Tonight microman brought over an inline multimeter. We hooked it up to my computer, my lcd monitor, and kyle's CRT monitor.
My computer is a 2600+, 500w psu, three HDs, a 9800 pro, 4 case fans. It would be safe to assume that this probably represents the "average" lan computer.
Computer (while folding and playing UT2k4 at full bore) - 2 amps
LCD: .5 amps
CRT: .75 amps
So with these numbers, we calculated it all out and if we estimate pessimistically, we will need around 185 amps for this adventure. I have 100 amps currently, with another 20 from a neighbor.
I put in a request from the local power company to upgrade to 200amp service which, combined with my neighbor's 20amps, will provide us with 220 amps total, more than enough to run my household and 40 computers.
I am willing to invest in the power infrastructure, especially since if this event works out, I will probably hold it here annually.
The tent will be literally 5 feet from my garage. We will be installing a 100 amp subpanel in my garage and pulling 4 more feeds using commercial (20amp) extension cables to the tent - 3 from my basement, directly at the breaker panel, and another from my neighbor's dedicated 20 amp outdoor circuit.
Update on power issue:
The tent will be literally 5 feet from my garage. We will be installing a 100 amp subpanel in my garage and pulling 4 more feeds using commercial (20amp) extension cables to the tent - 3 from my basement, directly at the breaker panel, and another from my neighbor's dedicated 20 amp outdoor circuit.
Is this satisfactory to team nexlia?
The electrician in me wants to ask are you putting RCDs on the supplies?
Like I said, I'm going primarily for the social aspect of things, but it's nice to power the PCs as well - based on what you've said, Brian, it looks like our power situation will be a LOT more secure than it was at Deebe's! Consider me attending.
If I can make it to the S-M LAN it's strictly a social affair. I don't game and see no need to drag a puter along on an airplane. In my past this has proven to be a risky proposition even with the best professional shipping crates.
This will be the first time I am attending, and I am much more comfortable with the power situation now Thanks for working so hard to make everyone happy. I will be attending.
So QCH is bugging me like a little brother about the SM LAN so I figured I'd better respond.
I would like to make the event; however, I have a single concern - effective cooling for the tent. Even if we put just 20 computers in the tent, without an effective cooling solution, it's going to get pretty miserable.
Sure we can roll up the sides but then your letting in quite a bit of extra sunlight, which as we all know makes it very difficult to see both CRTs and LCDs.
In my opinion this structure needs to be primarily closed off during the day and with an average daytime temp of 80+ degrees, we'll have the makings for a nice indian sweat lodge unless we can find a decent cooling solution.
A/C would be the best and I would be happy to pay the $60 dollars to do this right and not have to worry about heatstroke or my system melting down.
I'm curious as to what others might feel about this as well. The subject was touched on briefly here but I feel it's right up there with "power" in regards of importance.
So QCH is bugging me like a little brother about the SM LAN so I figured I'd better respond.
I would like to make the event; however, I have a single concern - effective cooling for the tent. Even if we put just 20 computers in the tent, without an effective cooling solution, it's going to get pretty miserable.
Sure we can roll up the sides but then your letting in quite a bit of extra sunlight, which as we all know makes it very difficult to see both CRTs and LCDs.
In my opinion this structure needs to be primarily closed off during the day and with an average daytime temp of 80+ degrees, we'll have the makings for a nice indian sweat lodge unless we can find a decent cooling solution.
A/C would be the best and I would be happy to pay the $60 dollars to do this right and not have to worry about heatstroke or my system melting down.
I'm curious as to what others might feel about this as well. The subject was touched on briefly here but I feel it's right up there with "power" in regards of importance.
It's safe to say we'll have AC there in case we need it.
I work down at a steel mill with a furnace that gets hotter than 1500 degrees, the building is easily 100+ in certain spots all the time. There are tons of computers that run the equipment.. and they do just fine and so will you.
Man. It's just not looking good. I haven't had time to officially clear it with anyone, and a job is right around the corner... so I don't know if I'd have enough clout to take off a weekend if the need be.
And thanks Keebler. If I end up coming, and I haven't bought those items by then, I'll hit you up I appreciate the offer.
well, i just can't visualize that, but if you think it's worth a shot, bring some window units.
I'm not sure having several window A/C units will do a lot of good for the power situation. I mean, even window air conditioners draw HUGE amounts of power, we have a seperate breaker that goes just to the plug our A/C is on, it's really going to sap the power you were concerned about for all the PCs.
I don't believe my parents are going to let me attend the LAN this year. I've fought with them many times now, but they always try and come up with some little thing to hold me back (when ever I prove to them that their previous argument is dumb).
Someone else from Missouri will have to work on a potential car pool.
I don't believe my parents are going to let me attend the LAN this year. I've fought with them many times now, but they always try and come up with some little thing to hold me back (when ever I prove to them that their previous argument is dumb).
Someone else from Missouri will have to work on a potential car pool.
I WILL be there next year.
Come on Jeff! Tell them that my approval alone is enough reason to go.
//edit: ah, here in the US we call those GFCIs (Ground Fault Circuit Interruptor)... And yes, you have to by code here.
RCD, risidual current device, they used to be called ELCBs, earth leakage circuit breakers, but after a commitee of euro experts spent several millions of pounds they came up with the new name. Always nice to know they're not wasting it.
You think she's bad, blackhawk's mom was REALLY nervous about sending her baby this far
Tonight microman brought over an inline multimeter. We hooked it up to my computer, my lcd monitor, and kyle's CRT monitor.
My computer is a 2600+, 500w psu, three HDs, a 9800 pro, 4 case fans. It would be safe to assume that this probably represents the "average" lan computer.
Computer (while folding and playing UT2k4 at full bore) - 2 amps
LCD: .5 amps
CRT: .75 amps
So with these numbers, we calculated it all out and if we estimate pessimistically, we will need around 185 amps for this adventure. I have 100 amps currently, with another 20 from a neighbor.
I put in a request from the local power company to upgrade to 200amp service which, combined with my neighbor's 20amps, will provide us with 220 amps total, more than enough to run my household and 40 computers.
I am willing to invest in the power infrastructure, especially since if this event works out, I will probably hold it here annually.
The tent will be literally 5 feet from my garage. We will be installing a 100 amp subpanel in my garage and pulling 4 more feeds using commercial (20amp) extension cables to the tent - 3 from my basement, directly at the breaker panel, and another from my neighbor's dedicated 20 amp outdoor circuit.
Is this satisfactory to team nexlia?
wow!...didnt realize there were that many miserians on S-M!
maybe we need to start a short-media missouri mini lan
Penguin, Ill let ya know here in a little while if I can go... might have to bribe/buy the wife some new clothes or something
As for everyone else... Since Blackhawk can't make it... who's the chopper ace?
//edit: ah, here in the US we call those GFCIs (Ground Fault Circuit Interruptor)... And yes, you have to by code here.
I bet she wanted a deposit based on a safe return.
Like I said, I'm going primarily for the social aspect of things, but it's nice to power the PCs as well - based on what you've said, Brian, it looks like our power situation will be a LOT more secure than it was at Deebe's! Consider me attending.
I would like to make the event; however, I have a single concern - effective cooling for the tent. Even if we put just 20 computers in the tent, without an effective cooling solution, it's going to get pretty miserable.
Sure we can roll up the sides but then your letting in quite a bit of extra sunlight, which as we all know makes it very difficult to see both CRTs and LCDs.
In my opinion this structure needs to be primarily closed off during the day and with an average daytime temp of 80+ degrees, we'll have the makings for a nice indian sweat lodge unless we can find a decent cooling solution.
A/C would be the best and I would be happy to pay the $60 dollars to do this right and not have to worry about heatstroke or my system melting down.
I'm curious as to what others might feel about this as well. The subject was touched on briefly here but I feel it's right up there with "power" in regards of importance.
It's safe to say we'll have AC there in case we need it.
No it's not. AC is $1800 + a diesel generator running (which the neighbors won't go for)
We are getting a couple of tornado fans to vent air sideways.
I work down at a steel mill with a furnace that gets hotter than 1500 degrees, the building is easily 100+ in certain spots all the time. There are tons of computers that run the equipment.. and they do just fine and so will you.
And thanks Keebler. If I end up coming, and I haven't bought those items by then, I'll hit you up I appreciate the offer.
I'm not sure having several window A/C units will do a lot of good for the power situation. I mean, even window air conditioners draw HUGE amounts of power, we have a seperate breaker that goes just to the plug our A/C is on, it's really going to sap the power you were concerned about for all the PCs.
I don't believe my parents are going to let me attend the LAN this year. I've fought with them many times now, but they always try and come up with some little thing to hold me back (when ever I prove to them that their previous argument is dumb).
Someone else from Missouri will have to work on a potential car pool.
I WILL be there next year.
Come on Jeff! Tell them that my approval alone is enough reason to go.
RCD, risidual current device, they used to be called ELCBs, earth leakage circuit breakers, but after a commitee of euro experts spent several millions of pounds they came up with the new name. Always nice to know they're not wasting it.
I have not given up hope, it's just that I highly doubt they will let me go.
They're just scared of me breaking down and being stranded or prime being a child molester.