


  • edited October 2006
    Well guy I dont know what to tell you but there are countless systems with dedicated ram listed. So whatever the cause you are still incorrect in saying its not so. Three different systems from three different companies say they are dedicated. Other people with the same 7600go 512 meg cards say its not shared as well. Are we to belive only you are the correct person because you say so. I will have to go with the mass of other people, other companies that have this card and the more than one model floating around. Tubrocache is still used up to the 7400 which has shared ram. The 7600 and up does not use turbocache because it is not shared.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    LOL… I would believe my own physical testing before any post I have read online or heard from anyone. Truth in you’re own test speak a million words. I have broken apart many computer systems and laptop in my life and feel I have the experience to stand behind my own tests. Unless some shabby wool has been drawn over my entire computer lifes eyes, either my buddy got shafted from HP and has a 7400 that reads as a 7600 and shares memory…. Or someone at Hp is lying…

    Now I can say HP lied out right but I don’t know to whom as I have spoken with HP reps online and on the Phone about this issues and have gotten the same story… that the 7600 512MB GC uses shared memory, I even posted one of the chat sessions earlier in this thread.... I am not making this stuff up as I go, I am only going but what I have seen in tests and what has been told to me by HP. By you also have spoken to HP and have a different story.
  • edited October 2006
    As pointed out its not JUST HP saying 512 megs DEDICATED ram. As well as I put in a recent post that youd have to say Asus is also lying as well as Zepto. So youre saying all three computer companies are lying about their system specs and have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to their electronics. All of which have broken down, repair, built more systems than you. Not to mention the other people who own the HP system as well as the two Asus systems and the Zepto system that say its dedicated ram. Also, like I said, turbocache isnt used the the 7600 and up because its not shared ram.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    I never said Turbo Cache was used for the 7600 I would like to see where i said that...

    Also the company in question is HP and not ASUS or Zepto. So to accuse me of saying they are doing something wrong would be a false accusation... As I have not said anything about their product nor have I used either of them to know what they have equipped.

    The fact stands I have solid proof on my side that the dv9000t uses shared memory in the model they dub as a 512MB Graphics card... Sure HP could have lied to either of us about the Graphic Cards etc... But nothing you are saying overrides the fact that the dv9000t I tested showed only 256MB of memory when less than 384MB of system memory was installed and than it showed 512MB of memory when over 384MB of system memory was installed.
  • edited October 2006
    Sure I can because of the simple fact one of your refrences is that you spoke with an Nvidia rep and they told you they do not make a 7600go with 512 megs of dedicated ram. But yet there are other companies other than HP boasting what you say isnt so. So sure I can point out the other companies as well.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    You do realize Nvidia doesn't make any of their cards right? So hence my statement is true... AOpen and XFX make reference cards for Nvidia, in which neither of them make a 7600 the is equipped with 512MB.

    Now ASUS makes Graphic cards for Nvidia so i can see how they would sport a 512MB version without my Nvidia rep knowing about it. ASUS makes tons of things based on Nvidia's GPU's that no other company makes.

    Also I should have said I asked tmy Nvidia rep about this and he was the one who first told me HP uses shared memory.
  • maxclarkmaxclark In a hole in the ground
    edited October 2006
    hey, Sledge,,,,so fine...ill accept that it is a 256 card plus 256 shared....but i am wondering if you think it is worth paying the extra money to make it
    512MB????? i mean even though it is 256 when it shares the extra 256MB will it still run like a 512MB???
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    The fact remains at a yes, I do think the 512MB card is worth it, if it is or if it is not dedicated 512MB. There is always a premium for having the best, and most of the time I am willing to pay for it.
  • maxclarkmaxclark In a hole in the ground
    edited October 2006
    cool thanks sledge....ohh and one quick question...so since 256MB is shared with the system RAM then does that mean that if you have 2GB ram that now you will 2GB minus the 256 that is shared??? will that affect the performance of the computer???
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    The way the system shares the memory is a bit odd, as any card that shares any memory will only use it if it is needed, and only than will the system show it is using what is allowed to be allocated. So in theory if your PC does not need the extra ram it will not use it. Also 2GB of memory for a laptop is a lot, and increase the performance a ton... The only time your system is going to take a hit in performance is when your running multiple app's, or some of today’s new games.

    I know Company of Heroes uses 1.12GB of memory on my laptop. and if I have a torrent program along with my AIM, MSN and maybe a few other app's, my memory usage peaks in the 1.67GB used :)
  • edited October 2006
    Well I got my dv9000t today. Being I ordered it with only 512megs of ram I did the same test you said you did. You might want to have your friend return his laptop. The system has a 512meg DEDICATED ram video card. It is in no shape form or fashion shared ram.
  • maxclarkmaxclark In a hole in the ground
    edited October 2006
    so, Byrds6, you are saying it is DEDICATED??? which one is it???
  • edited October 2006
    It IS most definately DEDICATED vram. Like I said I did the same test he said he did with only a 256meg chip and it is still reported as a 512meg card as stated by HP. No ifs not ands no buts about it. Now I only wish I had purchased better 1gig chips as if I run PCpitstop it says my ram has low performance. Of course I have nothing else to compare it to to know how many megs the ram is suppose to be able to do per second. But according to PCpitstop it should be around 5100 and mine is like 4600
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    Like I said until I see the mobo with 8 modules of ram... My test still shows me my findings.
  • edited October 2006
    Well, my 9000t shipped from HP yesterday - so maybe I'll have it early next week (I hope!). Is there anything I can do to help put the 256 vs. 512 card issue to rest? I did pay for the 512 card, so assuming I change drivers to the tweaker ones (and remove the HP ones), that would probably prove or disprove this, right?

    I can't wait to get the system!
  • edited October 2006
    Yeah bud and I stand by what I saw with my own eyes. I at this point dont care what you have stated as it is now sitting in front of me and you were just WRONG.
  • edited October 2006
    And just to further show you how wrong you were I also contacted Nvidia about the ram being dedicated.

    Discussion Thread
    Response (PS) 10/06/2006 05:35 AM
    Hello Scotty,

    Thank you for contacting NVIDIA Customer Care and apologies for the delayed response.

    I understand that you want to know if GeForce Go 7600 512 MB is made by HP, Asus and Zepto and if they use the shared memory or the dedicated memory.

    Yes, the GeForce Go 7600 512 MB is manufactured by HP, Asus and Zepto and they have the dedicated memory.

    Please feel free to contact us, if you have any further questions.


    NVIDIA Customer Care

    Customer (Scotty Byrd) 10/04/2006 08:50 AM
    Does the 512meg 7600go in Laptops made by HP, Asus, and Zepto use shared ram or is it dedicated as advertised?
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    LOL... I have the dv9000t infront of me as we speak and am still getting the same results :) explain that? Also why would Hp's tech say this?


    You keep saying I am wrong but yet I have proven my case over and over again...

    I mean you have to admit it is a bit wierd we have 2 differewnt stories from the same people.
  • edited October 2006
    Then you better check your machine. Not only have I proved your findings wrong by doing the test you say you have done but also from Nvidia themselves who say opposite of what you say. Either way this disccusion as now over as I know for FACT what is in front of me. If you cant admit you were wrong then thats just bad on you. Although I do hope folks dont only take your advice on things but go look a little more themselves to find the answers they seek.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    Once again why would I say I am wrong when the results I have from this dv9000t say's otherwise? The chat sessions form HP say otherwise and I have a Nvidia rep that says other wise. I have only come to my conclusion based on those facts. ...

    To Note: I always encourage members and visitors to look into things themselves, as you have done. You do have convincing proof your laptop is not using shared memory, but I also have proof that this laptop is sharing memory... so where is the line drawn? Did HP make some shared and some not? it is a fluke in this model? I know the dv8000t's had big issues between builds... so to that point we both have our own findings and I wish the best of luck to anyone buying the dv9000t as it is a great laptop and runs perfectly fine. 512MB or not 512MB :)
  • edited October 2006
    And I suppose you have proven your case by saying you talked to so and so and looked at a machine? Well I guess I have also proven my case as well. Not only have I spoken with HP but also Nvidia and posted from their site their response and also did the same test you supposedly did. Its also a known fact that Turbocache which is how nvidia allows their chipsets to use system memory is not in the 7xxx series cards past the 7400. They have not just stopped using it being thats their answer to ATIs Hypermemory. Either way this is my last post on the subject. I know whats in front of me. Other people will draw their own conclusions but hopefully they will also know not to listen to just one single person. Good day to you.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    test you supposedly did
    you keep saying that... why would I lie about it? I did the test.. you want screenshots to prove it?

    The first images shows the laptop with 256MB of Physical Memory, the 2nd shows it with a 1GB chip installed.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    Is there perhaps two different revisions of the same "model" of laptop?
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    That is very possible....
  • edited October 2006
    first is with 256 the second is with 2gig
  • edited October 2006
    im going to end this conversation now about the memory being dedicated or not. it is dedicated. go here: http://www.nvidia.com/object/go_7_series_techspecs.html and use your eyes to read and u will see it comes with 512 dedicated. o, i got mine yesterday :).
  • Instrument-MechanicInstrument-Mechanic SF Bay Area
    edited October 2006
    Help me out here, I cant see any 512Mb dedicated memory specification.. where does it say it? (please highlight and paste it)

    I just got mine too!
  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited October 2006
    I can almost guarantee you that it is only 256 mb of dedicated memory. I've talked to hp support yesterday about my parents machine, and I remembered seeing this, so I asked the question, and he said that it was only 256mb discrete memory.
  • edited October 2006
    It is 512megs if you purchased the 512meg card over the 256meg one.
  • edited October 2006
    this 4 instrument and airborn who have trouble reading. hence the little 1 asterisk. read more carefully plz.
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