HELP! Asus A7N8X-LA bios needed
If anyone can find this bios and the flash util for it I would greately appreciate it, right now Im stuck with a stock HP bios that is totally locked up and I cant do anything with this computer. Anything I want to do with it is impossible cuz my hands are tied due to the bios having just about everything hidden from the bios menu :banghead: If anyone can help or maybe just maybe someone knows of a 'backdoor' to the normal bios menu that gives you clock freq and stepping etc.... I will bow to you as a GOD
Thanks anyone if you can help me.
oh tidbit the A7N8X-LA is considered basically a A7N8X-VM but with firewire support as far as Ive seen the whole board is identical in chipsets except for the additional firewire interface. dont know if that might be helpful info. I was going to give it a shot and just try reflashing to the A7N8X-VM bios but...... since I dont have an original one for the LA I wont (maybe I can find a bios image grabber and just save this original one???)

oh tidbit the A7N8X-LA is considered basically a A7N8X-VM but with firewire support as far as Ive seen the whole board is identical in chipsets except for the additional firewire interface. dont know if that might be helpful info. I was going to give it a shot and just try reflashing to the A7N8X-VM bios but...... since I dont have an original one for the LA I wont (maybe I can find a bios image grabber and just save this original one???)
Asus A7N8X-LA BIOS for an HP Pavillion 735N System
BIOS Revision 3.14, dated Sept 26, 2003.
BIOS Update application occurs in Windows (scarry, eh?) and will then restart the system.
Remember... if it screws up... it's not my fault
how do you know it was tech support from India? And you are calling Indian tech's stupid? Wow have you ever called someone over here in the US itself? I called bellsouth as my connection went down and they blame it on the security system in my apartment...thats how stupid the american tech support people are, no wonder jobs are getting outsourced to India as labor is cheap and help is much better. I am Indian myself living in Atlanta, I know how this stuff dont flame like an ignorant fool.
Sorry to go off topic, but I had to get this off my chest...
I told the guy that no PCMCIA card by any manufacturer would work in my notebook, and he told me to call the PCMCIA card manufacturer. I said 'which one'? And he said 'pick one.' I had to call Linksys, just because Compaq/HP tech support would NOT let me get warranty service until I called tech support for a PCMCIA card first, and then I called HP back and got a different tech support guy, told him everything, and finally got my warranty service. Turns out I was right, and the PCMCIA slot had gone bad, but the first guy refused to admit it, because his database told him it had to be an incompatible card.
AMD Athlon XP 3000+
1024mb PC2700
256mb Geforce FX 5700 @ 500MHz core and 606MHz memory.
this f**king locked up motherboard
and so on...
we people with the locked BIOS need HELP!!!!
Good luck!
Reason I said they are idiots is cuz because they are. They do nothing but follow a stupid flow chart and have no EXPERIENCE in hardware nor software debugging. Perfect eg. your HD is failing its SMART check and its only 9 months old and under warranty, its whining like a baby with a dirty diaper, and it takes them 2 hours on the phone to explain to them what is the problem and that you need a HD shipped to you to be R&R'd. That is a perfect and REAL example of pathetic tech support. BTW if they could speak the language (not all but probally about 50% in calls Ive made so far) fluently it would help alot more. 4 times I had to tell them to transfer me to someone else, and btw I work with East Indians at a pharamcutical plant, and I can understand them fine. HP is just a bunch of idiots and only reason they shipped the tech support over there is cuz they are using voice over IP and its not costing them really squat. Im guessing no-one so far has been able to find out how to unlock this bios?
I have a Athlon 3000+ 2.17 Ghz 333FSB and in device mngr I now have a 2200+ 1.17Ghz........
Been on the phone with Compaq, Hp etc and they are all idiots as I know more than them, or should i refrase that as they had me stripping my machine whilst paying for the calls and problem not sorted.
I am looking for a BIOS update as I think
I recently raided(0) my pc with 2 120 Gig hard drives, proud of myself
sir-clarence go into your bios, and look for a option title load optimized default or something close and chose that option and then save and exit bios, that should get your CPU speed back to where it was supposed to be.
Also, this will involve a certain amount of risk of fubarring your bios, so be prepared to be buying a replacement mobo if something screws up.
The best bet would be to drop the $80 and get the -VM/400 version and an extra $20 for a Firewire card and swap the MB out if you want to upgrade CPUs, OC, etc.
MB A7N8X-LA and
CP AMD Athlon XP 2500+.
The nVidia nTune utility allows you to overclock in seconds.
Here's the link:
Does this help anyone ?
I remember trying the nTune utility when first available; since the IGP-based MB isn't supposed to be able to handle memory above DDR333, my system locked up as soon as I bumped the clock. If you don't use the onboard video, I believe you can OC, but I haven't tried that.
My computer has DDR333, and can go from 1.8Ghz to 2.2 Ghz using nTune, with no apparent strain.
that was before I terminated the MB with what at the time looked like an interesting BIOS update
3.7 =>3.12 bad idea
3.12=>3.7 wouldn't work, so I tried
3.12=>3.21 and he he, now I'm on a P3 at 730mega !
Has anyone successfully replaced an A7N8-LA ? If so, with what ?
All answers appreciated, though experience preferred to recommendations...
Unplug the computer.
Remove the CMOS battery.
Let the computer sit for a couple minutes.
Insert the battery again.
Try to access BIOS.
If that doesn't work, repeat the process, but this time let the computer sit without the battery for an hour or two.
(Sorry, I don't know your experience level.)
Great, thanks, I'll try taht right now. I tried doing it, but taking battery only for few min. Also tried to play with the jumpers next to the battery. As well as memory, video, and power supply swaps. Nothing worked so far