So Blizzard is finally taking a bite of that FPS pie, in their newest game Overwatch. Not to much is known right now, but it looks like a team based FPS eerily similar to that old Icrontic favorite Team Fortress 2.
You can see gameplay and cinematic trailers here as well as sign up for the Beta.
Clicking on each characters portrait on the bottom gives a character trailer as well as a preview of their ablilties.
Literally just finished watching the trailers to find you'd posted this.
I'd be pretty okay if they just turned it into a movie. The cinematic trailer was pretty cute.
Also - IMMEDIATE beta opt-in. yes pls.
I agree Dan: This cinematic is pretty freaking awesome.
Team Fortblizz 3. Sure. Looks fun.
Reinhardt looks fucking COOL totally in for this.
Maybe this will light a fire under Valve's butts. I doubt it. Signed up for the beta!
Looks awesome. I'll play, of course, but... Here I am to play devil's advocate.
I wonder how much Valve's openness and willingness to cede control to the community has helped TF2 cement its place and if Blizzard will be influenced by it. TF2 would have died years ago if not for the vibrant community, and Valve's celebration of mods; from the community-contributed items to maps and even game modes. Valve made the game good, the community and opennness made it GREAT. It will be interested to see Blizzard's approach. Cute and awesome doesn't equate to longevity.
I agree with you Brian, but Blizzard usually makes games to last. Look at how long the WoW community has thrived, people still play Diablo 2, Diablo 3 is now a playable game and they still have another expansion to go, the Starcraft Community has been around even longer than WoW. Hearthstone Heroes is the perfect 20 minute game, that people can take with them everywhere, and is usually second only to MOBA's in terms of most watched on twitch.
Blizzard is a lot more controlling than Valve is, they're not going to "give up control" of an IP, but I think that they'll find a way to make this game last. Time will tell, and the best place to get a feel right now is on the Beta.
Oh, Hearthstone Heroes. You've found a way to displace Diablo Demon in my heart.
As probably IC's biggest TF2 player, TF2 SHOULD have died years ago. AS in I wish it had died years ago.
Also this looks awesome, though the last FPS game I got really excited for was Brink and that one ended in such bitter disappointment.
It looks kind of like a mix of TF2 and Monday Night Combat. Could be fun. It has to be F2P though to compete with TF2 though doesn't it?
Definitely Super Monday Night Combat vibes
PvP remnants of Titan, apparently.
I...might actually play a game again! My question - in a lineup in the cinematic you see a Western Wolverine looking dude but didn't see him in the gameplay video or on the website. Who IS that handsome animated devil?
I'm really not getting the TF2 vibe for this beyond its an FPS with various characters (not even sure they're classes after looking at their descriptions). Feels more like a FPS take on a MOBA like Monday Night Combat was.
looks really cool, i think ill have to try it when it comes out.
did anyone else notice that the security guard was playing hearthstone??
I'm just glad that for once, a studio showed an awesome cinematic trailer, and then IMMEDIATELY followed up with gameplay footage that not only looked awesome, but actually met the cinematic visual quality at a near one to one level. Love the style of this, and I can't wait to play it.
Im in on this.
Her goggles control her butt.

pkew pkew
The future of power suits!
lol I bet you someone from Blizzard saw that and already written up a bug report.
It's not a bug it's a feature. And also yes it was all over the internet.
Apparently, Blizzard plans to add more heroes to the game, so this does seem like it is going to be an FPS/MOBA
I played quite a bit of it at BlizzCon this weekend. It's got a really polished look and feel but it needs balance changes/map redesign. After my friends and I discovered some cheese strats, we were working kids over left and right. Koreish is right about the additional heroes like a MOBA. Rumor has it, it will be free to play with microtransactions.
ugh microtransactions... id rather pay for the game.
Whelp I guess I won't be picking this one up.
Well, TF2 has micro-transaction, and lots of us still play it. But, I'm not sure I trust Blizzard to do it right. At least not at first. The way they tried to monetize the ongoing play of D3 was a disaster, but they did fix it later, to their credit.
I'll wait and see if they do it right before dismissing it out of hand.
lol @ "Overwatch F2P and Microtransactions? fuck that" vs "TF2 F2P and Microtransactions? My most-played favoritist game of all time"