Just hope they keep the changes New Vegas made over Fallout 3.
It was a much more refined game with factions, iron sights, reworked skills, FAR less invincible NPCs, etc, etc.
Not really hyped. Can't put my finger on it, but I just haven't been able to get into Bethesda's take on Fallout. I'm probably just too fanboy for Fallout 2 (one of my all time favorite games), but F3 and NV just felt way too much like Oblivion with guns.
I did have an issue with the Gamebryo engine used on F3 and New Vegas - that engine straight sucks, and it's ugly as sin. F3/NV looked so muddy and gross because of it, I think that was one of the big things keeping me out of those games. Also, the extremely overdone brown/gray filter on those two games was way overdone, and it always kind of hurt my eyes.
If the F4 trailer is representative of gameplay, then I'll definitely give it a shot. Not a gorgeous looking game, but I am thrilled to see crisp textures and, you know, actual color this time around.
My hypemeter just shot up over 9000. I've already informed my wife that she will not be seeing me for 70-100 hours once this game comes out. She's oddly okay with this.... I'd think about that more but it would cut into my HYYYYPE.
ChoochK-Pop authority™, Pho KingMadison Heights, MIIcrontian
11/10/2015 is the release date.
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
Hmm... Release date is the week of my birthday. I think this might be a sign from the gaming gods. I should take a week off, eschew hygiene and social interaction, to wander the wasteland.
For some reason, I read that as "sign into my gaming pod". Reading the next sentence, there's nothing there which suggests that as an incorrect interpretation.
One of my friends bought a pip boy alarm clock, took out the clock part and made it into a case for his smart phone. It was pretty awesome. Too bad that they make phones so damn big now! Those pip boy ones better come back in stock. I was too busy traveling to remember to buy one.
11/10/15 as in November 10th? That's two days before my birthday! Skyrim was 11/11/11, Bethsoft must like me ^_^
@ardichoke said:
I need Steam gift cards for my birthday.... I never should have bought this new house, now I can't afford to spend recklessly on video games!
Spend recklessly? This seems like a sound investment!
It's gonna be WICKED awesome.
Looks like they switched to the Skyrim engine, as expected. Did they talk about the engine at all in the announcement event?
All they did was show the trailer. Will probably learn more at E3.
Flying things, not sure how I feel about flying things. Although flying fortress is pretty BA
Just hope they keep the changes New Vegas made over Fallout 3.
It was a much more refined game with factions, iron sights, reworked skills, FAR less invincible NPCs, etc, etc.
Not really hyped. Can't put my finger on it, but I just haven't been able to get into Bethesda's take on Fallout. I'm probably just too fanboy for Fallout 2 (one of my all time favorite games), but F3 and NV just felt way too much like Oblivion with guns.
I did have an issue with the Gamebryo engine used on F3 and New Vegas - that engine straight sucks, and it's ugly as sin. F3/NV looked so muddy and gross because of it, I think that was one of the big things keeping me out of those games. Also, the extremely overdone brown/gray filter on those two games was way overdone, and it always kind of hurt my eyes.
If the F4 trailer is representative of gameplay, then I'll definitely give it a shot. Not a gorgeous looking game, but I am thrilled to see crisp textures and, you know, actual color this time around.
This is exactly what I loved about them.
I like to think of it as Oblivion with VATS. I suck at aiming, therefore I hate aiming.
I am excited though
I'm excited.
My hypemeter just shot up over 9000. I've already informed my wife that she will not be seeing me for 70-100 hours once this game comes out. She's oddly okay with this.... I'd think about that more but it would cut into my HYYYYPE.
11/10/2015 is the release date.
That showcase man, that showcase.
Hmm... Release date is the week of my birthday. I think this might be a sign from the gaming gods. I should take a week off, eschew hygiene and social interaction, to wander the wasteland.
For some reason, I read that as "sign into my gaming pod". Reading the next sentence, there's nothing there which suggests that as an incorrect interpretation.
Boarding the apathy train with @UPSLynx.
At least you'll have someone to trade pokemons with or whatever you 90's kids do on nearly empty trains.
The Star Wars train is full, and I'm elbowing my way on.
"You want a treat?"
"Here you go."
[Fallout 4]
I can build a friggin base! Or rebuild... Something I don't careif it is an old ice cream shop selling radiated chocolate and brahman.
It's a beautiful thing. TAKE MY MONEY!!!
Simply blown away. Love how vats is in motion. Really adds to the urgency of battle.
All the Pip Boy editions are sold out
One of my friends bought a pip boy alarm clock, took out the clock part and made it into a case for his smart phone. It was pretty awesome. Too bad that they make phones so damn big now!
Those pip boy ones better come back in stock. I was too busy traveling to remember to buy one.
11/10/15 as in November 10th? That's two days before my birthday! Skyrim was 11/11/11, Bethsoft must like me ^_^
My body cannot handle all this ready. I need to build fortresses in the wasteland.
I need this game today, not Tuesday.
I need Steam gift cards for my birthday.... I never should have bought this new house, now I can't afford to spend recklessly on video games!
Spend recklessly? This seems like a sound investment!
F4F4F4F4F4F4F4(deeeep gasping breath)F4F4F4F4F4F4F4!!@!