What companion do you run with, how did you choose?
I want to run with some of the companions I've found so far but I just can't bring myself to walk around without Dogmeat. He's just so damned cute.
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
I've only unlocked 3 companions so far (I've mostly been doing Minuteman Radiant quests and sidetracking,) and have stuck with Dogmeat when using one. I find him helpful for my playstyle, and he became even more of a keeper when I realized I could give him armor, bandannas, goggles, and more to wear.
I don't understand why anyone would want a companion that isn't Dogmeat... he's cute, fuzzy, doesn't talk back and he finds stuff for you. Perfect companion.
@ardichoke said:
I don't understand why anyone would want a companion that isn't Dogmeat... he's cute, fuzzy, doesn't talk back and he finds stuff for you. Perfect companion.
@MAGIC said:
Lone wanderer, with Dog Meat because he doesn't effect the perk.
I didn't even notice that perk... thanks for posting this. I know what perk I'm taking next level. Also, I like the way they do perks as compared to Fallout 3/New Vegas... but hot damn there is a lot of them. I feel like I need to study for a week just to understand the perk tree!
@ardichoke said:
I didn't even notice that perk... thanks for posting this. I know what perk I'm taking next level. Also, I like the way they do perks as compared to Fallout 3/New Vegas... but hot damn there is a lot of them. I feel like I need to study for a week just to understand the perk tree!
Yes, there are a lot. Easier to look at the perk tree on the fallout 4 wiki because all the descriptions are in order of lvl.
I've been playing like i said with lone wanderer, single shot weapons with the pistol and rifle perks, with the perks that increase damage wile sneaking. Sort of a ninja sniper. As well as using the perk that increases chems duration and prevents addition. So my tactic has been buff up on a bunch of damage increasing chems, sneak around and pretty much one shot most things.
There are some really good synergies on with melee perks as well. I will be making a character to try that out when i finish up my first run through the main story line.
My character may be a bit too much of a hodge-podge.... which will probably end up biting me. Basically gone with a pistols and rifles build as well, but also dumped points into a bunch of the Luck skills... especially since I have a low-Int character and that Idiot Savant perk is useful. I haven't gone sneaky though, much more of a run and gun build.
I just really wish I was finding more 10mm ammo. I've tweaked the hell out of my 10mm handgun, but I'm constantly low or out of ammo for it and I end up having to switch to my weaker pipe pistol, for which I have an overabundance of rounds.
Yeah, the perk that increases the ammo you find is useful. I wouldnt worry too much about what you pick early on. There is no lvl cap and you could max everything out.
@MAGIC said:
Yeah, the perk that increases the ammo you find is useful.
Not only because you don't have to conserve ammo, but you have a crapton of ammo that you can sell.
I wouldnt worry too much about what you pick early on. There is no lvl cap and you could max everything out.
This is a very helpful, I didn't realize there was no cap.
BlackHawkBible music connoisseurThere's no place like
I thought I would enjoy this game, but I once again realized that I suck at RPG elements. I just don't feel like I have the acumen anymore to delve into perks or strategy. I mean, I'm still only at the beginning of the game and it seems like it gets more difficult. I'll give it another shot.
Keep in mind that when looking at the big perk "tree", most of them are not available to you at the beginning, so you don't have to think that much. I followed a tip from this article (no spoilers), ensuring I could get Hacking 1 and Locksmith 1 early.
You really don't have to strategize with perks like the last games.
The lack of a level cap means that the only thing keeping you from getting a comprehensive build is time.
For me I've just looked at what's useful, Lockpicking and Hacking are basically essential for exploring the map while you want at least one weapon related perk (Single shot, automatic, pistol, etc.
Really enjoying the way the new system works, that said I do miss taking 1 Charisma like in the first 4 games and just pumping points into barter and speech.
The graphics are quite outdated. Rendering technology has come a long way (see: SWBF, which sustains higher performance at much higher visual fidelity).
There are serious performance concerns with the game on a large number of NV and ATI graphics cards. The engine runs on tacks, glue and hope, and it's the same codebase patched iteratively over the course of 10 years.
It's an ugly situation. It's serviceable, but it's ugly.
So far, I am underwhelmed. I don't know why, but this game isn't really doing it for me. I'll try and put some thoughts down as to why I don't like it, but I am having a hard time coming up with exactly what I want to say.
Fallout has always been about the story and characters for me. The voice acting and story have been amazing so far. Only issues I have had is occasional dialog/cut scene bugs that lock the game up but that's only happened twice in like 15 hours of game play.
@MAGIC said:
Fallout has always been about the story and characters for me. The voice acting and story have been amazing so far. Only issues I have had is occasional dialog/cut scene bugs that lock the game up but that's only happened twice in like 15 hours of game play.
Same... except I haven't had any such lock ups. The only problem I had was when I paused and walked away from my computer for too long (not realizing Windows 10 had reset my power settings to a 15 minute sleep time). Computer went to sleep, which FO4 didn't like as it crashed on resume and Windows failed to reclaim my primary display. Only way I could resolve it was to reboot my computer.
As for the graphics... really? Those are considered bad graphics? I mean.... since I got a wife and a life, I haven't been playing video games as much, but they sure as hell look fine to me for the style they're going for... I mean, I guess if such "bad" graphics are the reason the game runs so smoothly on my 5+ year old desktop, I can live with that.
Floating fortress and tower of doom. Suck it unknown enemies.
haha, omg that's awesome.
So, topic of discussion.
What companion do you run with, how did you choose?
I want to run with some of the companions I've found so far but I just can't bring myself to walk around without Dogmeat. He's just so damned cute.
I've only unlocked 3 companions so far (I've mostly been doing Minuteman Radiant quests and sidetracking,) and have stuck with Dogmeat when using one. I find him helpful for my playstyle, and he became even more of a keeper when I realized I could give him armor, bandannas, goggles, and more to wear.
I don't understand why anyone would want a companion that isn't Dogmeat... he's cute, fuzzy, doesn't talk back and he finds stuff for you. Perfect companion.
I find that the animation for when he gets wounded is a little too real and it actually bothers me to the point that I haven't used him much.
...but he is always in the way!
Radiation storms are terrifying.
Lone wanderer, with Dog Meat because he doesn't effect the perk.
I didn't even notice that perk... thanks for posting this. I know what perk I'm taking next level. Also, I like the way they do perks as compared to Fallout 3/New Vegas... but hot damn there is a lot of them. I feel like I need to study for a week just to understand the perk tree!
Yes, there are a lot. Easier to look at the perk tree on the fallout 4 wiki because all the descriptions are in order of lvl.
I've been playing like i said with lone wanderer, single shot weapons with the pistol and rifle perks, with the perks that increase damage wile sneaking. Sort of a ninja sniper. As well as using the perk that increases chems duration and prevents addition. So my tactic has been buff up on a bunch of damage increasing chems, sneak around and pretty much one shot most things.
There are some really good synergies on with melee perks as well. I will be making a character to try that out when i finish up my first run through the main story line.
My character may be a bit too much of a hodge-podge.... which will probably end up biting me. Basically gone with a pistols and rifles build as well, but also dumped points into a bunch of the Luck skills... especially since I have a low-Int character and that Idiot Savant perk is useful. I haven't gone sneaky though, much more of a run and gun build.
I just really wish I was finding more 10mm ammo. I've tweaked the hell out of my 10mm handgun, but I'm constantly low or out of ammo for it and I end up having to switch to my weaker pipe pistol, for which I have an overabundance of rounds.
Yeah, the perk that increases the ammo you find is useful. I wouldnt worry too much about what you pick early on. There is no lvl cap and you could max everything out.
Not only because you don't have to conserve ammo, but you have a crapton of ammo that you can sell.
This is a very helpful, I didn't realize there was no cap.
I thought I would enjoy this game, but I once again realized that I suck at RPG elements. I just don't feel like I have the acumen anymore to delve into perks or strategy. I mean, I'm still only at the beginning of the game and it seems like it gets more difficult. I'll give it another shot.
Keep in mind that when looking at the big perk "tree", most of them are not available to you at the beginning, so you don't have to think that much. I followed a tip from this article (no spoilers), ensuring I could get Hacking 1 and Locksmith 1 early.
You really don't have to strategize with perks like the last games.
The lack of a level cap means that the only thing keeping you from getting a comprehensive build is time.
For me I've just looked at what's useful, Lockpicking and Hacking are basically essential for exploring the map while you want at least one weapon related perk (Single shot, automatic, pistol, etc.
Really enjoying the way the new system works, that said I do miss taking 1 Charisma like in the first 4 games and just pumping points into barter and speech.
The graphics are quite outdated. Rendering technology has come a long way (see: SWBF, which sustains higher performance at much higher visual fidelity).
There are serious performance concerns with the game on a large number of NV and ATI graphics cards. The engine runs on tacks, glue and hope, and it's the same codebase patched iteratively over the course of 10 years.
It's an ugly situation. It's serviceable, but it's ugly.
I like FO4.
It's just an old engine that suffers visually and technically from its age.
I thought the graphics looked good until I played battlefront last night and screwed my reference point
I still think they look good, they may not be top end photo-realism or anything but the 50s cartoony aesthetic is really nice imo.
If I wanted to play a post-apocalyptic game and have it look like Battlefront or CoD I wouldn't be playing a Fallout game.
Don't have the game......yet. But I found this last night and thought I'd share with you guys as a warning.
So far, I am underwhelmed. I don't know why, but this game isn't really doing it for me. I'll try and put some thoughts down as to why I don't like it, but I am having a hard time coming up with exactly what I want to say.
Fallout has always been about the story and characters for me. The voice acting and story have been amazing so far. Only issues I have had is occasional dialog/cut scene bugs that lock the game up but that's only happened twice in like 15 hours of game play.
Same... except I haven't had any such lock ups. The only problem I had was when I paused and walked away from my computer for too long (not realizing Windows 10 had reset my power settings to a 15 minute sleep time). Computer went to sleep, which FO4 didn't like as it crashed on resume and Windows failed to reclaim my primary display. Only way I could resolve it was to reboot my computer.
As for the graphics... really? Those are considered bad graphics? I mean.... since I got a wife and a life, I haven't been playing video games as much, but they sure as hell look fine to me for the style they're going for... I mean, I guess if such "bad" graphics are the reason the game runs so smoothly on my 5+ year old desktop, I can live with that.
My next character may have to be Mr. Boobies.... (See the 1:55 point)
Yes! I only have my monitor set to shut off not even go to sleep, but even when that happens and Fallout is full-screen it bugs out and locks up.