


  • Instrument-MechanicInstrument-Mechanic SF Bay Area
    edited October 2006
    Sledge, What is the difference between the 256 and 512 GPUs... I wonder what I paid the extra 100.00 bucks for? If you could find that out when you are running this down, that might also be a good point to share here.
    Personally, my biggest concern is not the performance, cause like you said, the extra memory isnt that big an issue, especially if one where to change the driver! My concern is, did some of us pay for nothing... or is there a difference in product beyond a driver.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    Well the fact you got a 7600 is the main reason why the increase in price happened, as your other choice was a 7400
  • Instrument-MechanicInstrument-Mechanic SF Bay Area
    edited October 2006
    Graphics Card (help me decide)
    Bring your favorite applications and games to life blah bla bla

    256MB NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) Go 7600 Included in price

    512MB NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) Go 7600 +$125.00
    Here are the options from the HP site (costcos is very similar)

    My question is If I had bought the dv9000t with the 256Mb Go 7600 option, would it use 256Mb from its own memory, or would it be 128 + 128 shared with ram.

    Basically, did we get hosed by HP when we (others that purchased this configured laptop) paid the extra money for the 512Mb option?

    (BTW I dont doubt your theory about the 512MB = 256 + 256 shared)
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    Most likely 128MB and 128MB as when they first released the 7600 it was just like the 7400 but had a faster core of 70Mhz,and 2 more pixel shaders :)

    It isn't my theory it is proven fact! which came from HP and my buddies laptop test... I only report my findings, and what I am told.. unless 3 rep's at HP are all wrong and my buddies laptop is broken I would conclude I am right. But hey there have been times where I was in fact wrong....
  • ThermalfishThermalfish Melbourne, Australia
    edited October 2006
    So we have a misleading advertising issue.

    I work in the field (advertising), and am now cringing at the potential problems this will cause for HP.
  • Instrument-MechanicInstrument-Mechanic SF Bay Area
    edited October 2006
    Most likely 128MB and 128MB as when they first released the 7600 it was just like the 7400 but had a faster core of 70Mhz,and 2 more pixel shaders :)

    It isn't my theory it is proven fact! which came from HP and my buddies laptop test... I only report my findings, and what I am told..

    Ok, well then as long as we get more ram with the 512Mb, then we did get something for the extra money... however misleading, I dont think anyone will take them to court over it :rant:

    How about the questions in post# 21...
    HD configuaration & the OS disc... can anyone shed some light :confused2
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    How about the OS Recovery disc: I was told by HP (taken with a grain of salt) that the HP OS recovery has an image of the win XP mce, home or pro OS that is better than the one that the computer can make. Is this true? Does it have the drivers (which would be great, especially the quick play 2.3 that I have heard is no where to be found)?

    When I got my laptop I created the recovery disc on 4 DVD disc, right when I first started to play with the machine, as it prompts you to do that ASAP. "which is a good thing" I have reformatted my laptop 2 times now, and if you minus the time it took to burn the backup DVD's I would say the install is allot faster that way rather than the MC disk I got. As I had to DL the drivers from HP's website..."HP has slow DL's" when using the MC disc. The joy of the recovery discs is it finishes and than you can work right away with all the components up and running. Now you might want to update those drivers regardless, but it should work 100% after the install.
  • maxclarkmaxclark In a hole in the ground
    edited October 2006
    so is it settled then that the 7600 graphic card isn't 512MB????
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    It runs 512MB on the graphics side, if you have over 384MB of ram installed :) which they all ship with 1GB so in all it runs with access upto 512MB.
  • maxclarkmaxclark In a hole in the ground
    edited October 2006
    so it is 512MB??? or that 256 dedicated plus 256 shared with the system RAM???
  • edited October 2006
    Personally Ill decide once I get mine because others who on it say differently. Such as this post from another forum.

    I checked using dxdiag, and it said I have 512mb of integrated RAMDAC, and 2046mb of system ram.

    Hope this helps,


    So Ill just have to wait and see myself.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    To note my 7400 says the same thing. I have 256MB of integrated RAMDAC but I know for a fact it is a 128MB integrated and shares the other 128MB...
  • edited October 2006
    But doesnt it register when you look under system properties? I have yet to see a system that didnt tell you there when part of the system ram doesnt belong to the system
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    Here is what mine says word for word under the dxdiag info "Display 1" :)

    Name: Nvidia GeForce 7400 Go
    Manufacture: Nvidia
    Chip Type: GeForce 7400 Go
    DAC Type: Integrated RAMDAC
    Approx. Total Memory: 256.0 MB
    Current Display Mode: 1680 x 1050 (32 bit) (60Hz)
    Monitor: Default Monitor
  • edited October 2006
    No not there. When you look under properties under my computer. Of course if your giving the vid card more ram it will show under DxDiag. Under properties of my computer it will also show you have 128megs less of ram than you put in the machine.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    Sorry shows 256MB on system properties and my ram shows as 2GB total... I have no idea what your talking about it showing it using less.
  • edited October 2006
    Because when you take from the system ram and give it to the video card it doesnt register as system ram anymore. Least thats the way it has always worked in the past on any system sharing ram with the video card.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    well sorry to break the news to you on this, but my system shares 128MB of ram from memory, and uses 128MB of onboard and in all places that report memory used it says 256MB and in my computers system Properties it show 2.00 GB of Ram.... and not 1.920GB of ram anywhere :) I understand what your saying but HP doesn't report it that way....
  • edited October 2006
    Well all well and good my system finally has shipped and it will be here in a couple of days. I have now also spoken with an HP tech as well as HP sales department. All of which have said its discrete ram as the website says. Also others who have it say its discrete. Also the DV8 and DV9 do not share the same mother board as a tech pointed out there are items on both that are not on the other as well as ports in different places. You have to change the printed wire board for that.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    Believe what you want, but I have proven that it is not 512MB of ram onboard. With a physical dv9000t in front of me! What more do I have to say? or post? you keep saying you have spoken with rep's and whoever else, But I myself have also spoke with rep's on numerous occasions based on this sole post. I have also physically seen the dv9000t and checked its settings at staples and Best Buy. I have also done the test with my buddy’s dv9000t which concluded my stance... I have a ton of cold hard facts pointing against what you’re trying to say.
  • edited October 2006
    Well acording to others with the same dv9000t in front of them they are saying different. Had HP lied about the ram there would be a lot of people calling in about that fact 1gig in system or not. As I also stated I dont know a system yet that doesnt report ram as being shared and acts like everything is dedicated. But again Ill have my system in a few days.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    I have built a ton of machines that use Nvidia 6200's with turbo cache and they are all set in the bios to use 256MB of system memory and none of them show the total amount being deducted off the systems memory. But they all show using 320MB of memory in the dxdiag settings....

    Unless I see an image of the inside of the Laptop with images showing me the 8 memory modules equaling 512MB of ram I will be sticking with my findings.
  • edited October 2006
    turbocache if not mistaken is what makes it have the ability to split the ram correct?
  • Instrument-MechanicInstrument-Mechanic SF Bay Area
    edited October 2006
    Byrds6, When did you place your order for your dv9000t? I ordered mine on the 18th, with a build date of 9/28... yet I have no email saying it was shipped. I know from expirence that Costco is slow to send confirm emails of shipped items from hp though...

    What are your dates?

    separate issue... does anyone have a dv9000t with the 256Mb option (standard) so we can compare what numbers they get? I dont care about exact numbers as long as we got a better video card for the money.. DIG?
  • edited October 2006
    My order was placed on Sep 19 and was shipped today Oct 3rd. If you chose the 2ghz CPU I know its causing a considerable time delay if you go by customizing on their website.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    Byrds6 wrote:
    turbocache if not mistaken is what makes it have the ability to split the ram correct?

    The 6200TC version gives the option to add 256MB of onboard memory. and runs standard on 64MB of memory, the cheaper version comes with 32MB.
  • edited October 2006
    But turbocache is what allows the video card to share memory with the system right?
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    yes TC is the tech, or is what NVIDIA calls the tech.... But isn't what these card use...they have some other name for the 7600 and 7700's now.... dang it what is the name? My Nvidia rep was telling me about it.. they are using it in the 7700's also...
  • edited October 2006
    Well, after doing more research Ill have to still say it has dedicated ram. I have been to other sites that discuss this very same aspect, such as this one.

    If you scroll torward the bottom it starts talking about the 7600go and it having 512 DEDICATED ram. The HP DV9000t is not the only system which has this either as the Asus A8Jm and zepto 6615 and also has a 512 meg dedicated video card. So I would have to say you might want to have your friend check his machine or you might want to relook at your findings. All these people can not be wrong. Not to mention now you would be also talking that multiple computer companies are falsly advertising their machines by saying dedicated if it wasnt.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    The simple test of adding only 256MB of memory and having his GC show only 256MB of memory proved the system was taking from the memory... As when we put 1 GB chip in the system showed it at 512MB again.
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