


  • ZanthianZanthian Mitey Worrier Icrontian

    I had a good run on the weekend and climbed in competitive from around 2400 to around 2800.
    Don't mess with Zenyatta ;)

  • ZanthianZanthian Mitey Worrier Icrontian

    talking into a void...

  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian

    I've kind of pumped the brakes on Overwatch after the last seasonal event, mainly because I had played WAY too much and wasn't super happy about the balance. Haven't played since Orissa was added, either.

    Gonna try and get some matches in later this week and work my rust off. I need that new Mercy skin.

  • pigflipperpigflipper The Forgotten Coast Icrontian

    The event is fun, the new skins, voice lines, etc are amazing.

  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian

    Also digging the new event. Finally played a few rounds last night.

  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian

    This is the UPSLynx Overwatch experience.

  • IlriyasIlriyas The Syrupy Canadian Toronto, Ontario Icrontian
    edited May 2017

    This is one of the most depressing vidya related things I've ever seen.

    The mix of hope crossed with defeat when you see those gold drops is palpable. (I also never got Combat Medic Mercy though I'll be damned if I give Blizzard any more loot box money.)

  • FettBaconFettBacon Viscount Icrontian

    @UPSLynx said:
    This is the UPSLynx Overwatch experience.

    If you weren't such a chump I'd feel bad for you.

  • ZanthianZanthian Mitey Worrier Icrontian

  • HumerusMegHumerusMeg Something, something medical professional, Fitness bitch, Sexy chef Austin Icrontian

    ZOMG so glad that HOTS will be over this week (sorry to those of you that enjoy the game). Ofc no good things in the 10 extra loot boxes. But def excited about the anniversary event dropping this coming week :)

  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian

    Playing 5 HotS games a week was torture. FML.

  • I wanted the Po Po DVa skin. I asked a guy on the server, hey man, what you have to do for that loot. "About four hours grinding in a game that sucks" was his reply....

    No thanks. By my calculation four hours doing something I don't want usually is about $100 or so for me. DVa skin not worth $100. Don't punish yourselves over some cosmetic game items, it's silly.

  • GnomeQueenGnomeQueen The Lulz Queen Mountain Dew Mouth Icrontian

    @Cliff_Forster said:
    I wanted the Po Po DVa skin. I asked a guy on the server, hey man, what you have to do for that loot. "About four hours grinding in a game that sucks" was his reply....

    No thanks. By my calculation four hours doing something I don't want usually is about $100 or so for me. DVa skin not worth $100. Don't punish yourselves over some cosmetic game items, it's silly.

    Unfortunately, I think he mislead you a little bit. You had to play ten games in HOTS to get it-- 5 against the computer was fine in the first week, and then 5 in the second week. I doubt it took me 4 hours to do. Granted, I had the benefit of playing with people who knew what they were doing, and maybe he did not. But it really wasn't so bad-- HOTS is even a little fun.

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    WoW had a similar thing: Grind out 10 games of HotS to get a really nice mount in-game.

    I am a mount collector. I love them. I have even paid cash for them.

    But I could not do 10 games of HotS, even with friends. I don't have that mount, never will, and don't care.

  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian

    Yeah it's a really smart cross-platform play for Blizzard. Expose players to new (free) games to get exclusives for their favorite games. Raise daily active users for alt game, even gain a few new long term players, and increase engagement across the board. It obviously works, they've been doing it in all of their games and rewarding players with loot for the other games (Overwatch had loot for Diablo, HOTS, Hearthstone, and WoW I believe at launch).

    It definitely was a grind to get the 4 weeks of unlocks for Overwatch via HOTS, but I didn't hate it. I mostly enjoyed it. Might play more HOTS in the future, even. Honestly I'd rather do something like this than have an exclusive item hidden behind a paywall.

    That being said, I like MOBA's, so this never felt too hard for me. If I had to play, say, World of Warcraft or some other genre that I don't play at all, I'd likely feel very different about it.

  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian

    The Overwatch 1 year anniversary event starts on the 23rd of this month (the day after the week 4 HOTS event ends, so don't wait on completing it).

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    @UPSLynx said:
    That being said, I like MOBA's, so this never felt too hard for me. If I had to play, say, World of Warcraft or some other genre that I don't play at all, I'd likely feel very different about it.

    Yeah, imagine if they locked an exclusive skin behind "Level up a WoW toon to level 20 and complete 5 dungeons with friends". You'd NOPE the fuck out.

  • GnomeQueenGnomeQueen The Lulz Queen Mountain Dew Mouth Icrontian

    @primesuspect said:

    Yeah, imagine if they locked an exclusive skin behind "Level up a WoW toon to level 20 and complete 5 dungeons with friends". You'd NOPE the fuck out.

    I dunno....if it were a Mercy skin...

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    @primesuspect said:

    Yeah, imagine if they locked an exclusive skin behind "Level up a WoW toon to level 20 and complete 5 dungeons with friends". You'd NOPE the fuck out.

    If it was free, I would jump at the chance.


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    Levelling a toon to 20 has been free in WoW for years. My point was that Bobby specifically can't stand MMOs and I was trying to come up with an example of how it was so off-putting to me to play HotS that I just gave up. There will be tons of people that this promo WOULD work for, but I don't know if Bobby is one of them

  • I tried Heroes of the Storm and inside a few minutes I was desperately bored. If I could have gotten desired loot just by logging in, trying a game or two maybe. Ten games doing something I don't like. My time is more valuable. I'm kind of glad Steam got away from that a bit where they would run the sales and there would be something you would have to check back to do every few hours in order to try and get the most participation to unlock chances at account loot or whatever. The psychologically that drives that, I totally get it. I know why it works, gamers are all at least a touch obsessive by nature. But.... it's not like anyone has ever gone, WHOA Cool D-Va skin man, they are usually obsessed with my Golden Guns, or the fact that I'm playing well with her, or poorly in those rare cases. If you did something you didn't like for hours to get a video game skin, consider therapy or pharmaceuticals. It's working for me apparently, LOL. If I am playing a video game and it's not fun, totally defeats the purpose of game time.

  • CBCB Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Der Millionendorf- Icrontian

    @Cliff_Forster said:
    I tried Heroes of the Storm and inside a few minutes I was desperately bored. If I could have gotten desired loot just by logging in, trying a game or two maybe. Ten games doing something I don't like. My time is more valuable. I'm kind of glad Steam got away from that a bit where they would run the sales and there would be something you would have to check back to do every few hours in order to try and get the most participation to unlock chances at account loot or whatever. The psychologically that drives that, I totally get it. I know why it works, gamers are all at least a touch obsessive by nature. But.... it's not like anyone has ever gone, WHOA Cool D-Va skin man, they are usually obsessed with my Golden Guns, or the fact that I'm playing well with her, or poorly in those rare cases. If you did something you didn't like for hours to get a video game skin, consider therapy or pharmaceuticals. It's working for me apparently, LOL. If I am playing a video game and it's not fun, totally defeats the purpose of game time.

    That's a little judgey. Different strokes, and all that... :)

    I think it depends a lot, also, on how much free gaming time you have. If you play with your SO, and have 10 hours or more a week to play games, then you are more likely to want to do something like this, even if you don't really like the game. But, if you, like me, only have 4ish hours of open gaming time each week, it might seem like more of a hurdle.

  • @CB As always I'm a little tongue in cheek.

    I think it is fascinating though. Now that I really mean. The psychology that drives a gamer to do something they really don't enjoy to obtain something that has no real measurable value. I think all of us have done it at least a few times. I remember the first XBOX Live achievement points system. I'd rent games I didn't even like to just play thought some easy achievements so my account would have a bigger number next to it. Like my identity as a gamer somehow hinged on a big number vs. me just having fun doing what I enjoyed. I don't have a problem with what Blizzard did, it's smart cross promotion, they have a product they think people might like if they try it, and even then by upping the player experience they probably got some feedback on how to improve it for their fans. For me though, I've just reached a point where if it's not fun, I won't do it for more than a few minutes without moving on. I have far too many entertainment choices. I don't need to do something I don't like. I know having a D-Va Po Po skin isn't going to change my Overwatch experience or make me more admired by my Overwatch peers. It's a cool item, I would have liked to have it, I was not going to spend hours doing something I didn't want to do for it. It's fascinating to me that so many people will and not even consider their option to say, "Do I really need this skin"? It's a strange gamer obsession and we have all taken part in it. I'm certainly part of that cult. It would make an interesting study honestly.

  • ZanthianZanthian Mitey Worrier Icrontian

    I play a lot of DVa and really wanted the skin. I actually had some fun trying out HoTS because I played it with @CrazyJoe. My initial impression was bad due to toxicity, but playing with a friend we were able to coordinate and have fun.
    Overwatch is one of the few games in recent memory to really get it's hooks into me. I play casual, weekly arcade to get my loot boxes, and ranked competitive (solo queue because i hate myself ;) ) I am up in the platinum bracket and it is actually pretty fun most of the time. The toxicity is easily muted when it is not fun.

    I am weird in that I refuse to put money into boxes of game loot, but actually liked that I could to a free activity with a friend to get a neat piece of loot for a character I really like to play. So as CB said... to each their own.

    Looking forward to the year anniversary content.

  • ZanthianZanthian Mitey Worrier Icrontian

  • ZanthianZanthian Mitey Worrier Icrontian

  • CBCB Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Der Millionendorf- Icrontian

    These people clearly have a very strict training regimen to keep up their mad skills. Where do they find the time to learn to do so many different dances?

  • ZanthianZanthian Mitey Worrier Icrontian

  • GnomeQueenGnomeQueen The Lulz Queen Mountain Dew Mouth Icrontian
  • ZanthianZanthian Mitey Worrier Icrontian

    Event Checklist:

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