kill ursalf unstall gme and pounch ye dogg in dat ordr plz nrv plae agin.
Oh God, this must be what veterans feel like when they have Nam flashbacks.
colapart legend, part devil... all manBalls deepIcrontian
Yeah, believe me, if you're going to learn to play and you don't want people asking you to carve out your own eyeballs for being bad at the game, it's best to learn with IcronticLoL :P
I second what everyone else said. Most of us have low level smurf accounts if you want to play with someone, and even high level accounts can play custom games with you versus bots and give you pointers. Just let one of us know!
Secondly, I'm beginning to think AD Carry Fiora is secretly OP. It's a kill lane setup, so you need a Taric or Leona or similar, but you SHUT DOWN the enemy carry if you get even one kill early. I'm experimenting with different skill orders and such, but starting boots+pots, W>Q>E, using W to parry any auto attacks the enemy carry tries to poke you with. Then at level 3 go in and wreck their carry.
Obviously with that game it helped that we had a great Annie, a good early gank from lee sin, and I was versus vayne, who has small enough range that I can Q onto her when she comes in to CS.
So yeah, I'm going to try more of this. I'm also curious about mid Fiora (in the vein of Talon, Katarina, etc.). Needs an AP top then of course (and thus you need a tanky jungler then too).
I've been told to kill myself more than once while playing this game. Just some insight in to how well I don't play.
That doesn't give any insight into how well you play at all. The only thing I could know for sure if you told me that one sentence with no context is that you were talking about LoL players. It truly is the shittest game community in existence.
I've been told to kill myself more than once while playing this game. Just some insight in to how well I don't play.
That doesn't give any insight into how well you play at all. The only thing I could know for sure if you told me that one sentence with no context is that you were talking about LoL players. It truly is the shittest game community in existence.
Same can be said about most Free to Play games. Little to no barrier to entry plus anonymity, sounds like another horrible place I know.
Anyone interested in playing tonight? I'm a level 9, so I'm still in Co-Op vs. AI, usually the Beginner level.
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
I'm always down for playing with friends and Icrontians, and pretty much all I ever do in LoL is Bots. 400+ AI wins to my 9 PvP wins. Idk if I should be proud or embarrassed heh ...
Rahnal is my username. Feel free to add me if you want.
Not gonna make it tonight; 2nd trimester is kicking my butt. I just dozed off waiting for leftovers to reheat. Thanks for being willing to play tonight; another time perhaps?
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
Sure, just post it when.
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
Saw the Spotlight for Syndra. I can't stop trying to come up with jokes involving, bowling, baskteball, or any other balls in general dang it.
Secondly, I'm beginning to think AD Carry Fiora is secretly OP.
It's a kill lane setup, so you need a Taric or Leona or similar, but you SHUT DOWN the enemy carry if you get even one kill early. I'm experimenting with different skill orders and such, but starting boots+pots, W>Q>E, using W to parry any auto attacks the enemy carry tries to poke you with. Then at level 3 go in and wreck their carry.
Obviously with that game it helped that we had a great Annie, a good early gank from lee sin, and I was versus vayne, who has small enough range that I can Q onto her when she comes in to CS.
So yeah, I'm going to try more of this. I'm also curious about mid Fiora (in the vein of Talon, Katarina, etc.). Needs an AP top then of course (and thus you need a tanky jungler then too).
She's fun to play though.
Or run Cleanse :P
Apparently they're also looking at some more IP tweaks (positive tweaks!) and possibly lowering the prices of rune pages.
Rahnal is my username. Feel free to add me if you want.