonky with the game engine as I feel it needs way more resources than it should take even when running on low settings because if I had almost anything going on in the background it was very regularly stuttering, and that is even without the random inability of the game engine to keep up with asset loading at times. Despite all of that the physics are pretty spot on feeling for a realistic arcade game and the only things that stand out are the braking distances being super short so you can run 100% until about 50 feet of hair pin or 90 degree turn, also starting in group B the cars want to tip way to easily to the point that I had to actively attempt NOT to flip in a lot of courses. Group A: celica anti-lag is too annoying to race, evo is too slow to race, STi is just faster but dear gosh it is a boat. There is a free roam for the different levels with elements to collect like Pro Skater but I felt zero desire to to put in the effort.

    Games Completed: 201
    Time: 15 weeks 111.06 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited December 2023

    Human Resource Machine(2.3 hours): This is a programming automation game, process things from your inbox in a certain fashion and then send them out. Stuff like add numbers, sort numbers, create a fib sequence, etc. After about 7 levels I went "what the hell I already did all of this in my machine language class, screw it where is the git repo for the solutions". Kind of basic and simple game but if you like math and logic problems it will be right up your ally. There is a plot to the game it is just very subtle.

    Games Completed: 202
    Time: 15 weeks 113.36 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    The Past Within(2.8 hours): This is a co-op game where you play with someone not connected to you, it is an interesting idea of making the players think they are working together but in reality it is just a big one sided state machine with a few sync up points. The name of the game is to bring your father back to life in the future, and you his daughter, get to run through a silly set of pseudo-time traveling actions with a machine to make it happen. Rather intriguing and fun despite some creepy images and sounds in regard to re-animating a dead person. Worth a few bucks especially since both players must own a copy of the game.

    Games Completed: 202
    Time: 15 weeks 116.16 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Oh Deer (2.7 hours): You are stuck on an island with a bunch of man eating deer that you must kill before your sanity runs out and the deer transform and kill you. There "isn't much" to the game but there is plenty to do with how you play to get several hours out of it with friends. You have up to 5 players where one person randomly is selected as the hunter and the rest of the people are killer deer trying to hide with the normal deer. The hunter slowly looses sanity and also looses it when he kills a real deer while the player deer get hungry and must east mushrooms to blend in. Its pretty fast paced and allows for several different strats that give a path for winning. The deer can shit for a sudden boost of speed when they need to flee the hunter...

    Games Completed: 203
    Time: 15 weeks 118.86 hours

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Burnout: Paradise(8 hours): Finally played all the way to the credits on this game, I think this might just be the 3rd attempt or 4th. Honestly do not like the open world format for Burnout, felt like driving all over the city just to race the same 4 routes over and over and over. Drive to a random intersection and then race to the club or stadium or whatever and then drive half way back across the city to do the same thing. Crash Mode missing is always a big blow to my heart after playing Burnout2 for a long time, then Burnout 1, then Burnout 3, and Takedown. Half the reason I don't like the open world is because the traffic patterns become so random you can't learn the cars the way you used to, no drifting down a hill through a perfect S turn then slotting between the bus and 1-2 cars doing a hard right hand turn(if you know you know). I know a lot of people love Paradise but it honestly it felt like burnout going to die to me and well yah...might just have to hook up the PS and wreck that Japanese muscle.

    Games Completed: 204
    Time: 15 weeks 126.86

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Helldivers II(50.8 hours): You know when you buy an actual Starship troopers game in beta and then a full game drops that is an even better starship troopers game when it isn't, it makes you sad but also happy. I have been playing a decent chunk with @EmpireRoman and Pogchampreaper ,which is pretty good since the missions are 15-40 minutes but most of the time I'm just pubing it which was ok until I started to need to do the higher diff levels. There is not much to the game outside of progression unlocks, 4 player coop and just running around the map as fast as possible and dumping on the enemies with abilities like air strikes, orbital lasers, quasar shots to the face. Its not a bad game but at the same time it feels like its missing a spark despite the devs putting a lot of love in and actually having a story where you have to expand and defend super earth's hold on a bunch of different planets so for a month you might be needing to fight on a planet with fire tornadoes and then a week on cold frozen planets always experiencing night. That creates a lot of variation but still things feel rather generic and repetitive.

    Games Completed: 205
    Time: 15 weeks 177.66

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    Ridge Racer Unbounded(6.4 hours): Dog, this game sucks. Never released in Japan. Drifting sucks. They have different game modes (drift, domination, time attack) but then mix and match cars and modes like why am I driving my drift car in a domination match. Winning races isn't enough you also need to do extra things like destroy the city to open up shortcuts for that race or drift a bunch. The game can't decide what it wants to be besides a short loop of shrillex songs, we get it you paid a bunch of money. Its all over the place in basically all aspects of the game and it takes what could have been a fine finale to the Ridge Racer dynasty into a chimera that looks sad.

    Games Completed: 206
    Time: 16 weeks 16.06

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