Monoprice link. I would be willing to coordinate purchasing several of these to secure discount and have them shipped directly to ICHQ (if possible) or sent up with @_k_.
I'll bring an extra 25 with me in case anyone forgets and doesn't want to listen to @primesuspect bitch incessantly while he makes a cable (but really, who wouldn't want to watch that? )
I would agree, find me some more nice Cisco 24-port for free and we will have them Consumer 8-ports don't give us the performance we want with 50 people playing games.
I would agree, find me some more nice Cisco 24-port for free and we will have them Consumer 8-ports don't give us the performance we want with 50 people playing games.
If you want one on-site at Expo, it will be $20. It will be handmade, and it will be given to you with bitching and complaining by me.
Do I really need to buy a 50 foot? I'll do it, but you have to tell me it's absolutely necessary.
25 is really recommended so we can route them to not step on them (and we still step on them).
Time for more switches