Tom Raider for 12.49$ on steam. Worth it, very fun and interesting game.
Totally worth 12.50. I bough it for full price and definitely enjoyed it, very reasonable for people who just want a single-player playthrough and completionist. Not much replay value but I didn't expect any.
Just wanted to give a public "thank you!!" to @RahnalH102 for gifting me a copy of Rogue Legacy while it was on sale. That was awesome. I totally condone random acts of Steam Gifting.
Have: Nothing
Let the games begin!
On the front page CS:Go was marked at 99% off but when it clicked on the game it was marked at 69%.
Saints Row 2 and The Third, Risen 2 and Sacred 2 pay what you want
Complete Saints Row The Third DLC and Dead Island if you pay more than the average
Dead Island Riptide if you pay more than $25
Is this the Thief "Best Stealth game evar!" game that you were speaking of the other night?
75% off for the next 17 hours.
On that note.
9.99 on GoG all patched and ready to go.
Dungeons and Dragons based games are up to 75% off for the next 4 days
From what I can tell, 1 & 2 are Steam Keys and Infinite is an Amazon Download.