Come play SWTOR with us!
Cyclonite, Charity and myself started playing SWTOR again in anticipation of the new expansion coming from Bioware, Knights of the Fallen Empire. We're building up our legacy, going through class stories and making as many credits as possible for when the xpac hits
Currently subscribers get 12x experience boost on class stories, eliminating the need to grind side quests to level along with added bonuses of quick travel and commendations for gearing.
We've re-created the Icrontic guild (apparently it got deactivated for being unused for so long) and are on the server The Harbinger playing Empire faction. If enough people join up that want to play Republic, I see no reason we can't make a sister guild as well.
Any questions, feel free to ask. If you want to come back and are on a different server, I can provide my referral link which will give you a free server transfer and 7 days of subscription along with other goodies.
If you haven't seen the trailer for Knights of the Fallen Empire (shame on you), here it is:
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.
Aside from the free server transfer, they're severely discounted right now. It's only 90 Cartel Coins instead of 1800. If you sub, you automatically get 500+ (depending on how long you sub) coins per month. There's a few transfers for you, with coins to spare.
90 cartel coins = $1
for lore junkies, here is the history of the Old Republic leading up to the game SWTOR
So being the broke ass minimum wage shlep college student that I am, what does the trial get you?
The game is free to play, subscriptions just get you a shit ton of bonuses.
Wait, totally free now, Move over WOW I haz new main. What server is the guild on?
We're on The Harbinger, Empire side.
here is an excellent FAQ on Free to Play, Preferred and Subscription status along with the Cartel Market
Done, and now PATCHES!!!!!
Since there's no account-wide friends list, here's a couple of our character names so you can message us in game for guild invites.
fatcat: Tal'ryn, Zyae
Cyclonite: Laryaana, Zashii, Jae'lyyn
Charity: Xannthya, Kaelyyn, Jasnaah
I'm in. Rebuilt computer, still have tons of characters everywhere and some game time remaining. I was hoping I'd get to play with friends back in the US again...
As far as I know, cross-region server transfers are still not possible, so I'm back to my original US characters (or starting new ones, which I'm absolutely okay with)... so I'll get started and back in the game ASAP. (I launched it on Friday after the rebuild, but it's crashing, and I'll sort that out.)
Sith Warrior name Momoninger
I'll be in game tonight until server maintenance, I'll put you on my friends list if Cyclonite hasn't invited you by then.
yea no EU to NA, legal reasons I suppose. I thought you might play, glad to see ya joining us old friend
Servers will be down from 2300EST until 1100EST tomorrow for patch 3.3 - Togruta and Yavin 4 stronghold!
I got it working over lunch
Triste, Felaevin, Tsika, and the others are all waiting for me, around levels 50-51. Still on Pot5, though, so I'll work on a transfer to Harbinger and get to leveling. Do you guys have particular needs for anything, role-wise?
Must resist...
cool beans. so far all we've done is play through the story on classes we hadn't before. enjoying that 12x XP . you out-level planets so we haven't needed any roles, minus the occasional heal when the mobs decide they want to rape me lol
Forgot to mention that I will abso-fucking-lutely roll a new Togruta char, and maybe even just convert some of my old ones. Awesome.
I just don't know which class for Togruta...
@Snarkasm what are your toon names?
also: log in
Guild bank and Stronghold purchased. Those in the guild so far should all have keys to the stronghold. I waiting on decorations to become unbound then we'll get it decorated
Rep side Togruta (Lhaasa) is alive, and Tsika got converted. Looking forward to playing more tonight, but lulz - Tython was covered in Togruta.
Just made a Rep Togruta: Zarrii
As soon as I made it planet-side, someone in General chat was using "Ahsoka" with as many alt codes as possible.
I'm thinking Assassin going total dark side to show corruption on face
I am a Bounty Hunter.
And while I kill for money, I follow the Mandalorian code of honor.
After traveling half way across the galaxy for a tough bounty, I was looking forward to relaxing in my apartment in Kaas City.
I returned to find this.
Maybe it was a bad idea to share an apartment with an Imperial spy and Sith Pureblood...
and...the Icrontic Republic guild is up! @Snarkasm has volunteered to lead the losing faction
so if you want to play as a republic coward, message one of these toons for an invite!
Cyclonite - Zarrii
Snarkasm - Lhaasa
Charity - Ayleanna
Sith Warrior name Xerxsus
got ya on my friends list. whenever you're in game we'll get ya in to the guild
I got the request, accepted but it is not registering me as in the clan, did I accidentally reject?
it showed you as declining the guild invite :/