


  • FettBaconFettBacon Viscount Icrontian

    @GnomeQueen said:

    I'm not entirely sure I agree with this, although of course play styles differ. D.Va can be great to heal because she absorbs a lot of damage, which can be great for building the Mercy ult, but I feel like she's more centered around harassing than being a straight tank that defends the support. I would much rather follow around a Reinhardt, Zarya, or even Roadhog. I also find that it can be more valuable to heal an ally in danger over D.Va, because she doesn't die if she loses the mech, whereas another character near you will.

    I feel the change to her defense matrix makes her role fall more into tanking than it does in harassing since its now a toggle and she can pump out a ton of damage to people who get too close just like every other tank can. A flight + punch combo from dva alone does 105 damage which is half of most character's health and gets her in close for the shotguns to clean up.

  • RahnalH102RahnalH102 the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature Enthusiast New Mexico Icrontian

    Some of D.Va's strengths are her mobility and harassment/kill potential so she can be a very good diver. If the player of D.Va does dive, Mercy isn't gonna want to follow. If the player is using her like Reinhardt, then she is good for Mercy to hang out with. I personally don't hang out with D.Va's much when playing as Mercy cause they are quite likely to dive. Same for Winston. I do pay attention for when their job is done for now and they both come back needing some healing.

  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian

    The last 4 out of 7 summer games boxes that I've gotten contained nothing but sprays, voice lines, and player icons. Seriously. In fact, one of them had 3 out of 4 duplicates.

    Finally tonight, my luck turned around. The one special skin I wanted the most.

    Now if I can just get that Swiss Mercy skin before this weekend...

  • FargeFarge Icrontian

    I think I may have peaked. How am I ever going to top this.

  • Cliff_ForsterCliff_Forster Icrontian
    edited August 2016

    @RahnalH102 said:
    Some of D.Va's strengths are her mobility and harassment/kill potential so she can be a very good diver. If the player of D.Va does dive, Mercy isn't gonna want to follow. If the player is using her like Reinhardt, then she is good for Mercy to hang out with. I personally don't hang out with D.Va's much when playing as Mercy cause they are quite likely to dive. Same for Winston. I do pay attention for when their job is done for now and they both come back needing some healing.

    I just think the recent forward shield buff makes her a fantastic escort character. I've been driving the payload with her having great success. If I have a Mercy on me that takes advantage of my shields and big hit box it's really hard to get me off the payload. You basically need to find a way to get behind me with another tank and knock me off right now. I have a feeling they are going to nerf the shields a little. I don't use her charge for attack, I use it more to charge the point or the payload, and to get her ultimate in optimal position for damage.

  • RahnalH102RahnalH102 the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature Enthusiast New Mexico Icrontian

    This is true and I wasn't denying that. Just pointing out that D.Va has many ways you can play her, especially with the new shield. Last night I was walking up to the point as D.Va and my team's Junkrat uses his ult next to me. I use my boosters, which I learned at that moment move slower then the Riptire, and tail the tire with the shield up to protect it from most of the enemy fire. Delivered it safely to the enemy Tobjorn.

  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian

    This is kinda interesting. This is the latest (as of yesterday) tier list of hero picks via top level pro players in competitive. Some surprising observations here. While top tier play is by no means the rule, it can serve as an indication of how Blizzard might tweak balance in the future. Some real surprises with heroes that get ZERO play (Hanzo and Mercy :( ).

    I should note that two weeks ago before the latest patch, Mercy was 100% picked as healer on all maps, and Zen had a 0% play rate. With the balance tweaks in the latest patch, it completely reversed the pick trends for those two.

    Zarya is SUPER strong right now, which is interesting because she hasn't had a balance tweak in a long time. I think people are finally figuring out just how useful she is in all situations when played correctly. She's picked 100% of the time on KOTH maps. Same with Winston, 100% pick on KOTH, which I found to be interesting.

  • KarmaKarma Likes yoga Icrontian

    Man McCree killed the pharah star.

  • ZanthianZanthian Mitey Worrier Icrontian


    "Geoff Goodman
    Principal Designer

    Zenyatta is definitely playing a lot better these days. At this point anecdotal feedback, internal stats, and competitive feedback are all showing hes actually a bit too strong at the moment.

    At this point we're looking likely to reduce some of his power in an upcoming patch, probably related to his Discord Orb."

  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian

    Yeah, 50% debuff is pretty strong now that he's harder to kill. Probably move it back to 30% or something like that.

  • Cliff_ForsterCliff_Forster Icrontian
    edited August 2016

    I'm finding out now that I have dabbled in competitive play that I'm nowhere near as good as I thought I was. The casual games I was fairly dominating at times, at least for me. I've always enjoyed shooters but have always been a middle of the pack kind of player. Put a dozen guys on a server, six or seven are clearly more seasoned than me most of the time. I'm finding the competitive environment to have far better players, and usually teams with better strategy. I'm still enjoying it, but for a moment I thought I have finally found a game I excel at other than Pac Man and Galaga (which I will still kick all your asses)...

    Side note,

    The reason nobody wants to play Mercy is her ultimate is worthless. A person just died in a sticky spot, guess we will revive them in the same exact spot where they just got owned. They should have the player re spawn with you, usually a few feet back, or maybe give the player a good extra few seconds of invincibility so they can change positions before re joining the fight. Usually a revival means just getting blasted again as soon as you get back up. It's the least useful ultimate in the game right now.

  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian

    A Mercy res is actually pretty strong. Most people don't think that's her biggest problem. The problem is others do most of what she does better.

    Mercy's damage boost increases one character's output 30%. Discord orb provides 50% extra damage to a target from all sources.
    Mercy's pistol does 20 damage at 5 rounds/second; Zen does 40 damage at 2.5 rounds/second, so roughly even, but Zen Discords while firing, and Mercy can't shoot and buff at the same time.
    Mercy's ult brings people back from death; Lucio's and Zen's prevent death (major health buff from Lucio, 300HP/s from Zen).
    Mercy can fly to people, but if she's alone or nobody's around, she's in trouble. Lucio can wallride, speedboost himself, and knock enemies back.
    Mercy does 50HPS normal, up to 15 meters. Lucio does 12.5/s up to 30m, and amp it up bumps that to 40/s, and in the meantime, he can DPS with his 48 damage per shot (split over 4 projectiles).

    So Mercy's pure healing is best, but her nimbleness is constrained by her team, her ult doesn't prevent deaths, her boost is outclassed by others, and her damage+healing combo is bested by both other classes. She's the tunnel-vision version of a healer, while the others are multi-purpose and can contribute in multiple ways.

  • CantiCanti =/= smalltime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9K18CGEeiI&feature=related Icrontian
  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian

    One of the things I've routinely seen is commentary on how well Blizz has done with the voice acting and general localization of the game - the translations into other languages are on point, and even the foreign-language blurbs a lot of the characters say (Mei's, Zarya's, Widow's, etc.) are really well done. (The biggest knock is that Zarya sounds Bulgarian in the English version because, well, her VA is.)

    It's one of those things that if done okay, people wouldn't notice, but because it's done so well, people familiar with those languages and cultures feel compelled to share their appreciation. Rarely done.

  • MyrmidonMyrmidon Baron von Puttenham California Icrontian

    @Snarkasm said:
    One of the things I've routinely seen is commentary on how well Blizz has done with the voice acting and general localization of the game - the translations into other languages are on point, and even the foreign-language blurbs a lot of the characters say (Mei's, Zarya's, Widow's, etc.) are really well done. (The biggest knock is that Zarya sounds Bulgarian in the English version because, well, her VA is.)

    It's one of those things that if done okay, people wouldn't notice, but because it's done so well, people familiar with those languages and cultures feel compelled to share their appreciation. Rarely done.

    I dunno's I'd use the word 'routinely.' I actually find Blizz's voice acting to be SUPER hit-or-miss.

    Actually, scratch that.

    I find Blizz's voice acting to be fine. I find their voice casting and voice directing to be hit-or-miss. The actors clearly have the pipes, but... not for the parts they're casted for. And the directors don't seem to understand the gray areas between 'screaming' and 'speaking'

    First, there's this chick.

    "Hey, Sindragosa, for your deathrattle, can you... uh... like... yell your deathrattle? Is that a thing you can do? Yeah, yeah, sounds great."

    Here's an example of awful vocal directing. So, Aggra's in a fight, right? And she's yelling shit to the player ('commander'), right? And yet... her battle voice is just 'slightly louder speaking.'

    They have some good ones, too, of course. Gul'dan speaks a little too slowly, but otherwise his lines are generally pretty solid. When he raises his voice, it doesn't sound forced, but it sounds organically strained. Pretty happy with this one.

    Khadgar seems to have gotten some pretty solid time in with the voice director, too.

  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian

    @Myrmidon said:
    I dunno's I'd use the word 'routinely.' I actually find Blizz's voice acting to be SUPER hit-or-miss.

    I might not have been clear, but I was only referring to Overwatch. Specifically Overwatch's VA seems to have been good enough to warrant acclaim by native speakers in almost every language they used in the game.

  • KarmaKarma Likes yoga Icrontian

    lol I find it incredibly over acted. reaper, roadhog, hanzo, and soldier are some of the most laughably ridiculous character voices, and voice lines. Like so serious and no whiff of any fun.

    Some are incredibly bland. I can't even remember a McRee, genji, zarya, ana or mercy line outside their ultimate call outs. I know pharahs because I play her a shit ton but they aren't great.

    some are corny, but at least some what fun. Winston, dVA, junk rat, and mei.

    some I actually kinda like. tracer, lucio, zenyatta ("death is whimsical today" always make me chortle), torb.

    The fact that the other languages are done well is really nice. However, I still find most of it to be ridiculous and not all that enticing. there are some really good exchanges in the game which is basically the only time they actually show any character or personality. Any exchange with rein is fun, and dva lucio exchanges are fun. all the solo lines are pretty eh and if I hear A-mei-zing, or Ahhhh afk, or Happy Birthday again imma flip.

  • ZanthianZanthian Mitey Worrier Icrontian

    Full list of changes:

    New Skill Rating System:

    • Ranging from 1-5000 which gets rid of the fractional increments
    • If you win or lose, you'll be going up/down whole numbers.
    • For "Top 500 Players" there will be a requirement of having played at least 50 matches

    Introducing Skill Rating Tiers:

    • 7 tiers
    • Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master and Grand Master
    • Gold (Level 2000-2499)
    • For all tiers besides Master and Grand Master, you won't be allowed to drop lower for the season. So if you reach Gold you won't ever drop down to Silver even if you drop below the initial requirement for that tier
    • Season rewards will be based on what tier you reach

    Sudden death is going away completely:

    • Control Maps: There is no sudden death. Games still play best out of 5
    • Assault Maps: Will still play like the Season 1 time bank system
    • Changes to Assault: Bonus 30 seconds after the first initial cap. This is so that the game doesn't instantly end if the attacking team captures the first point in overtime.
    • Changes to Payload and Hybrid Payload maps: There will be no Sudden Death. Instead, teams will play on a time bank system similar to Assault. If your team finishes the map with time to spare, you'll later get a second round on Attack to see how far you can push the payload the second time.
    • Originally when you captured a point with 30 seconds left, it would bump up your timer to 2 minutes. * That will be decreased to 1 minute.
    • There will be ties but it will be very rare
    • Ties only apply if: Both teams don't push the payload at all & If both teams don't cap Point A
    • If a tie happens, both teams will receive CP but it won't be as much as a win

    Competitive Points received is being increased by x10:

    • So if you have 50CP now, that'lll be converted to 500CP in Season 2
    • The cost of Golden Weapons will increase to reflect this
    • Smurfing will be addressed
    • The skill gap limit between one player to another will be 500 levels.
    • Example: If you're level 2000, you can only play with other players between 1500-2500
    • They're aware that it's a tough one to get right due to many players legitimately playing with friends with a wide skill gap. This system will be tested in PTR and will be adjusted based on feedback to balance it correctly.

    Skill Rating Decay:

    • Only applies to top end players
    • If you're within Diamond, Master and Grand Master your level will decrease by 50 every 24 hours if you don't play for Competitive for a week
    • This has a floor limit so you won't drop infinitely.
    • This system is meant to keep top players constantly playing to keep their high rank instead of just stopping once they reach it
      All of this is subject to change based on feedback during PTR so do give it a shot and give them your thoughts!
  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian

    For all tiers besides Master and Grand Master, you won't be allowed to drop lower for the season. So if you reach Gold you won't ever drop down to Silver even if you drop below the initial requirement for that tier

    That is a fantastic tweak. This will remove a huge chunk of the elo hell stress that players feel in competitive games. Have a couple bad matches or awful randoms in your team and it won't completely destroy your ranking.

  • MyrmidonMyrmidon Baron von Puttenham California Icrontian

    @Karma said:
    there are some really good exchanges in the game which is basically the only time they actually show any character or personality. Any exchange with rein is fun, and dva lucio exchanges are fun. all the solo lines are pretty eh and if I hear A-mei-zing, or Ahhhh afk, or Happy Birthday again imma flip.

    I've found the exchanges to be a lot better, too. But, I mean... at this point, Reaper's character is made fun of for being goth-teenager levels of edgy, and Blizzard's writing and character dev has been accused of being juvenile more than once. They've got the same problems they've always had in the VA dept.

    Overwatch is definitely better than WoW, but judging by the one-liners, the vocal direction doesn't seem to have changed. No matter how much I look around, though, I can never figure out who it is... or if there's even a discrete vocal director. They've GOTTA have one, right? Big budget business like Blizzard? There're also a lot of new voice actors in this crop; the only voice actor I recognized without looking any of them up is Darin De Paul, so that brings a bit more freshness (and less of that learned 'cheesy energy') to the script.

  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian

    New map on the way:

  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian

    @UPSLynx said:

    That is a fantastic tweak. This will remove a huge chunk of the elo hell stress that players feel in competitive games. Have a couple bad matches or awful randoms in your team and it won't completely destroy your ranking.

    Wish RL would do this.

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    @Thrax said:
    New map on the way:

    One guess where the Bastion story is going to take place in a couple days here?


  • FargeFarge Icrontian
    edited August 2016

    @Karma said:
    lol I find it incredibly over acted. reaper, roadhog, hanzo, and soldier are some of the most laughably ridiculous character voices, and voice lines. Like so serious and no whiff of any fun.

    Some are incredibly bland. I can't even remember a McRee, genji, zarya, ana or mercy line outside their ultimate call outs. I know pharahs because I play her a shit ton but they aren't great.

    some are corny, but at least some what fun. Winston, dVA, junk rat, and mei.

    some I actually kinda like. tracer, lucio, zenyatta ("death is whimsical today" always make me chortle), torb.

    The fact that the other languages are done well is really nice. However, I still find most of it to be ridiculous and not all that enticing. there are some really good exchanges in the game which is basically the only time they actually show any character or personality. Any exchange with rein is fun, and dva lucio exchanges are fun. all the solo lines are pretty eh and if I hear A-mei-zing, or Ahhhh afk, or Happy Birthday again imma flip.

    Reaper is an edgelord joke, even in game characters make fun of him for that.

    I find it odd that you put McCree on the list of ones that are bland. I hate the character, but I definitely have no trouble remembering that spur booted, flash banging, cowboy talkin', reaper insulting, ana complimenting, high noon-in' son of a gun.

    This was a much longer post before I cut it down, but Ana still gets her own paragraph. How much have you been exposed to her? She has some of the best exchanges in my opinion (Though I do wish Blizzard would code it so Reinhardt's "Where have you been, I thought you were dead" comes before the two old fogeys hitting on each other, rather than the other way around). Shit man, put an Ana and a Widowmaker on the same team. (the joys of quickplay) Widow is bitter and spiteful while Ana just doesn't give a fuck. Ana and Reaper, Ana and 76, Ana and Phara, so many good exchanges. She has so many great situational lines for shutting down ults too (My favorite being "I think Justice should take a little nap" to Phara) I know she has one for Winston as well, and probably others I am less frequently able to knock out. I've been playing a lot of her recently and really enjoying her.

    Reinhardt makes everything better. I really like the exchange you get when there are two tracers on a team though. (Also Have a nice day > Happy Birthday)

    Edit: Fixed quote

  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited August 2016

    Season 2 updates are coming, and there are some interesting changes on PTR.

    • The projectile size change is being reverted. Welcome back ludicrous Hanzo headshots?
    • Ults that drain the ult meter fall off in .25 seconds instead of 1
    • D.Va's defense matrix has a 1-second delay before regen
    • Hanzo's speed while aiming improved 10% (40->30), and max projectile speed bumped 30%
    • Mei's blizzard projectile will now go through barriers, and range increases from 8 to 10 meters
    • Mercy's HPS increased 20%, resurrected allies can move after 2.25s (was 3)
    • Genji's wall climb doesn't reset double jump, dash doesn't damage or avoid traps, swift strike doesn't interrupt melee attacks, and Dragonblade is now 6s, down from 8s.
    • Lucio's movement speed boost under Amp It Up reduced to 70% from 100%
    • If Roadhog chains somebody and they move out of his LOS before the retracting starts, they'll teleport back to the hook location to avoid wall sliding
    • Zenyatta's Discord drops to 30% damage amplification, and his offensive orbs now do 46 damage instead of 40. HIS damage should be roughly the same, but the lower discord will prevent others from nuking as well.

    They also fixed yet MORE bugs with Reaper's Shadow Step taking him places he shouldn't be. :p

  • LevexLevex Animal Whisperer Iowa Icrontian

    @Thrax said:
    New map on the way:

    I am kinda of excited about this map! I hope it's a fun one.

  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian

  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian

    PTSD Bastion is so sad :(

  • RahnalH102RahnalH102 the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature Enthusiast New Mexico Icrontian
  • CantiCanti =/= smalltime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9K18CGEeiI&feature=related Icrontian

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