end of the day if xbox 360 owners wanna pay for a console thats got more shit on it than a parks bin then fine but unlike the ppl like myself who own a ps3 with free online play and a blu ray player internet browers and much more shit than the xbox 3suckies has who no the signs of a decent console and plus we dont pay for bill gates toilet roll ha ha
Its funny how these people seem unable to make the connection that these two systems were released a large time apart so the tech is of course different.
It is all because infinity ward and activision decided that only ONE server would be enough space to hold all the PS3 users who play Modern Warfare 2... I guess they were wrong. So now all PS3 users will need to wait till FRIDAY to play multiplayer online.... I am going to play World at War til the time being -.-
Keep Hating. the problems is with the game server is not even related wth ps3 console u retards. so pack up ur shity recycle 360 and keep paying for ur lame ass online service even that microsoft baned 1-million users ur all retarded or have a penut as a brain paying and being baned oh now thats funny ripping u 360 brainess ediots.
Keep Hating. the problems is with the game server is not even related wth ps3 console u retards.
Continue your pummeling of my platform. The problem that is occurring is unrelated to the actual PlayStation 3 hardware, you mentally disabled cretins.
so pack up ur shity recycle 360 and keep paying for ur lame ass online service even that microsoft baned 1-million users ur all retarded or have a penut as a brain paying and being baned oh now thats funny ripping u 360 brainess ediots.
/me cracks knuckles.
You should probably consider getting rid of your inferior Microsoft Xbox 360 console—one of the primary disadvantages of which is the paid online service. As a point of fact, your service of choice is so inferior that Microsoft themselves banned a million users. You are all mentally challenged, or have an actual physical brain defect. I find it ironic that ....
ripping u 360 brainess ediots? I can't make sense of this shit. Sorry.
The servers better be up and runnin tmoro otherwise I may be tempted by an xbox I hate to say, we've all waited so long for this game and they fuck up on the second day! Sort it out infinity ward.
I'm glad the servers are messed up, I got to familiarize myself with better and faster controls (which by the way, xbox controller is still a floppy piece of manmeat, go PS3!) and I beat the f'n game the day I bought it. RoCk ON!
Atleat a ps3 dosent break down every month red ring of death wow system has been out for awhile now and you all are now starting to fix it. im also sorry i CANT EVEN PLAY A XBOX 360 USING OUTDATED DVD FORMAT PS3+BLURAY=BETTER GRAPHIX duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps3 will out live xbox again xbox sucks
I have both systems and all i can say is my xbox is up for sale after 3 weeks becasue all it is good for is gaming..and don't say xbox doesn't lag LOL...xbox has no upconversion options...ps3 does it all it is the best all around console for everything and it is a free network....have a good one PS3 haters
I had 9 yes 9 xbox360's, they suck, went to ps3, no problems, I will stay with ps3 since it is FREE to go online, pay up suckers to bill gates some more, he needs another house.
Can people stop blaming activation for the servers being down and also IW because the fact of the matter is the server is ran by a third party with is suppose to maintain it and make sure that it doesn't crash so when moaning get the facts right a least and blame demonward for not being able to run a server the stupid Irish D##ks and yea i have had both xbox and playstation but found the play station to be much better than the xbox on many levels but the main thing is exclusives playstation has uncharted, killzone, GT5 (when it comes out), resistance etc and what the has xbox got halo (wow what a load of rubbish), gears and what a let down that is and also forza which is nothing compared to GT5
o aand P.S if u dont already know servers are back up so XBOX fanboys got f##k ur mom
i as a ps3 owner wave the white flag, xbox360 wins. its the 2nd day this game is out and no online play all day so far. infinty ward choked like slant 6
I feel sorry for all you M$ crack heads. I am typing this post from my new G5 that is using the intertubes by being connected to my iPhone while my iHome blast music from my iPod that stores all my favs from the iStore and I am watching TV on my Apply TV with the TV box thingy...I don't know I payed one of those Apply guys like a few hundred dollars to come set this all up for me. Snow Tiger is the best OS ever and its only on version 8.3!
I feel sorry for all you M$ freaks that are addicted to it like crack when Apply is much more like a warm white wine that has been aged.
Can people stop blaming activation for the servers being down and also IW because the fact of the matter is the server is ran by a third party with is suppose to maintain it and make sure that it doesn't crash so when moaning get the facts right a least and blame demonward for not being able to run a server the stupid Irish D##ks and yea i have had both xbox and playstation but found the play station to be much better than the xbox on many levels but the main thing is exclusives playstation has uncharted, killzone, GT5 (when it comes out), resistance etc and what the has xbox got halo (wow what a load of rubbish), gears and what a let down that is and also forza which is nothing compared to GT5
o aand P.S if u dont already know servers are back up so XBOX fanboys got f##k ur mom
Lol first off Demonware IS the 3rd party owned by who? Activision!!!!! Activision hired by who to provide servers? Sony! Research before you speak! Looks like you need to get YOUR facts straight before you spread your ignorance. You can't even spell Activision Or Demonware.
lol. ill let xbox have this one. but hey, ill watch a blue ray dvd or surf the web or do any of the other things that xbox cant do while i wait. kthx bye
PS3 over Xbox any day. There is actually no contest. Its pretty clear that people are unhappy with the Xbox if they are modifying them to resemble the PS3 and to download pirated games. Microsoft are a corporation who believe in profits not doing whats best for customers hence why they have handed out lifetime bans to numerous users from XBOX live today.
There seems to be many comments regarding the 360 red ring. Well, I had the ps3 yellow light three weeks ago. Purchased a new system, pre-ordererd the game and now I can't friginn play. Servers are down the day after release. I'm $500(new system, pre-order, etc.) in on this game on the ps3, and can't play. I'm not happy!!!!
Continue your pummeling of my platform. The problem that is occurring is unrelated to the actual PlayStation 3 hardware, you mentally disabled cretins.
/me cracks knuckles.
You should probably consider getting rid of your inferior Microsoft Xbox 360 console—one of the primary disadvantages of which is the paid online service. As a point of fact, your service of choice is so inferior that Microsoft themselves banned a million users. You are all mentally challenged, or have an actual physical brain defect. I find it ironic that ....
ripping u 360 brainess ediots? I can't make sense of this shit. Sorry.
LMAO there's the revenge
o aand P.S if u dont already know servers are back up so XBOX fanboys got f##k ur mom
I feel sorry for all you M$ freaks that are addicted to it like crack when Apply is much more like a warm white wine that has been aged.
Lol first off Demonware IS the 3rd party owned by who? Activision!!!!! Activision hired by who to provide servers? Sony! Research before you speak! Looks like you need to get YOUR facts straight before you spread your ignorance. You can't even spell Activision Or Demonware.
I feel your pain. Passing the time with Nazi Zombies :shakehead