@Thrax said:
I say "worthy successor," but I'm not sure it'll be a great fit for how Icrontic uses TF2. The games and maps are small. This is an FPS MOBA that feels like TF2, so it's like 6v6. There will be no 24-man Icrontic TF2 nights in this game.
This was my initial thought too. It's too small and too controlled to be a "Introducing new people to IC / community building game". We can't run our own server and it's only 6v6.
Yep, it is short-sighted to say that a game couldn't be a recruitment center because of a price tag. We all had it for years at that price point and some new people have come in since, but many people entered while free.
In other news, I should be in the next round of codes being given out/overwatch showing up on my battle.net account. We'll see
Yeah, Blizzard's beta access process is kinda BS. I only got in because I know a guy that knows a guy who hooked us up. Sounds like Blizzard are only giving priority access out right now to top influencers, streamers, youtubers, etc. so they can help promote it.
They swore up and down that this isn't a marketing beat, but day 1 they were the #1 played game on twitch.tv, and they've remained top 10 ever since.
@primesuspect said:
This was my initial thought too. It's too small and too controlled to be a "Introducing new people to IC / community building game". We can't run our own server and it's only 6v6.
Yeah, it does bum me out that we can't have the crazy 24 person IC server romp in Overwatch, but I still think this game will have serious traction as a long-played IC game. 12 players with Icrontic typically suffices for any game that isn't TF2 or WoW.
Unfortunately, this is 2015. They days of owned dedicated servers are pretty much coming to an end.
It's close, but needs work some work. About half of the classes are very clearly top-tier viable right now, and probably 1/4 of them you rarely see played at all. Fortunately they've got a long beta period to figure it out.
I've been playing it a ton now that I'm home from ICOK, and I'm really warming up to the depth of the game. The classes are simplistic at eye level, but learning how to play them, and how to play them with your teammate's classes adds a nice complexity to the game. There are proper class counters that you start to learn that helps you win matches, the whole thing feels great.
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
Announced that it will be available in Spring 2016 and will be available on Xbone and PS4.
Not sure how I feel about the different SKUs for this game. I thought I had read that they were planning on releasing a lot more future heroes (MOBA style over time), but if that's not the case, I'm much happier with a "pay once and done" deal.
What I need to know more about is what their long term strategy with this game is. Are they planning additional content? Expansion packs? Are they gonna keep shoveling out skins and charging money for them?
I will definitely be getting the $60 version though. I gotta have Mercy's wings on my characters in Diablo. I NEED IT.
Also, for those who didn't know: Overwatch will not be free to play. It'll be a $60 boxed game. That's sort of a deal-breaker for me. There are plenty of other games I could be playing that offer a similar level of enjoyment that are f2p, or I have already purchased.
DontCallMeKelsoKelso 'The Great Asshole'San Jose, CAIcrontian
@Karma said:
Overwatch being a not free game is a deal maker for me.
I was bummed at first when they announced paid SKUs, but man, it's gonna be SO NICE to not have to deal with the typical F2P nonsense. All heroes from the start, no manufactured advantages by paying to win, harder for hackers/babbys to get into the game. Stoked about it.
Plus, $40 is pretty reasonable, especially with how much fun the game is. It seems crazy to me that "I have to pay money for this?" has become a reason for people to not play games in 2015. I'm more than happy to pay money for a full featured game that doesn't make me put up with gimmicks to play. I'm in.
Side note, the beta has been updated with a new map and three new Heroes (Mei, Genji, and dat @Church4252 waifu D.VA). I haven't played Genji yet, but Mei and D.VA are fantastic. Mei plays sort of like the pyro, with a really great crowd control effect on her primary (she freeze players solid and can build ice walls).
D.va, on the other had, is easily a top 3 favorite hero for me. She stomps around in an evangelion style mech and has some really great mobility. Her ult makes her mech go critical, and she jumps out before it blows. So you can boost into an enemy emplacement, hit the ult, run and hide and have it go nuclear in the middle of their team. She's a blast to play.
There are also many games that are free without obnoxious gimmicks to play. So I don't consider the retail cost a particularly significant influence on the overall quality of the game.
DontCallMeKelsoKelso 'The Great Asshole'San Jose, CAIcrontian
I'll be honest, my only major issue with the pricing of Overwatch is the fact 1. I can't host a server 2. player count per match seems low to me but I know it works, just, it works in a f2p style more than a "I paid $40 for this game" style. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else, but for me a f2p game is in that 10-12 player range (5v5/6v6) and listen/cloud servers. Don't get me wrong, thats the style CoD has been recently but is also one of the reasons I haven't played CoD since Blops1.
Other than that, I'm totally okay with paying $40 for this game cause the extra $20 aint worth it for me.
Played for a few hours with @DontCallMeKelso and @Thrax tonight and had an absolute blast. As expected, this game is even more fun with rolling around with IC bros. Kelso definitely got his Soldier: 76 game locked down.
Unfortunately, I'm a bad, and forgot to run FRAPS, so all our awesome plays and screenshots were lost. But I do have these two:
DontCallMeKelsoKelso 'The Great Asshole'San Jose, CAIcrontian
Playing with some friends have changed my perspective on the game. It was a lot of fun. Still skeptical about the $40, but at least I'm on the fence, now. Good job, marketing beta!
@UPSLynx said:
Welcome to 2015, where 32 man fully custom run servers are a thing of the past.
Coulda said the same thing in fall 2007 too.
I think Valve made it pretty clear what good business sense it makes to give a game a decade-long lifespan, and the way they did that was with third-party servers they didn't need to manage and innovative pricing models. Just because EA and Blizzard want to stick with buy-it-and-done games in this genre doesn't mean the market has evaporated.
The issue with the price is not that any of us might not want to pay it, it's that, with a price tag like that it will never be a "hey I know a great group of guys that play this game on Tuesdays, you should play also" type of game, which is what TF2 was to Icrontic for a long time.
It's not too much, but it is a different, possibly less appealing to some, niche in the marketplace.
@CB said:
The issue with the price is not that any of us might not want to pay it, it's that, with a price tag like that it will never be a "hey I know a great group of guys that play this game on Tuesdays, you should play also" type of game, which is what TF2 was to Icrontic for a long time.
It's not too much, but it is a different, possibly less appealing to some, niche in the marketplace.
Didn't TF2 become F2P long after people were already rocking it in IC?
And at that point, people started joining. The problem is never getting IC peeps to join in on paid gaming, it's getting non-IC peeps to become IC peeps via paid gaming. Not impossible, just not as easy to get Joe Schmoe on to play with you to meet cool people.
Yeah, during ICOK I did
This was my initial thought too. It's too small and too controlled to be a "Introducing new people to IC / community building game". We can't run our own server and it's only 6v6.
It's also not free. That right there disqualifies it from being a TF2 killer/Icrontic recruitment center.
How's the class balance?
To be fair though, TF2 was $20 for a long time. It was firmly established in the IC community before it went F2P
Yep, it is short-sighted to say that a game couldn't be a recruitment center because of a price tag. We all had it for years at that price point and some new people have come in since, but many people entered while free.
In other news, I should be in the next round of codes being given out/overwatch showing up on my battle.net account. We'll see
Signed up on Battlenet a year ago.
This is infuriating
It's not what you know....
Yeah, Blizzard's beta access process is kinda BS. I only got in because I know a guy that knows a guy who hooked us up. Sounds like Blizzard are only giving priority access out right now to top influencers, streamers, youtubers, etc. so they can help promote it.
They swore up and down that this isn't a marketing beat, but day 1 they were the #1 played game on twitch.tv, and they've remained top 10 ever since.
Yeah, it does bum me out that we can't have the crazy 24 person IC server romp in Overwatch, but I still think this game will have serious traction as a long-played IC game. 12 players with Icrontic typically suffices for any game that isn't TF2 or WoW.
Unfortunately, this is 2015. They days of owned dedicated servers are pretty much coming to an end.
It's close, but needs work some work. About half of the classes are very clearly top-tier viable right now, and probably 1/4 of them you rarely see played at all. Fortunately they've got a long beta period to figure it out.
I've been playing it a ton now that I'm home from ICOK, and I'm really warming up to the depth of the game. The classes are simplistic at eye level, but learning how to play them, and how to play them with your teammate's classes adds a nice complexity to the game. There are proper class counters that you start to learn that helps you win matches, the whole thing feels great.
Announced that it will be available in Spring 2016 and will be available on Xbone and PS4.
With all current heroes available to everybody at launch. Special editions provide in-game stuff in Blizz's other games.
Not sure how I feel about the different SKUs for this game. I thought I had read that they were planning on releasing a lot more future heroes (MOBA style over time), but if that's not the case, I'm much happier with a "pay once and done" deal.
What I need to know more about is what their long term strategy with this game is. Are they planning additional content? Expansion packs? Are they gonna keep shoveling out skins and charging money for them?
I will definitely be getting the $60 version though. I gotta have Mercy's wings on my characters in Diablo. I NEED IT.
Also, for those who didn't know: Overwatch will not be free to play. It'll be a $60 boxed game. That's sort of a deal-breaker for me. There are plenty of other games I could be playing that offer a similar level of enjoyment that are f2p, or I have already purchased.
It's $40 for standard, $60 for the "ddx" with the typical skin/f2p gimmicky stuff
Overwatch being a not free game is a deal maker for me.
I was bummed at first when they announced paid SKUs, but man, it's gonna be SO NICE to not have to deal with the typical F2P nonsense. All heroes from the start, no manufactured advantages by paying to win, harder for hackers/babbys to get into the game. Stoked about it.
Plus, $40 is pretty reasonable, especially with how much fun the game is. It seems crazy to me that "I have to pay money for this?" has become a reason for people to not play games in 2015. I'm more than happy to pay money for a full featured game that doesn't make me put up with gimmicks to play. I'm in.
Side note, the beta has been updated with a new map and three new Heroes (Mei, Genji, and dat @Church4252 waifu D.VA). I haven't played Genji yet, but Mei and D.VA are fantastic. Mei plays sort of like the pyro, with a really great crowd control effect on her primary (she freeze players solid and can build ice walls).
D.va, on the other had, is easily a top 3 favorite hero for me. She stomps around in an evangelion style mech and has some really great mobility. Her ult makes her mech go critical, and she jumps out before it blows. So you can boost into an enemy emplacement, hit the ult, run and hide and have it go nuclear in the middle of their team. She's a blast to play.
Yeah, nowadays the norm is to pay money for full featured games that DOES still make you put up with gimmicks to play.
There are also many games that are free without obnoxious gimmicks to play.
So I don't consider the retail cost a particularly significant influence on the overall quality of the game.
I'll be honest, my only major issue with the pricing of Overwatch is the fact 1. I can't host a server 2. player count per match seems low to me but I know it works, just, it works in a f2p style more than a "I paid $40 for this game" style. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else, but for me a f2p game is in that 10-12 player range (5v5/6v6) and listen/cloud servers. Don't get me wrong, thats the style CoD has been recently but is also one of the reasons I haven't played CoD since Blops1.
Other than that, I'm totally okay with paying $40 for this game cause the extra $20 aint worth it for me.
I'm installing now
Sounds like Titanfall 2.0 so far.
Welcome to 2015, where 32 man fully custom run servers are a thing of the past.
Played for a few hours with @DontCallMeKelso and @Thrax tonight and had an absolute blast. As expected, this game is even more fun with rolling around with IC bros. Kelso definitely got his Soldier: 76 game locked down.
Unfortunately, I'm a bad, and forgot to run FRAPS, so all our awesome plays and screenshots were lost. But I do have these two:
If you wanna watch a "josh didn't know how to do the OBS setting properly" stream of our shenanigans http://www.twitch.tv/dontcallmekelso/v/25177446
Playing with some friends have changed my perspective on the game. It was a lot of fun. Still skeptical about the $40, but at least I'm on the fence, now. Good job, marketing beta!
Coulda said the same thing in fall 2007 too.
I think Valve made it pretty clear what good business sense it makes to give a game a decade-long lifespan, and the way they did that was with third-party servers they didn't need to manage and innovative pricing models. Just because EA and Blizzard want to stick with buy-it-and-done games in this genre doesn't mean the market has evaporated.
The issue with the price is not that any of us might not want to pay it, it's that, with a price tag like that it will never be a "hey I know a great group of guys that play this game on Tuesdays, you should play also" type of game, which is what TF2 was to Icrontic for a long time.
It's not too much, but it is a different, possibly less appealing to some, niche in the marketplace.
Didn't TF2 become F2P long after people were already rocking it in IC?
And at that point, people started joining. The problem is never getting IC peeps to join in on paid gaming, it's getting non-IC peeps to become IC peeps via paid gaming. Not impossible, just not as easy to get Joe Schmoe on to play with you to meet cool people.