Straight_ManGeeky, in my own wayNaples, FLIcrontian
edited January 2004
Welcome, ishiii. I THINK I will switch boxes and doctor a pic I took at Christmas tiem with the Camedia 4000, it illustrates auto-brightness problems pretty well.....
John-- back in 10 or so.
Straight_ManGeeky, in my own wayNaples, FLIcrontian
edited January 2004
PIC 1: Look at the window(reflecting lights) and candle flame and slight splash in lights on tree. This is my nephew Hunter.... Picture 1 had to compress, it went a bit bluey due to color levels and density changes and I lost the bright pinpoint light relfections I can see here. It was a lower res pic than pic 2 to start.
PIC 2, editted for brightness, I had to draw drapes to get rid of too much contrast, and offcenter the focus and brightness levels a bit, then brighten the whole thing up by 15% to get the right side of tree from being way too dark to just too dark..... Picture 2 got trashed by a compression algorithm in part, it was a 16 MB TIF. If we had TIF support here, LZH compression subtype, it would be neat-- real neat!
Last night I took the new cam to the beach and tryed to get some night shots.
Did some playing with the settings.
Which of the three pics below looks the best????
Forget the photgraphy skills or what is in the pic, both kinda suck.
Or do all three look like crappy night pics??? There are still a few settings I can tweak in attempting good night pics.
I would say pic 1 is best. 2 is slightly more washed out, and less detailed.
Pic 1 is definitely the best. Look at the ground in the pics. In picture 2 the ground is grainy to the point that it looks pixelized. It's nearly completely dark in pic 3. Pic 1 also appears to be sharper than the other two. Night shots are quite hard with digital photography. The best ones I ever saw with a digital are ones taken from a nikon d100. Pic 1 is good work in my opinion. The rest are quite good too (beaches, temples, etc).
I've always been a huge fan of digital photography. I've been keeping a digital with me since mid 2000 and taking many pictures while on the job with it. Here's three of an 18 wheeler that lost it in a curve on I-10.
I've always been a huge fan of digital photography. I've been carrying a digital camera with me since mid 2000 and taking pictures of most everything I come across on the job. Here's three of an 18 wheeler that lost it in a curve on I-10 last march.
camera: Fujifilm 3800 3.2MP
When I was part of the crime scene team I was fortunate to be able to take a forensic digital photography class. It was excellent. It also made me want to junk my fujifilm and get a nikon d100. That camera is absolutely amazing. We did stuff like expose someone for 50 seconds, painted them with lights in different places, and made "ghosts" by moving the sub with lights set up in different places (all within that 50 seconds). Pretty neat stuff. My hardest pictures to take are those at night, especially of housefires at night. The lighting is awful, the contrast is off the scale, the camera has fits with the autofocus, and there is only a limited amount of time to get the shots and fiddle with the camera. I've taken a few good ones luckily but mostly bad ones. I'll post some of each. The first series below is of a guy's shed that caught on fire. They aren't too bad yet aren't the best. They were taken with my old Epson 850z 2.1MP.
The second series is from a radio station fire that I happen to drive up on. It was huge. The fire department never really got a handle on it. The nearest fire hydrant was about 3/4 of a mile away (was right on the outskirts of town). These were also taken from my old Epson 850z. These pictures were all resized down.
Thanks Kingfish
I have had allot of people say pic one is the best and some people say pic two is the best.
I like both myself. Ill know better when I take some in to get printed.
Again thanks for your two cents
Good deal ishiii. Keep 'em coming, I love pictures. I don't think I've seen that many pictures of the countryside of South Korea and the common people, architecture, etc. I believe a picture is definitely worth a thousand words.
From my 2 year old Fuji FinePix 2600 2mp. It has been a good camera. I takes great outdoor pics. Only thing I don't like about it is it give bad red eye.
D00d kingFish I am like mezmorized by those pics of ACTUALY avents! you should start a thread and post all you pics of ON THE JOB pics!
I'm glad you liked them. Those are just a small slice of what I have. I have plenty of freshly killed people, etc but it wouldn't be in my best interest to put them here. I do show them to people as each one has a good story behind it but I don't give copies out and let them view the pics on my monitor only. I'll keep the appropriate ones coming if you want.
Great pics Madball. I'd love to go visit those places. I've owned two digital cameras and they have always taken great outdoor pics. Those are gorgeous views.
Here's a vehicle from july 2001 in which the driver didn't know the road was a dead end into a bayou or was a stolen vehicle dumped off. When I come across it in the early morning hours nobody was around it and I never found out how it got there. Resized down.
Thanks fudgam wife grabbed the camera and started taking pics of the sunset so I took over to see if I could get a better shot. We had just missed the feeding frenzy of flippers so we got a little trigger happy. Except for the red-eye I have no complants about this camera.
Here are some scenic shots from the (almost) top of our I-210 bridge in Lake Charles, Louisiana. In one of them you can see our other large bridge, the I-10 bridge, as well as shots of our (in)famous chemical plants and larger downtown buildings off in the distance.
Ageek, great input.
Thank you
John-- back in 10 or so.
PIC 2, editted for brightness, I had to draw drapes to get rid of too much contrast, and offcenter the focus and brightness levels a bit, then brighten the whole thing up by 15% to get the right side of tree from being way too dark to just too dark..... Picture 2 got trashed by a compression algorithm in part, it was a 16 MB TIF. If we had TIF support here, LZH compression subtype, it would be neat-- real neat!
Camedia 4000Z, mostly auto mode, for both.
But that night shot is real grainy. Grainy night shots is why I upgraded my digital camera
yes, that's why im going to buy a new one!
I would say pic 1 is best. 2 is slightly more washed out, and less detailed.
camera: Fujifilm 3800 3.2MP
I have had allot of people say pic one is the best and some people say pic two is the best.
I like both myself. Ill know better when I take some in to get printed.
Again thanks for your two cents
I dont even need to slow down and rubber neck as I drive by.
I'm glad you liked them. Those are just a small slice of what I have. I have plenty of freshly killed people, etc but it wouldn't be in my best interest to put them here. I do show them to people as each one has a good story behind it but I don't give copies out and let them view the pics on my monitor only. I'll keep the appropriate ones coming if you want.
Great pics Madball. I'd love to go visit those places. I've owned two digital cameras and they have always taken great outdoor pics. Those are gorgeous views.
Pic #1 just became my new desktop bkg.. .Excellent shot!
Thanks m8! u can check some other photos over here Check gallery!
Taken with this Canon wich i've selled (waiting for Kodak DX6490 10x zoom with 4.1mp) and an Old Pentax ME super.
Thanks! ) :bigggrin:
Here's a pic of my 18y old cat!