Next Round

edited May 2008 in Gaming
i want to make a list of all those that will be playing next round.

me (tttooommm10)

anyone else?


  • edited May 2008
    Thegr81 tells me he will def be playing next round. Can we narrow this list down to those who will be playing the speed server next round? To reduce confusion. Maybe once this list is compiled it can be stickied, so we can have a list to refer to when we are gathering and reforming the alliance.
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited May 2008
    Sorry, but I won't play on the speed server. I like Travian very much and I might play on a regular server, but definitely not speed--consumes way too much time.
    Middge wrote:
    Thegr81 tells me he will def be playing next round. Can we narrow this list down to those who will be playing the speed server next round? To reduce confusion. Maybe once this list is compiled it can be stickied, so we can have a list to refer to when we are gathering and reforming the alliance.
  • DuchessDuchess Surrey, UK
    edited May 2008
    I have enjoyed playing this round, but not playing next time. As everyone says takes up to much time. Although have had a lot of fun and enjoyed 'virtually' meeting a great bunch of people. That I shall miss :)

  • edited May 2008
    I have a feeling this thread is going to get more and more depressing...
  • SaracenSaracen At the puter !
    edited May 2008
    Middge wrote:
    I have a feeling this thread is going to get more and more depressing...

    Afraid so.
    Seen it, been there and done it, wont be doing it again.
    My work and home life have just suffered too much to do this all again.

    If we can cause some serious damage to GodSend, possibly take back some of the villages he took from us it will be mission accomplished and I'll be happy to retire from the game.

    But as Duchess said, its been great meeting everyone and the coordinated teamwork has been superb. A big up for team {IC} :clap:
  • SidekicksolSidekicksol Kansas City, Kansas
    edited May 2008
    im playing
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited May 2008
    It HAS been a blast meeting a bunch of new people because of this game but I am out for the next round. Maybe in the fall....
  • edited May 2008
  • TBonZTBonZ Ottawa, ON Icrontian
    edited May 2008
    Unfortunately, I have to pass for this next server as well, but will most probably join for the next game there after.
  • HarudathHarudath Great Britain Icrontian
    edited May 2008
    I'll be playing but I don't think we're going to be anywhere near where we thought we'd be without the current management, letalone the talented strategists and diplomats they are...
  • WinfreyWinfrey waddafuh Missouri Icrontian
    edited May 2008
    I will be going to a place without internet this summer, so I will be unable to play at the next restart. If we all want to start up again in the Fall, I'd be game.

    Duchess wrote:
    Although have had a lot of fun and enjoyed 'virtually' meeting a great bunch of people. That I shall miss


    WHOA! who said we were all going to leave IC? Believe it or not there are other parts of this site and other people to meet besides those of us who got roped into playing travian by a cunningly well timed and placed thread. I'm going to have to inform you Duchess (and the rest of the people who joined Icrontic for travian) that you won't be able to just "stay away", and there isn't good reason to do that anyway :bigggrin:
  • LamboLambo Sunny Scotland
    edited May 2008
    I'll probably be back (though I too fancy skipping the summer server to, y'know, go outside and stuff) but think we should sort out a fixed sitter-ing system to avoid having to be online quite so much! Something where we just leave a outline plan for each other e.g. "work on Praet, iron mines and granaries"

    If I could log in just twice a day to check on my own account and two "sittee"'s
    account then I might be able to get a life again! and if I'm online having 3 accounts open in 3 browsers is no problem!

    Would be good if we could convince those of us that aren't restarting to register accounts and let us sit for them too... at very least we could produce defensive troops in their capitals to rein our Villages... would provide a tactical advantage
    and we could even go as far as to build Villages for these players for each other to conquer/farm!
  • edited May 2008
    yeah also (just a suggestion) we could pair up someone from the UK with someone from the US. this would maximize growth
  • edited May 2008
    Lambo wrote:
    I'll probably be back (though I too fancy skipping the summer server to, y'know, go outside and stuff) but think we should sort out a fixed sitter-ing system to avoid having to be online quite so much! Something where we just leave a outline plan for each other e.g. "work on Praet, iron mines and granaries"

    If I could log in just twice a day to check on my own account and two "sittee"'s
    account then I might be able to get a life again! and if I'm online having 3 accounts open in 3 browsers is no problem!

    Would be good if we could convince those of us that aren't restarting to register accounts and let us sit for them too... at very least we could produce defensive troops in their capitals to rein our Villages... would provide a tactical advantage
    and we could even go as far as to build Villages for these players for each other to conquer/farm!

    Unfortunately there are a lot of checks and balances to prevent such actions, namely IP address checks. Not to mention if a multi hunter ever caught us it would cost us. :-(
  • LamboLambo Sunny Scotland
    edited May 2008
    Yeah, but.... I sit for someone, build up their Villages, you conquer/raid it.... You do the same for tttooommm, tttooommm does the same for SV, SV does the same for me! It's pretty hard to track, especially if the account's not part of the Alliance and who knows, the person we're building for might even log in once in a while... maybe even rejoin the {IC} cause if we build them up a bit :D !

    If not, even if we just use them as sacrificial accounts...... build up troops and send them against our enemies or even just give it a few weeks and transfer to the account that ends up in the best shape/area!
  • edited May 2008
    We should also find out what country the people who are gonna restart live. That way, we can figure out which server we should restart on. US, or UK.
  • Invisible-MuffinInvisible-Muffin Scotland
    edited May 2008
    ok, i'm UK and i plan to rejoin.
    and i don't want to join the US server, just because i don't. lol
  • edited May 2008
    I would gladly go UK or US. It is up to popular vote I'd wager. But i am super glad to hear you are coming back when it restarts. <3
  • HarudathHarudath Great Britain Icrontian
    edited May 2008
    I vote UK since we have a mission... We are still kicking godsend's ass, right?
  • edited May 2008
    couldn't edit my list so ill make a new 1.

    me (tttooommm10)
    invisible muffin
  • Grywlf73Grywlf73 The Valley of the Sun in the AZ
    edited May 2008
    I keep bouncing back and forth with starting again.... I will let you know when I decide....I will definetly start again in the fall!!! Server doesnt matter to me!!!

    If we do this again, we need to plan for the end in the beginning, specially since now we know what we are up against and how to play this game.

    If I start back up I will post!!! Im not leaving the IC forums though... So I will be around :cool2:
  • Grywlf73Grywlf73 The Valley of the Sun in the AZ
    edited May 2008
    I meant to say before that if and when I play again, I will probably be more aggressive to those not with us....just a warning :bigggrin:!!!!

    I may take villages away from the undeserving....muahahahaha!!!! Maybe!!!
  • DuchessDuchess Surrey, UK
    edited May 2008
    Soooooooooooo if you start again next server how are you going to keep in contact ?

    Withdrawl symptoms already :(

  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited May 2008
    This area will remain open... You might need to talk to keebler to have him delete everyone from this area and then re-new as the new {IC} alliance starts.
  • HarudathHarudath Great Britain Icrontian
    edited May 2008
    Yeah, good idea. Does anyone know when the servers re-open?
  • Invisible-MuffinInvisible-Muffin Scotland
    edited May 2008
    until the alliance itself restarts, keep this area open, and make a thread telling when it will happen, etc.
    and change the stickied thread about joining travian with IC, replacing it with a new one, maybe we want to do a different quadrant?

    Harudath wrote:
    Yeah, good idea. Does anyone know when the servers re-open?
    about 2 weeks time.
  • edited May 2008
    Muffin i think you should lead the new IC alliance :)
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited May 2008
    I agree... Muffin is a good choice. I would recommend that the threads in this area be archived into a locked sub forum so you guys can start all new threads but still be able to reference the old threads for strategy and such.

    The big problem with this round is that there isn't an IC admin playing or even a super moderator. Keeping this area hidden from non-alliance members would take a PM to revoke someone from getting in here unless Keebs makes it an area that no one can get to without PMing him.... Up to keebs and such.

    If I were a super mod I might be able to do it... not sure. Of course, I have thought about joining the next server and just be a casual guy... build troops and not do much else until the end... kind of like a final strike.... I've THOUGHT about... that's it.
  • Invisible-MuffinInvisible-Muffin Scotland
    edited May 2008
    Muffin i think you should lead the new IC alliance :)

    i think that would be rather contradictory, as i'm not a member of the actual icrontic team, and was the only one of the 4 authority people like that.

    i'm just someone who was looking for a new alliance at one point and Ashyra, a natural travian genius who had to quit due to girlfriend issues, recommended IC as being in our range to switch to, and close enough to be of use to us.
  • Invisible-MuffinInvisible-Muffin Scotland
    edited May 2008
    QCH2002 wrote:
    I agree... Muffin is a good choice. I would recommend that the threads in this area be archived into a locked sub forum so you guys can start all new threads but still be able to reference the old threads for strategy and such.

    The big problem with this round is that there isn't an IC admin playing or even a super moderator. Keeping this area hidden from non-alliance members would take a PM to revoke someone from getting in here unless Keebs makes it an area that no one can get to without PMing him.... Up to keebs and such.

    If I were a super mod I might be able to do it... not sure. Of course, I have thought about joining the next server and just be a casual guy... build troops and not do much else until the end... kind of like a final strike.... I've THOUGHT about... that's it.

    on one forum i've moderated, the 18+ section had its own seperate part-moderator, who was ranked as a normal member but had moderator powers in that one area, which was password protected.
    but i know from past experience that i don't have the patience to lead an alliance, the power gets boring after a short time.
    i prefer just being a follower, as long as what i'm following is organised enough.
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