Team 93 Blitz



  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited February 2004
    Camman wrote:
    ...Very excited to announce that I, for the first time ever, went ORANGE on EOC Stats! w000t! 2,516 pts so far on the weekly, yay!...:D
    I knew you had something cookin'. I expected witenoize to be a problem, now I've got you and Goose after me, too... :rolleyes2

    Great job, guys! :clap:
  • CammanCamman NEW! England Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    yeah man I've been watching witenoize on my threats for a bit now, he/she is really tearing it up!
  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited February 2004
    Grrr, and I'm taking a production hit right now, my hard drive on my office computer corrupted, so I am am replacing it and reinstalling everything. 2 days worth of WU's lost :( But I will make them up by finding a couple of more boxes to fold on.....

    Let's go Team 93!! :woowoo:

  • KwitkoKwitko Sheriff of Banning (Retired) By the thing near the stuff Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    I added my work PC (XP 2500+), but then again, I had to stop folding on 2 PCs at home because the electric bill was getting insane. My production was in the low 200's but should at least double now. My office doesn't have many good PCs and adding folding to them will just crap most of them out.

    I had installed F@H on my father's PC at home (3.0GHz P4) and let it run while my parents were away but I think my brother shut the PC off. :grumble: My father usually leaves the PC on for extended periods of time so I think we should get some decent points from his machine.
  • DogSoldierDogSoldier The heart of radical Amish country..
    edited February 2004
    I'm currently at 7.4Ghz folding power (3 machines). I'll be adding 2 more dedicated Intel 2.4 folders in the next few weeks, first machine should be online by the 20th. My new industrial size desk is in place. I've replaced the problem breaker in my apt. Bought a new surge protector and a D-link DI-604 4 port broadband router in anticipation of the new machines. Anyone recommend a reliable 2 port KVM?
  • EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
    edited February 2004
    I would love to fold but my current rig is to heavyly used and doesn't have any resources left. More ram for instance would be very needed but when i do upgrade i think i'll keep this comp. My first plans was to sell it but you're not gonna get much for a p2 these days so i'll keep it and make it a folding machine.

    I don't want to upgrade this one before i get a new one and are crossing my fingers now as i'm running both opera and shareaza at the same time. The latter can use up to 20 megs of ram. If it weren't for the lack of ram i could do ok. Good luck with the team guys. If i now you Team Eggroll doesn't stand a chance. :)

  • shwaipshwaip bluffin' with my muffin Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    100th post! :D

    I finally got my desktop running again, and am working on getting folding to run at the proper time on a laptop (tried the sched. task, didn't work), and if I can, I may borg all of the laptops (all the sophomores have a p4 1.7 and the freshmen 2.0) I can get my hands on :D
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    What, was that the shortest blitz ever or something??? Let's go people! Call you long-lost relatives, put on your salesman hats, and get 'em folding! :bigggrin:
  • GobblesGobbles Ventura California
    edited February 2004
    Ive got 3 boxes...

    1 duron 1000, that the temps run into the high 50's c when folding
    1 xp2500 that runs into the high 50's c when folding
    1 p4 2.0 that the os crashes on when folding for more than an hour..

    Ive got some cooling issues to work out.

    Duron case sucks ass and gets no air flow... Gotta cut a hole in the back of it...

    The xp2500 is running a stock hsf

    and well the p4 is a dell really sff machine that im amazed has not burned through the floor yet from its own heat.

    Once I get the cooling worked out on my 2 amd boxes.. folding they will be...

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    i FINALLY got to add the -service switch to all the P4 2.2ghz machines at one of my clients' offices. So, in effect, they were very spotty folders - running maybe 10-20% of the time. Now, they will be folding 100% 24/7 .. that's 6x2.2 and 4x1.8ghz P4s.

  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited February 2004
    You did remember to configure them to run with the userID set to a2jfreak, right? :)
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited February 2004
    I OCed an extra 130MHz on my second NF7 and finally got my K7S5A up with another PSU.
  • EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
    edited February 2004
    I'm joining the blitz though not at high speed. :halfcog: Well i did say that i wasn't gonna fold but changed my mind. Anything for team93. :D Don't worry i'm running gah so my rig won't slow anything down but still i will finally be able to get a true folding sig.

    Hopefully it won't take to many months before i can afford my new rig though. :fold:
  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited February 2004
    I added another system to the fold, only a 1.5 Ghz P4, but it's on 24/7 , so it'll add another couple hundred points a week for me. I should now get over 1000 points per week regularly.

  • edited February 2004
    I should be helping a friend upgrade his biostar nforce2 rig to a barton 2500 this week and will be getting my pally 2000 back from him so that I can donate it to the SMx cause. Also, since Stanford came out with a new core to cure locking problems for AMD and SSE, I will be upping the overclocks on my MSI dually, which is folding at a friend's house remotely. Hopefully I'll be able to get it to run relaibly at around 1.9-2.0. It has 2 Tbred A 1700's in it.
  • witenoizwitenoiz 19,356 miles East of Kansas City, MO Member
    edited February 2004
    :eek3: They are spelling my name wrong :eek3: Must start making more NOIZ :celebrate
    Jack ( a guy aka witenoiz )
  • drasnordrasnor Starship Operator Hawthorne, CA Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    The dual MP 2100+ just upgraded cores to FahCore_78 v1.56, and SSE optimizations are now on. That should yield ~30% boost in production per processor, plus when my K7D-L gets back from RMA that'll be another pair of pallies folding. I think I can get the dual XP 1900+'s in the K7D-L up to 2100+ without too much trouble.

    -drasnor :fold:

    EDIT: I also fixed the two Pentium III 1.1GHz boxes. One had a Tinker, and the other one was a motherboard sitting on top of a case side panel. The stinker is gone and Gromacs is on, and the other one got a hard drive instead of a Knoppix CD so now I'm not screwed if the power goes out. I hope the power supply in that machine doesn't go out since it's the original power supply that came with the case. The case is for an IBM Personal Computer AT.
  • KhaosKhaos New Hampshire
    edited February 2004
    Guys... I am very strapped for cash but I have parts laying around here from one of my old rigs that could easily be turned into a working machine. Here is what I have...

    AXP 1600+
    2x 40GB CudaIII's
    Optical/Floppy Drives

    Main things I lack are motherboard, memory and PSU... And a case. I've been planning on piecing this machine together for a while now. Obviously, contributions would just make that happen sooner. If anybody has spare parts that could be loaned or donated, send me a PM or e-mail and I'll get back to you.
  • fatcatfatcat Mizzou Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    2500+ (running stock) should be added in about an hour;) 100 baby!
  • witenoizwitenoiz 19,356 miles East of Kansas City, MO Member
    edited February 2004
    Khaos wrote:
    Main things I lack are motherboard, memory and PSU... And a case. .
    :aol: A young healthy hamster and a wheel in a cage to generate electricity and you have it made. :vimp: Jack
  • edited February 2004
    According to FedEx I should be receiving my goodie package tomorrow. It has all the parts necessary to get three nodes up and running on da farm. I converted a friend's box (1.1 GHz and not on all the time) from my old team to short media (only about 100-150 pts per week). I should have (fingers crossed) at least a thousand more points per week production here in the next few days. I'll need it to stave off dancer89 if that's even enough. We've been real strong as a team lately and topping max pc and ars in weekly production regularly now.

  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited February 2004
    Oh please! Give me a break (literally) You're already on my threats list . . . what are you trying to do, overtake me or something? Sheesh.

    You just wait until I get the time and opportunity to commandeer a few systems and build couple more, then I'll take you off my threats list. Al_capown was already owned by me--he's gone from the list--now I just gotta get you off (along with dancer89, drasnor, keto and of course witenoiz).
    KingFish wrote:
    I should have (fingers crossed) at least a thousand more points per week production here in the next few days.
  • edited February 2004
    a2jfreak wrote:
    . . . what are you trying to do, overtake me or something? Sheesh.

    Make no mistake about it, that's exactly what I plan on doing. I'll warm up by 0wning Al then I'll move up the chain to you. Right now I have bigger fish to fry in the form of dancer. He's on my tail and I have to shake him. He and witenoiz are on fire. At least witenoiz started ahead of me so I don't have to see him on my threats list. I think Al has a production dip at the moment, so don't hurt your hand patting yourself on the back yet.

    /me feels that the pot is stirred adequately now.
  • DogSoldierDogSoldier The heart of radical Amish country..
    edited February 2004
    Hey King, what speed/make CPUs will those 3 new nodes be? If they're speedy, you should be able to pump out an extra 1200-1400 points a week, enough to stave off Dancer. I did that with 3 P4s - a 1.8, 2.4 and a 3.0 for about 4 months. I won't be able to hold off Dancer (Or you it seems) I just don't have the space.
  • edited February 2004
    They will be amd thoro 2400's. Mobo's are biostar micro atx with onboard vid. Two will have 256 megs of ram, the third will have 512 MB. I think I'm going to do a mild overclock on them too to squeeze out a few extra. I'm eager to see how it turns out. It won't come none too soon either. I need production really quick to keep dancer in my wake.

  • sgstairsgstair Reverse Engineer Redmond, WA Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    If they run anything like my 2400+, you'll have at least 1200/week from 3 ;)

  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited February 2004
    By hook or by crook. Whatever it took to get Al off my back. :) If he's got a few machines down well, that's his problem. ;D;D;D
    KingFish wrote:
    I think Al has a production dip at the moment, so don't hurt your hand patting yourself on the back yet.
  • edited February 2004
    a2jfreak wrote:
    By hook or by crook. Whatever it took to get Al off my back. :) If he's got a few machines down well, that's his problem. ;D;D;D

    LOL, I hear ya. Is Tonya Harding still for hire? Maybe we can arrange something. j/k

  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited February 2004
    :) My refurb NF7 should be coming today. My AXP-M 2500+ should be coming sometime next week. Oh yes! Can you feel it yet? Can you? Of course you can! :D
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    Well, the full effect of my farm have the -service switch added has kicked in. I'm finally consistently in the red, and will be moving up a spot in the next few months..

    Top 5 is so close.... :rarr:
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