That was the problem. They estimated 400,000 but not millions ALL trying to get on at once. Barrel of monkeys can only fit so many monkeys. What they're doing is seeing how many players are actually going to be on so they can keep those servers. They don't want to open all servers again and have them all crash all over. So they're going to let a server fill up and move to the next.
Look, all you fan boys are acting really stupid. As well as your are giving some incorrect facts.
1. The PS3 does have a red ring of death of its own. It is a yellow light that comes on when you fry your system or even better... your hard drive. That is right, the all mighty PS3 does have flaws. Though what sucks is that Sony charges you to fix your problem, I think even if you are under warranty. Microsoft, though they have red rings of death commonly, will replace your system even if it is past warranty. So even though yes the PS3 get those kinds of issues once in a blue moon, PS3s are not Gods of the consoles.
2. PS3's are not backwards compatible anymore. Only the original releases had fully backwards compatibility. The Metal Gear Edition was the last one to have backwards compatibility that was limited. All the new systems, including I believe the PS3 slim that just came out, don't have that luxury. So for people who could not afford to get an older system are screwed and have to get a PS2. Hence why Sony still sells them for $120 or so.
3. The only reason that the PS3 even got the trophy system was because Xbox was getting more customers because of its achievement system. Though even now, not all PS3 games that came out will have that system while Xbox had it since day one. And don't get me started on all the delayed promises with the PS3 home. Quite frankly, if that is your selling point for getting a PS3 you are sad. I don't even care about the avatar system on either system because I can just upload any picture I find from the internet and use it. All the stuff that the PS3 has is just pretty icing on a cake.
4. Now, before all the PS3 fan boys start to hate on me for the obvious flaws that I pointed out with their beloved system, Xbox is not a God either. It does have lower graphic output than PS3. Yes, you have to pay for online. But, they get some exclusive content that you can only get through the Xbox, as well as some free demos of games that will come out. As do PS3 users. You both have to pay for any extra content you want for games, you both have to wait for updates to install on your systems, you both have to deal with cheating noobs. Yes, the customizing options for the 360 suck. And the only reason that customer support with Microsoft is better than Sony's is because Microsoft's needs to be in order to keep profits.
Why can't we both just game on a console that we prefer? In the end you both get the same game, just different little icing on the cake based on system that you have. I will admit that when I had both a PS3 and a 360, I bought games based on the content that I wanted. If I wanted the achievements and large gaming community, I would go with Xbox. Aka, mainly for fighting games. If I wanted Exclusive games or just games I thought would be played better with better graphics and I really couldn't give a shit about achievements, I would go with the PS3. As well as the fact that the PS3 has blue ray.
Both systems have their perks and both systems have their really obvious flaws. Can't we all just kill our enemies in a game and outside the game get along?
Look, all you fan boys are acting really stupid. As well as your are giving some incorrect facts.
1. The PS3 does have a red ring of death of its own. It is a yellow light that comes on when you fry your system or even better... your hard drive. That is right, the all mighty PS3 does have flaws. Though what sucks is that Sony charges you to fix your problem, I think even if you are under warranty. Microsoft, though they have red rings of death commonly, will replace your system even if it is past warranty. So even though yes the PS3 get those kinds of issues once in a blue moon, PS3s are not Gods of the consoles.
2. PS3's are not backwards compatible anymore. Only the original releases had fully backwards compatibility. The Metal Gear Edition was the last one to have backwards compatibility that was limited. All the new systems, including I believe the PS3 slim that just came out, don't have that luxury. So for people who could not afford to get an older system are screwed and have to get a PS2. Hence why Sony still sells them for $120 or so.
3. The only reason that the PS3 even got the trophy system was because Xbox was getting more customers because of its achievement system. Though even now, not all PS3 games that came out will have that system while Xbox had it since day one. And don't get me started on all the delayed promises with the PS3 home. Quite frankly, if that is your selling point for getting a PS3 you are sad. I don't even care about the avatar system on either system because I can just upload any picture I find from the internet and use it. All the stuff that the PS3 has is just pretty icing on a cake.
4. Now, before all the PS3 fan boys start to hate on me for the obvious flaws that I pointed out with their beloved system, Xbox is not a God either. It does have lower graphic output than PS3. Yes, you have to pay for online. But, they get some exclusive content that you can only get through the Xbox, as well as some free demos of games that will come out. As do PS3 users. You both have to pay for any extra content you want for games, you both have to wait for updates to install on your systems, you both have to deal with cheating noobs. Yes, the customizing options for the 360 suck. And the only reason that customer support with Microsoft is better than Sony's is because Microsoft's needs to be in order to keep profits.
Why can't we both just game on a console that we prefer? In the end you both get the same game, just different little icing on the cake based on system that you have. I will admit that when I had both a PS3 and a 360, I bought games based on the content that I wanted. If I wanted the achievements and large gaming community, I would go with Xbox. Aka, mainly for fighting games. If I wanted Exclusive games or just games I thought would be played better with better graphics and I really couldn't give a shit about achievements, I would go with the PS3. As well as the fact that the PS3 has blue ray.
Both systems have their perks and both systems have their really obvious flaws. Can't we all just kill our enemies in a game and outside the game get along?
And BMW is the poor man's Mercedes, so what does that make the PS3?
That makes PS3 Lexus LS460 one of the most technologically advanced cars on the market You can also compare to the Viper Lambo take your pick
Why xbox sucks
Shit design
Games SUCK
Controller is bigger than most xbox players' brains all put together
PS3 has a better processor faster graphics card
PS3-2 Teraflops Xbox:thumbsdow????? 1 teraflop
PS3 Blueray Xbox:thumbsdow????? Exactly
PS3 Wide range of games Xbox:thumbsdow? Halo again anyone?
The list goes on.
i like playing video games An all.... but this fanboy thing gotta stop i owned a 360 like 2 of them scraps of garbage until i Finally smashed ot with a hammer Whene it broke the 8th time.... i bought a ps3,,,, 3 years ago & it runs fresh no problems, yes online is not bad at all! just server izz not a very good quality,, but whene the the server 4 a game crashes..doest matter get ur ass up & do something else until its fixed....besides x fuk 3shity has way more problems than the ps3 ,,IT ONLY DOES EVERYTHiNG! MAYBE EVEN FUCK UR MOM or WIFE SOO SHE CAN REALIZE THAT 360 IZZ A PIECE OF CRAPP!!!!! go 2 hell u halo humping toe sucking bastards!
I owned two 360s both got the red ring of death, its the worst, most unreliable console ever made. PS3 has never let me down, and cods multi being down is such a small issue in comparison to actually having a console that does work.
OMG. XBOX 360 ONLINE IS FAR FAR FAR BETTER THAN PS3. I have PS3 Fanboy friends and even they agree XBOX 360 ONLINE IS WORTH THE MONEY. You have more options MORE SUPPORT SO SHIT LIKE THIS DOESNT HHAPPEN. AS FOR CHEATERS THEY GET BANNED AS FAST AS THEY CAN CHEAT. XBOX 360 ONLINE HANDS DOWN IS 1000TIMES BETTER THAN YOU're SHITTY PS3 online. I HAVE PLAYED IT. Yeah your system might have some ups but not graphics according to every game and system developer thats not a "fanboy fact" its actually a fact. I would pay 100 dollars a year for my live, even though i only pay 50. Look at what xbox 360 live has to offer before you make shit up we are paying for an amazing service that is continually improved and people that work for us. So fck ps3 garbage dont be mad cause we have better live. We have over 1 million people online on modern warfare alone you guys couldnt make it passed a couple hundred thousand lmao.
The reason the PSN is free is because it is crap. Xbox live is well worth the cash.
All those PS3 fanboys screaming RROD must have forgotten about the YLOD, which is much more widespread than sony would have you believe and unlike the xbox's RROD isn't covered by a 3 year warrantly.
Not to mention the blu ray laser failing in a large number of consoles.
Even the publishers are giving up on the PS3, how much publicity did MW2 get compared to the xbox version? PS3 owners have to convince themselves they own the better console, they don't want to believe they've paid over the odds for a chunk of crap.
This thread is legendary. Brian, you are to be applauded for your efforts.
Anyway, I still can't get the game but that's ok, I have just got a new Nintendo DSi, which quite frankly is more cutting edge that any of that xbox, wii, PS3 & PC stuff. It has a FUCKING PEN INPUT.
The 10 people who bought the PS3 as a gameplayer must have traded in their My Litte Pony Blu-Ray for some terrorism simulation.
First of all, anyone who would trade in ANY My Little Pony video whether it be on Betamax, VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray or any other format I failed to mention should be dragged into the alley behind the dumpster out back and shot in the heart because THEY JUST BROKE MINE.
Secondly, I would expect this kind of stupidity, ignorance, childish name calling, and blatant disregard for things like spelling, grammar, and punctuation (things important to the English language which many of you feign to speak) to run rampant in places like /v/, but not Icrontic. I feel as if this were the equivalent of giving a busload of mentally challenged 5 year olds a huge bucket of shit and asking them to finger paint over the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel with it. Then rewarding them with a cookie when they're done but not reminding them to wash their hands.
Well not necessarily, because whenever i go on xbox live at my friend's house, every 5 mintues there seems to a new 12 year old boy claiming that he f**ked my momma last night.
a LOT of 12 year olds f**ked my mom, and i found out about this all thanks to xbox live.
that you microsoft, i would have never known.
should be archived for being both hilarious and true.
In conclusion I realize that no amount of correcting will ever fix all the things wrong in this thread. I feel as if I'm the dog in this video and the wall is that which I'm trying to overcome. No matter what I do I'll never get through but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try and neither should YOU. It may hurt but in the end we can all have a good laugh and maybe one day we can all agree that PS3 HAS NO GAMES
I own an x360 and slim ps3. I work in a game shop herein Uk. Fact is, The x360 looks like somethign you buy in the pound shop. The x360 has overheat issues. The x360 has a real dodgy way of keeping your credit card details when you sign up online, even when you ask them to clear your details, they don't, believe me they dont, there are threads all over the net for this.
In my shop I have faulty x360 coming back every day due to overheat. While people have their console dead they are paying for online time they are not using,
Xbox users have nothing to laugh about, I am one I know. The ps3's blue ray is beautiful, where si micrososfts blueray after there format died eh? And x360 disc are far to fragile and scratch or lazer burn stupidly fast. I have NEVER had a fault with my old 60gig or new slim. EVER. nor do I return them in my store daily. Ever console has a falt now and again, but none so much as the x360, and the elite does too, BELIVE IT.
I am hapy with my ps3, I am not happy with my 360 due to facts I see EVERY day in work. I will not pay again for the online service for a console that is more fragile and flawed that a pair of paper underpants.
1. The PS3 does have a red ring of death of its own. It is a yellow light that comes on when you fry your system or even better... your hard drive. That is right, the all mighty PS3 does have flaws. Though what sucks is that Sony charges you to fix your problem, I think even if you are under warranty. Microsoft, though they have red rings of death commonly, will replace your system even if it is past warranty. So even though yes the PS3 get those kinds of issues once in a blue moon, PS3s are not Gods of the consoles.
2. PS3's are not backwards compatible anymore. Only the original releases had fully backwards compatibility. The Metal Gear Edition was the last one to have backwards compatibility that was limited. All the new systems, including I believe the PS3 slim that just came out, don't have that luxury. So for people who could not afford to get an older system are screwed and have to get a PS2. Hence why Sony still sells them for $120 or so.
3. The only reason that the PS3 even got the trophy system was because Xbox was getting more customers because of its achievement system. Though even now, not all PS3 games that came out will have that system while Xbox had it since day one. And don't get me started on all the delayed promises with the PS3 home. Quite frankly, if that is your selling point for getting a PS3 you are sad. I don't even care about the avatar system on either system because I can just upload any picture I find from the internet and use it. All the stuff that the PS3 has is just pretty icing on a cake.
4. Now, before all the PS3 fan boys start to hate on me for the obvious flaws that I pointed out with their beloved system, Xbox is not a God either. It does have lower graphic output than PS3. Yes, you have to pay for online. But, they get some exclusive content that you can only get through the Xbox, as well as some free demos of games that will come out. As do PS3 users. You both have to pay for any extra content you want for games, you both have to wait for updates to install on your systems, you both have to deal with cheating noobs. Yes, the customizing options for the 360 suck. And the only reason that customer support with Microsoft is better than Sony's is because Microsoft's needs to be in order to keep profits.
Why can't we both just game on a console that we prefer? In the end you both get the same game, just different little icing on the cake based on system that you have. I will admit that when I had both a PS3 and a 360, I bought games based on the content that I wanted. If I wanted the achievements and large gaming community, I would go with Xbox. Aka, mainly for fighting games. If I wanted Exclusive games or just games I thought would be played better with better graphics and I really couldn't give a shit about achievements, I would go with the PS3. As well as the fact that the PS3 has blue ray.
Both systems have their perks and both systems have their really obvious flaws. Can't we all just kill our enemies in a game and outside the game get along?
In short fan boys, grow the hell up!
Xbox is like the poor mans BMW
That makes PS3 Lexus LS460 one of the most technologically advanced cars on the market
Why xbox sucks
Shit design
Games SUCK
Controller is bigger than most xbox players' brains all put together
PS3-2 Teraflops Xbox:thumbsdow????? 1 teraflop
PS3 Blueray Xbox:thumbsdow????? Exactly
PS3 Wide range of games Xbox:thumbsdow? Halo again anyone?
The list goes on.
lol luxury and beamer in the same sentence....sad
Anyway, servers are up now off to my game with amazing graphics so xbox bags time to
dam boi u kno das wack! be firefly hotfootin yo punk ass wit ma flamethrowaz best get ta steppin son!
hey now, don't be hatin' on other people's fetishes.
Wii rules lolol
Yea maybe if ur a little girl lolollol
All those PS3 fanboys screaming RROD must have forgotten about the YLOD, which is much more widespread than sony would have you believe and unlike the xbox's RROD isn't covered by a 3 year warrantly.
Not to mention the blu ray laser failing in a large number of consoles.
Even the publishers are giving up on the PS3, how much publicity did MW2 get compared to the xbox version? PS3 owners have to convince themselves they own the better console, they don't want to believe they've paid over the odds for a chunk of crap.
Anyway, I still can't get the game but that's ok, I have just got a new Nintendo DSi, which quite frankly is more cutting edge that any of that xbox, wii, PS3 & PC stuff. It has a FUCKING PEN INPUT.
First of all, anyone who would trade in ANY My Little Pony video whether it be on Betamax, VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray or any other format I failed to mention should be dragged into the alley behind the dumpster out back and shot in the heart because THEY JUST BROKE MINE.
Secondly, I would expect this kind of stupidity, ignorance, childish name calling, and blatant disregard for things like spelling, grammar, and punctuation (things important to the English language which many of you feign to speak) to run rampant in places like /v/, but not Icrontic. I feel as if this were the equivalent of giving a busload of mentally challenged 5 year olds a huge bucket of shit and asking them to finger paint over the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel with it. Then rewarding them with a cookie when they're done but not reminding them to wash their hands.
Thirdly, this
should be archived for being both hilarious and true.
In conclusion I realize that no amount of correcting will ever fix all the things wrong in this thread. I feel as if I'm the dog in this video and the wall is that which I'm trying to overcome. No matter what I do I'll never get through but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try and neither should YOU. It may hurt but in the end we can all have a good laugh and maybe one day we can all agree that PS3 HAS NO GAMES
In my shop I have faulty x360 coming back every day due to overheat. While people have their console dead they are paying for online time they are not using,
Xbox users have nothing to laugh about, I am one I know. The ps3's blue ray is beautiful, where si micrososfts blueray after there format died eh? And x360 disc are far to fragile and scratch or lazer burn stupidly fast. I have NEVER had a fault with my old 60gig or new slim. EVER. nor do I return them in my store daily. Ever console has a falt now and again, but none so much as the x360, and the elite does too, BELIVE IT.
I am hapy with my ps3, I am not happy with my 360 due to facts I see EVERY day in work. I will not pay again for the online service for a console that is more fragile and flawed that a pair of paper underpants.
End of.